A lightweight module for simple Matrix operation. Simple and easy to use.
Thanks for checking this module.
It's my first one. Hopefully it's useful for you.
1 Class and 20 functions are in this module,
which will help you with basic opreations on Matrixs.
Please remember: All numbers of rows and columns start from ZERO. So a matrix 'A' with m rows and n columns, the last item should be 'A[m-1][n-1]'.
Here are introductions for all functions:
- Matrix Building
- Single Matrix Basic Opreation
- Deep copy: sm_copy()
- Legality check: sm_check()
- Number check: sm_numcheck()
- Convert to numbers: sm_number()
- Convert to strings: sm_str()
- Negative all elements: sm_negative()
- Absolute value: sm_abs()
- Single Matrix Operation
- Matrix transpose: sm_trans()
- Matrix conjugate: sm_conj()
- Matrix conjugate transpose: sm_con_trans()
- Determinant: sm_det()
- Inverse Matrix : sm_inverse()
- Algebraic Remainder: sm_alge()
- Class Smartix()
- OO Legality check: Smatrix()
- Clean Matrix: Smatrix().clean()
- OO Legality check: Smatrix().check()
- OO Number check: Smatrix().numcheck()
- Print by rows: Smatrix().view()
- OO Negative all elements: Smatrix().negative()
- Rotate: [: Smatrix().rotate()
- Transpose: Smatrix().trans()
- Conjugate: Smatrix().conj()
- Conjugate transpose: Smatrix().con_trans()
- OO Determinant: Smatrix().det()
- Inverse: Smatrix().inverse()
- Find a segment of a certain length in the matrix (Gomoku system): Smatrix().find()
- Matrix trace: Smatrix()trace()
- Multiple Matrix Operation
- Sum All: sm_sum()
- Subtraction: sm_minus()
- Multiplication with matrixs and numbers: sm_multis()
- Multiply: sm_multi_mm()
- Multiply with number: sm_multi_mn()
def sm_gen(row: int = 1, colume: int = 1, items=0, unit=False, eye=False):
- row - Number of row, for A(m*n) you need set to m
- colume - Number of colume, for A(m*n) you need set to n
- items - For filling
- unit
- True - Generate a unit matrix: row*row
- eye
- True - Ditto Return a new matrix(list).
def sm_cons(matrix, items=0, echo=0):
- matrix - A matrix need to be complement. For example:[[1,2],[1]]
- items - For filling
- echo
- True - Tell you are running complementor Return a new matrix(list).
def sm_copy(matrix):
Deep copy, just use it whenever you need change original matrix.
Return a new matrix(list).
def sm_check(matrix):
Check if every rows are in same length.
If True, return a tuple as (row, column), you can use as bool.
def sm_numcheck(matrix):
Check if all items are numbers. Run a sm_check() automatically.
Return True or false.
def sm_number(matrix, force=False):
- force
- True - Letters and '' will be 0 Return a new matrix(list).
def sm_str(matrix):
Return a new matrix(list).
def sm_negative(matrix):
Return a new matrix(list).
def sm_abs(matrix):
Return a new matrix(list).
def sm_trans(matrix):
Exchange lines and columns.
Return a new matrix(list).
def sm_conj(matrix):
Return a new matrix(list).
def sm_con_trans(matrix):
Return a new matrix(list).
def sm_det(matrix, force=False):
- force
- True - opreat even low != column
- False - only opreat when low == column Return a number.
def sm_inverse(matrix):
Return a new matrix(list).
def sm_alge(matrix, row:int , colume:int):
- row - the row should be ignored
- colume - the colume should be ignored Return a number.
class Smatrix:
def __init__(self, matrix, allnumber=False):
- allnumber
- True - run sm_numcheck()
- False - only sm_check()
def clean(self, items=0, echo=False):
- items - clean with this
- echo
- True - tell you it's cleaned Return a new matrix(list).
def check(self):
Same function as sm_check().
def numcheck(self):
Same function as sm_numbercheck().
def view(self):
Just pring, no return.
def negative(self):
Same function as sm_negative().
def rotate(self, method='exchange', step: int=1, force=False):
- method
- exchange - Exchange rows and columns
- ex | transpose | tr - Ditto
- clockwise - Rotate in clockwise direction
- clock - Ditto
- mirrorrow - mirror in horizontal direction
- mr | mh | mirror - Ditto
- mirrorcolume - mirror in vertical direction
- mc | mv - Ditto
- step - How many times to run
- force
- True - If unsuccessful, an error will be asserted Return a new matrix(list).
def trans(self):
Same function as sm_trans().
def conj(self):
Same function as sm_conj().
def con_trans(self):
Same function as sm_con_trans().
def det(self):
Same function as sm_det().
def inverse(self):
Same function as sm_inverse().
def find(self, string:str='', length=2, direct='all', echo=False):
Try to fin a segment that repeats, such as ['4','4','4'] in any direction!
- string - The single string, can be a number
- length - How many times repeats
- direct
- all - All direction
- a - Ditto
- row - Only search in rows - Priority: 0 (hightest)
- r - Ditto
- colume - Only search in columes - Priority: 1
- c - Ditto
- rowcolume - Only search in rows and columes
- rc | cr - Ditto
- oblique - Only search in oblique direction
- the \ - Priority: 2
- the / - Priority: 3 (lowest)
- o - Ditto
- echo
- False - Return True if find one
- True - Return (row, column) as the start point of first match
You should know a game called Gobang,
this function can be used to determine the outcome.
Of course, Othello is also ok.
def trace(self):
Return a number.
def sm_sum(\*matrixs, force=False):
- matrixs - can be two or more matrixs
- force
- True - Set '' or SPACE to 0
Error occurs with violated algorithm.
Return a new matrix(list).
- True - Set '' or SPACE to 0
Error occurs with violated algorithm.
def sm_minus(matrix_1, matrix_2, force=False):
- matrixs_1 - first matrix
- matrixs_2 - second matrix
- force
- True - Set '' or SPACE to 0
Error occurs with violated algorithm.
Return a new matrix(list).
- True - Set '' or SPACE to 0
Error occurs with violated algorithm.
def sm_multis(\*matrixs_or_numbers, force=False):
- matrixs - can be two or more matrixs and numbers
- force
- True - Set '' or SPACE to 0
Error occurs with violated algorithm.
Return a new matrix(list, even only one number).
- True - Set '' or SPACE to 0
Error occurs with violated algorithm.
def sm_multi_mm(matrix_1, matrix_2):
- matrixs_1 - first matrix
- matrixs_2 - second matrix
Error occurs with violated algorithm. Use sm_number() if you need.
Return a new matrix(list, even only one number).
def sm_multi_mn(matrix, number):
- matrixs_1 - first matrix
- matrixs_2 - anumber
Use sm_number() if you need.
Return a new matrix(list).
特别注意:所有行号(row)和列号(column)都从0开始。 即对于m行n列的行列式A,所有元素应该是A(0,0)到A(m-1,n-1)
- 矩阵建设函数
- 单矩阵基本处理
- 深度拷贝: sm_copy()
- 合法性检查: sm_check()
- 数字检查: sm_numcheck()
- 所有元素转换为数字: sm_number()
- 所有元素转换为字符: sm_str()
- 所有元素加负号: sm_negative()
- 所有元素绝对值: sm_abs()
- 处理单个矩阵的函数
- 矩阵转置: sm_trans()
- 矩阵共轭: sm_conj()
- 矩阵共轭转置: sm_con_trans()
- 行列式运算: sm_det()
- 逆矩阵 : sm_inverse()
- 代数余子式: sm_alge()
- 类Smartix下的函数
- 面向对象并检查合法性: Smatrix()
- 清空矩阵: Smatrix().clean()
- 检查合法性: Smatrix().check()
- 数字检查: Smatrix().numcheck()
- 按行列输出到屏幕: Smatrix().view()
- 所有元素加负号: Smatrix().negative()
- 任意旋转: [: Smatrix().rotate()
- 转置: Smatrix().trans()
- 共轭: Smatrix().conj()
- 共轭转置: Smatrix().con_trans()
- 行列式运算: Smatrix().det()
- 逆矩阵: Smatrix().inverse()
- 在矩阵里查找某方向某长度的片段(五子棋系统): Smatrix().find()
- 矩阵的迹: Smatrix()trace()
- 处理多个矩阵的函数
- 多矩阵求和: sm_sum()
- 两矩阵相减: sm_minus()
- 可包含纯数字的多矩阵相乘: sm_multis()
- 两矩阵相乘: sm_multi_mm()
- 矩阵和数字相乘: sm_multi_mn()
def sm_gen(row: int = 1, colume: int = 1, items=0, unit=False, eye=False):
- row - 行数
- colume - 列数
- items - 用于填充的元素
- unit
- True - 生成单位矩阵(仅参考row)
- eye
- True - 生成单位矩阵(和unit相同) 返回新矩阵(列表)。
def sm_cons(matrix, items=0, echo=0):
- matrix - 不全的矩阵,比如最后一行缺一个元素
- items - 用于填充的元素
- echo
- True - 提示你运行了本函数 返回新矩阵(列表)。
def sm_copy(matrix):
def sm_check(matrix):
def sm_numcheck(matrix):
def sm_number(matrix, force=False):
- force
- True - 将非数字元素转换为0 返回新矩阵(列表)。
def sm_str(matrix):
def sm_negative(matrix):
def sm_abs(matrix):
def sm_trans(matrix):
def sm_conj(matrix):
def sm_con_trans(matrix):
def sm_det(matrix, force=False):
- force
- True - 即便行列不相等也进行运算
- False - 仅行列相等时运算 返回数字。
def sm_inverse(matrix):
矩阵求逆。 返回新矩阵(列表)。
def sm_alge(matrix, row:int , colume:int):
- matrix - 用于处理的矩阵
- row - 求余子式的元素的所在行号
- colume - 求余子式的元素的所在列号 返回数字。
class Smatrix:
def __init__(self, matrix, allnumber=False):
- allnumber
- True - 强制进行一次sm_numcheck()数字检查
- False - 只进行sm_check()合法性检查
def clean(self, items=0, echo=False):
- items - 返回的矩阵仅包含这个元素
- echo
- True - 告知你运行了这个函数 返回新矩阵(列表)。
def check(self):
def numcheck(self):
def view(self):
将矩阵按照行列打印出来。 无输出。
def negative(self):
def rotate(self, method='exchange', step: int=1, force=False):
- method
- exchange - 转置,交换横纵
- ex 或 transpose 或 tr - 同上
- clockwise - 顺时针旋转
- clock - 同上
- mirrorrow - 沿着行方向翻转,即水平翻转
- mr 或 mh 或 mirror - 同上
- mirrorcolume - 沿着列方向翻转,即垂直翻转
- mc 或 mv - 同上
- step - 旋转执行多少次
- force
- True - 如果旋转执行失败(如或输入不合法)报错 返回新矩阵(列表)。
def trans(self):
def conj(self):
def con_trans(self):
def det(self):
def inverse(self):
def find(self, string:str='', length=2, direct='all', echo=False):
- string - 被寻找的元素,为空则寻找任意连续出现的元素
- length - 元素的长度,五子棋的话设置为5
- direct
- all - 在全部方向寻找
- a - 同上
- row - 仅在行里寻找 - 优先级:0(最高)
- r - 同上
- colume - 仅在列里寻找 - 优先级:1
- c - 同上
- rowcolume - 仅在行和列里寻找
- rc 或 cr - 同上
- oblique - 仅在斜方向寻找
- 左上到右下 \ - 优先级:2
- 右上到左下 / - 优先级:3(最低)
- o - 同上
- echo
- False - 返回True(找到)或False
- True - 如果找到,返回连续元素起点的坐标(靠上的) 可以作为五子棋判断胜负的函数。
def trace(self):
计算矩阵的迹。 返回数字。
def sm_sum(\*matrixs, force=False):
- matrixs - 接受的矩阵,可以为2个以上
- force
- True - 矩阵内的空格和字母会被作为0强制处理
- True - 矩阵内的空格和字母会被作为0强制处理
def sm_minus(matrix_1, matrix_2, force=False):
- matrixs_1 - 作为被减数的矩阵
- matrixs_2 - 作为减数的矩阵
- force
- True - 矩阵内的空格和字母会被作为0强制处理
- True - 矩阵内的空格和字母会被作为0强制处理
def sm_multis(\*matrixs_or_numbers, force=False):
- matrixs - 接受的矩阵或数字,可以为2个以上
- force
- True - 矩阵内的空格和字母会被作为0强制处理
- True - 矩阵内的空格和字母会被作为0强制处理
def sm_multi_mm(matrix_1, matrix_2):
- matrixs_1 - 作为被乘数的矩阵
- matrixs_2 - 作为乘数的矩阵
def sm_multi_mn(matrix, number):
- matrixs_1 - 作为被乘数的矩阵
- matrixs_2 - 作为乘数的数字