This repo generates the chains and provides the nessary files to run a Notary Node for TXSCL chains
For notary nodes, you need to do the usual things but a few steps are diffrent. You need to install komodo from libscott branch momo. The script will do this for you if using momo branch of this repo.
Install nanomsg
Install SuperNET from jl777 branch
git clone -b jl777 ~/SuperNET
You need the usual wp_7776 file, there is one in this repo that will source your passphrase from passphrase.txt
cp wp_7776 ~/SuperNET/iguana
You will also need to: cp m_notary_scale ~/SuperNET/iguana/
nano ~/SuperNET/iguana/passphrase.txt
Set your pubkey.txt
nano ~/komodo/src/pubkey.txt
Copy your pubkey.txt to SuperNET/iguana dir
cp ~/komodo/src/pubkey.txt ~/SuperNET/iguana/
Launch the chains
cd ~/komodo/src/
source pubkey.txt;./komodod -notary -pubkey=$pubkey
Once you have all 64 TXSCL chains running and synced. Import your private key:
./assets-cli importprivkey "private key"
cd ~/komodo/src
komodo-cli importprivkey "private key"
Once this is done and you have a balance in your address, launch m_notary_scale.
cd ~/SuperNET/iguana
Once this has loaded, do:
cd ~/ScaleTestV2
Everything should be working.