This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.
- Vaypp social network core, this repository is base of all project
Install PHP7.1 or higher
Install composer (
Install Ruby on Rails (version 2.4-) and Node.js (version: 8.1+)
Install SASS via gem (
gem install sass
) -
Install TypeScript via npm (
npm install -g typescript
) -
Materializecss required too
- VS Code (recommended)
- Atom
- Sublime Text
Compile the sass to css with just this line:
sass --watch sass:css --style compress
Use the tsconfig.json default this repository
- Use the
tsc --w
to watch the ts code and compile to js
- Use the key VAYP #0000 and the number of commit message (use the sequence numeric)
Eg: VAYP #00001
- For fix error use dot on end of commit message
Eg: VAYP #00001.1
- All the end of day OR
- When exists a major change OR
- Fixed error or bug
- Cesar Silva [email protected]