If starting a fresh VPS, use https://github.com/webworker01/freshubuntu to get you started.
On a low RAM VPS (less than 4gb), it's a good idea to add some swap memory (see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-add-swap-space-on-ubuntu-16-04)
- node v10+
- libsodium
- boost
- Redis (see https://redis.io/topics/quickstart for details)
- This is meant for Komodo mining
- Founders, Treasury, and other ZEC/ZEN specific stuff is removed
Some initial setup
cd ~
# git clone https://github.com/StakedChain/Knomp
git clone https://github.com/smk762/Knomp
cd ~/Knomp/install
cd ..
npm install bignum
To start redis we need to use a screen or a tmux session to put it into the background, so open one of these and then follow this:
cd ~/Knomp/install/redis-stable/src
./redis-server ../redis.conf
Then disconect from that tmux or screen session.
To generate a pool for every STAKED chain currently active, we need to start all the chains.
cd ~/Knomp/install
While waiting for the chains to start, we can edit our gencfg.sh
script with the address you will be solo mining to, and also change the stratum port if you want to do that (alternatively it will start at port 3030 and increment +1 for each coin listed in assetchains.json).
Once all these chains have synced up we can run our generator script: ./gencfg.sh
There are 2 files generated in this folder from this script, stratufwenable
and stratufwdisable
these scripts unblock and block the stratum ports we will be using. Just run enable, to unblock the ports and disable to block them again.
Here we will install and run the stratum.
cd ~/Knomp
npm install
To run Knomp, you need to have a config.json file in the ~/Knomp directory. For basic use, the default example is fine.
cp config_example.json config.json
Now we can start Knomp!
npm start
Thats it. You pool is configured for solo mining. For a public pool, you would need to edit the template files and run gencfg.sh
again or edit each pool_config generate file manually.
To check which coin has which port:
cd ~/Knomp/pool_configs
ls (to list the coins)
cat <coin name> (to print the config file, from there find the port parameter)
Forked from @webworker01's great work who forked it from:
Forked from ComputerGenie repo (deleted)
Released under the GNU General Public License v2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Forked from z-classic/z-nomp which is licensed under MIT License (See Old/LICENSE file)