Project task from Back-End Intermediate Class.
This project is a learning outcome through the platform The aim is to enable students to create a RestfulAPI rich in features, including data validations, database relations, auth with JWT Token, MQ, File Storage, and Server-Side Cache.
Link to MQ Consumer: dicoding-back-end-intermediate-mq-consumer
- Project Set Up
- TO DO API.v1
- TO DO API.v1 Details
- TO DO API.v2
- TO DO API.v2 Details
- TO DO API.v3
- TO DO API.v3 Details
Create the ".env" file with the following data below:
# Server config HOST=localhost PORT=<desired port> # node-postgres config PGUSER=<your psql user> PGHOST=<your psql host> PGPASSWORD=<your psql password> PGDATABASE=<your psql database name> PGPORT=<your psql port> # JWT config ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY=<random string> REFRESH_TOKEN_KEY=<random string> ACCESS_TOKEN_AGE=<duration in ms> # RabbitMQ config RABBITMQ_SERVER=<your RabbitMQ server> # Redis config REDIS_SERVER=<your Redis host>
Then run this command
npm install npm run pgm up
If you do TRUNCATE tables, make sure to re-add default album data (id: album-unknown) into "albums" table.
VALUES('album-unknown', 'Unknown', 1945)
- Albums endpoint.
- Songs endpoint.
- Data validation.
- Error handling.
- Using Database.
- "/albums/{id}" endpoint response array of Song on Album too.
- Query params for songs endpoint.
- Registration and Authentication Users.
- Playlist endpoint.
- Implement Foreign Key on Database Tables.
- Data validation for new endpoints.
- Error handling for new endpoints.
- Keep features from API.v1.
- Collaborations on Playlists Feature.
- Activities endpoint for Playlist Log History.
- Keep optional features from API.v1.
- Export playlist feature. MQ Consumer: dicoding-back-end-intermediate-mq-consumer
- Upload album cover feature.
- Like and Unlike albums feature.
- Server-Side cache.
- Keep features from API.v2.
No optional task yay.
Back to Top | Optional Tasks | TO DO API.v2 Details | TO DO API.v3 Details
*any: Any string, but not null.
Album obj structure:
"id": "album-<unique-id-here>",
"name": "lorem ipsum",
"year": 2012
*any: Any string, but not null.
*?: Can be null or undefined.
Song obj structures:
- Main structure.
"id": "song-<unique-id-here>",
"title": "Lorem Ipsum",
"year": 2008,
"performer": "John Doe",
"genre": "Indie",
"duration": 120,
"albumId": "album-id"
- Only for GET /songs endpoint.
"id": "song-<unique-id-here>",
"title": "Life in Technicolor",
"performer": "Coldplay"
POST /albums
- name: string, required.
- year: number, required.
PUT /albums
- name: string, required.
- year: number, required.
POST /songs
- title: string, required.
- year: number, required.
- genre: string, required.
- performer: string, required.
- duration: number.
- albumId: string.
PUT /songs
- title: string, required.
- year: number, required.
- genre: string, required.
- performer: string, required.
- duration: number.
- albumId: string.
- Validation Error Response:
- status code: 400 (Bad Request)
- response body:
{ "status": "fail", "message": <any but not null>, }
- Not Found Error Response:
- status code: 404 (Not Found)
- response body:
{ "status": "fail", "message": <any but not null>, }
- Server Error Response:
- status code: 500 (Internal Server Error)
- response body:
{ "status": "error", "message": <any but not null>, }
Use PostgreSQL to store data. So the data will not be lost if the server is down.
Use dotenv to manage environment variables that store credentials for accessing database.
Back to Top | Back to Mandatory Tasks | TO DO API.v3 Details
"status": "success",
"data": {
"album": {
"id": "album-Mk8AnmCp210PwT6B",
"name": "Viva la Vida",
"year": 2008,
"songs": [
"id": "song-Qbax5Oy7L8WKf74l",
"title": "Life in Technicolor",
"performer": "Coldplay"
Make the GET /songs support query params for searching.
- ?title: Search song based on title.
- ?performer: Search song based on performer.
Note: Both queries can be combined ( ".../songs?title=lmao&performer=pisan" )
Back to Top | Optional Tasks | TO DO API.v1 Details | TO DO API.v3 Details
*any: Any string, but not null.
- Username must unique.
- Using JWT token for Auth.
- JWT token payload contains userId.
- JWT token secret key value stored on envs as ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY and REFRESH_TOKEN_KEY.
*any: Any string, but not null.
- Restrict endpoint (Need "access token" to access).
- GET /playlists returns owned playlists (And collab playlists if exist).
- Collaborator (if exist) can access songs (add, get, and delete) from playlist, but only owners can delete their own playlists.
- Only valid songId can be add/delete to/from playlist.
- GET /playlists
"status": "success",
"data": {
"playlists": [
"id": "playlist-Qbax5Oy7L8WKf74l",
"name": "Lagu Indie Hits Indonesia",
"username": "dicoding"
"id": "playlist-lmA4PkM3LseKlkmn",
"name": "Lagu Untuk Membaca",
"username": "dicoding"
- GET /playlists/{id}/songs
"status": "success",
"data": {
"playlist": {
"id": "playlist-Mk8AnmCp210PwT6B",
"name": "My Favorite Coldplay",
"username": "dicoding",
"songs": [
"id": "song-Qbax5Oy7L8WKf74l",
"title": "Life in Technicolor",
"performer": "Coldplay"
"id": "song-poax5Oy7L8WKllqw",
"title": "Centimeteries of London",
"performer": "Coldplay"
"id": "song-Qalokam7L8WKf74l",
"title": "Lost!",
"performer": "Coldplay"
Obj Playlist for Database:
"id": "playlist-Qbax5Oy7L8WKf74l",
"name": "Lagu Indie Hits Indonesia",
"owner": "user-Qbax5Oy7L8WKf74l"
- Table songs related to albums.
- Table playlists related to users.
- etc.
POST /users
- username: string, required.
- password: string, required.
- fullname: string, required.
POST /authentications
- username: string, required.
- password: string, required.
PUT /authentications
- refreshToken: string, required.
DELETE /authentications
- refreshToken: string, required.
POST /playlists
- name: string, required.
POST /playlists/{playlistId}/songs
- songId: string, required.
The previous error handler is still in use, but there is a new handler for Auth.
- Authorization Error:
- status code: 401 (Unauthorized)
- response body:
{ "status": "fail", "message": <Any, but not null> }
- Restrict Error:
- status code: 403 (Forbidden)
- response body:
{ "status": "fail", "message": <Any, but not null> }
- Albums Feature.
- Songs Feature.
- Validations for Songs and Albums Endpoints.
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*any: Any string, but not null.
- Only the owner of the playlist can add or remove collaborators from the playlist.
Collaborator access rights:
- Collaborated playlists also shown on "GET /playlists" endpoint data.
- Can add/get/delete songs to/from playlist.
- Can see playlist activities too (If already implemented).
This feature is used to record the history of adding and removing songs from playlists by users or collaborators.
Endpoint: GET /playlists/{id}/activities
Response example:
- Status Code: 200
- Body:
{ "status": "success", "data": { "playlistId": "playlist-Mk8AnmCp210PwT6B", "activities": [ { "username": "dicoding", "title": "Life in Technicolor", "action": "add", "time": "2021-09-13T08:06:20.600Z" }, { "username": "dicoding", "title": "Centimeteries of London", "action": "add", "time": "2021-09-13T08:06:39.852Z" }, { "username": "dimasmds", "title": "Life in Technicolor", "action": "delete", "time": "2021-09-13T08:07:01.483Z" } ] } }
- Songs list from album detail.
- Query param for search songs.
Back to Top | TO DO API.v1 Details | TO DO API.v2 Details
Server Route:
- Endpoint: POST /export/playlists/{id}
- Body Req (JSON):
{ targetEmail: <string> }
Server Response:
- Status code: 201
- Body Res:
{ "status": "success", "message": <any string but not null> }
Using RabbitMQ.
- The RabbitMQ server host value must be stored in the environment variable as RABBITMQ_SERVER.
Only owner can export his/her own playlists.
The export result is in JSON format file.
{ "playlist": { "id": "playlist-Mk8AnmCp210PwT6B", "name": "My Favorite Coldplay Song", "songs": [ { "id": "song-Qbax5Oy7L8WKf74l", "title": "Life in Technicolor", "performer": "Coldplay" }, { "id": "song-poax5Oy7L8WKllqw", "title": "Centimeteries of London", "performer": "Coldplay" }, { "id": "song-Qalokam7L8WKf74l", "title": "Lost!", "performer": "Coldplay" } ] } }
Also create the consumer source code in a new project, not in this one. With condition below.
- Send the export result through email using nodemailer.
- SMTP credentials value must be stored in the environment variable as MAIL_ADDRESS and MAIL_PASSWORD.
- SMTP server value must be stored in the environment variable as MAIL_HOST and MAIL_PORT.
- Send the export result through email using nodemailer.
Server Route:
- Endpoint: POST /albums/{id}/covers
- Body Req:
{ "cover": <image file> }
Server Response:
- Status code: 201
- Body Res:
{ "status": "success", "message": <any string but not null> }
Only MIME types of images are allowed to upload.
File max size is 512000 Bytes.
Local storage or AWS S3 are allowed to use.
- When using AWS S3 Bucket, the bucket name must be stored in the environment variable as AWS_BUCKET_NAME.
GET /albums/{id} must response uploaded coverUrl too.
{ "status": "success", "data": { "album": { "id": "album-Mk8AnmCp210PwT6B", "name": "Viva la Vida", "year": 2018 "coverUrl": "http://...." } } }
- coverUrl response an uploaded image.
- If cover not uploaded yet, then response null on coverUrl instead.
- When uploadig cover to an album that already has cover, the old cover are replaced.
*any: Any string, but not null.
- Liking or unliking an album is a strict resource so authentication is required to access it. This aims to find out whether the user has liked the album.
- If the user hasn't liked the album, then the "POST action /albums/{id}/likes" is to like the album. If the user has already liked the album, then the action is unliking.
- Implement a server-side cache on the number of likes on an album (GET /albums/{id}/likes).
- Cache expiration time: 30 minutes.
- The response header for cache result is "X-Data-Source" with "cache" value.
- Cache should be deleted every time there is a change in the number of likes on an album.
- Must use Redis (Memurai for Windows) memory caching engine.
- Redis Host value must be stored in the environment variable as REDIS_SERVER.
Of course 🙄.
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