Chrome extension to execute code in 2 easy steps!
Curated list of project-based tutorials
This contains all my notes on various topics.
🚀 Ideas for everyone under a CC licence. Feel free to use. I'll send you a postcard if you build anything on this list.
TerminusDB is a distributed database with a collaboration model
⭐️ Companies that don't have a broken hiring process
Scanner Access Now Easy - universal driver for eSCL (Apple AirScan) and WSD
Introductory books produced by the ISTO Printer Working Group
Everything you need to know to get the job.
List of Research Internships for Undergraduate Students
A curated list of all the open-source internships/Programs
So your teacher asked you to upload written assignments? Hate writing assigments? This tool will help you convert your text to handwriting xD
An attempt to answer the age old interview question "What happens when you type into your browser and press enter?"
libcamera - Making complex cameras easy. This is a personal fork, please use the upstream repository at
A tool for integrating Git with Patchwork, the web-based patch tracking system
Aarogya Setu Android app native code
Collection of various algorithms in mathematics, machine learning, computer science and physics implemented in C++ for educational purposes.
Animation effects to text, not really textview
An Android text view with scrolling text change animation
List of DL topics and resources essential for cracking interviews