Try it on web browser and get mobile app! (see below)
Current version is 1.0.1 with reworked design.
Lastest card set included: The Great Dark Beyond (released 2024-11-06)
Please note that this project is an experiment with VueJS framework and Progressive Web App, maintained on free-time without guarantee :)
Simple Hearthstone tracker. Just track your win and loss. On app you'll find:
- your current rank and star (standard/wild)
- how many win needed until next rank milestone
- global winrate, detail by hours of play
- winrate with each deck
- persist data in local browser storage
- stats against opponent's deck types
- charts on rank progress, deck winrates
- set notes on deck types
- import deck types from server
- arena/duel tracker (and gold refund)
- card pack opening stats
Next steps:
- ...
Trackerstone is a Progressive Web Application, meaning that it's designed to work both on web browser and mobile app.
With your mobile device, go on Trackerstone page, then:
You have a smart browser, it will ask you by itself if you want to add Trackerstone.
Or basic way: open the menu and select "add to home screen".
Now you can just click on the Trackerstone icon on your device to open a fullscreen application!
Mobile app orientation is landscape defined, as you should use Hearthstone game landscape as well.
Note: according to your phone configuration, switching on app may reload Hearthstone game.
Deck type and deck now have a card illustration on their background. These illustrations are coming form HS Data project. You can change this illustrations by selecting the desired card name when editing deck type or deck.
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
If issue with node-sass on npm-install
rm -rf node_modules
rm package-lock.json
npm cache clean --force
npm install