Social Network Platform For Programmers (Full Stack Project)
Kasra (PM), Nathalie, Aline & Erin present
A social media website which connects programmers with projects. You can upload projects to search for collaborators or be a collaborator searching for a project.
- We will use Trello to keep track of the workflow. (Team KANE Board CODEBOOK)
- We will use GlooMaps to build a basic sitemap. (
- We will use Figma to build the WireFrame (
- We plan to work collaboratively but focus on making single pages each. Backend (SQL and PHP) will be mostly be handled by Kasra with involvement from everyone.
- Planning will be done with everyone.
- Design and branding will be considered by all and implemented by __.
- Kasra will host the Github and will manage the merges.
- We will work only on our own branch.
- HTML baseplate to be created after the wireframes are done. This will have basic layout in bootstrap already in place.
- SQL (MongoDB)
- Log-in page
- Registration page
- Profile page
- Home page (NEEDS AN EDIT FUNCTION) These can be used for source code to merge with the HTML baseplate
- Upload a project
- Search projects
- Search programmers
- Current projects (liked and engaged in)
- Programmer connections (liked and engaged in)