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SourceFuse AWS Reference Architecture (ARC) Terraform module for managing Workspaces.


To see a Microsoft AD example, check out the file in the example folder.

module "microsoft-ad-workspace" {
  source                             = "sourcefuse/arc-workspace/aws"
  version                            = "1.0.9"
  region                             = var.region
  vpc_id                             =
  subnet_ids                         = data.aws_subnets.private.ids
  directory_type                     = var.directory_type
  directory_name                     = var.directory_name
  directory_size                     = var.directory_size
  self_service_permissions           = var.self_service_permissions
  workspace_access_properties        = var.workspace_access_properties
  workspace_creation_properties      = var.workspace_creation_properties
  workspaces_service_access_arn      = data.aws_iam_policy.workspaces_service_access.arn
  workspaces_self_service_access_arn = data.aws_iam_policy.workspaces_self_service_access.arn
  user_names                         = var.user_names
  workspace_properties               = var.workspace_properties
  volume_encryption_key              = var.volume_encryption_key
  ip_rules                           = var.ip_rules // change it according to your requirement
  tags                               = module.tags.tags

To see a AD Connector example, check out the file in the example folder.

module "ad-connector-workspace" {
  source                             = "sourcefuse/arc-workspace/aws"
  version                            = "1.0.9"
  region                             = var.region
  vpc_id                             =
  subnet_ids                         = data.aws_subnets.private.ids
  directory_type                     = var.directory_type
  directory_name                     = var.directory_name
  directory_size                     = var.directory_size
  self_service_permissions           = var.self_service_permissions
  workspace_access_properties        = var.workspace_access_properties
  workspace_creation_properties      = var.workspace_creation_properties
  workspaces_service_access_arn      = data.aws_iam_policy.workspaces_service_access.arn
  workspaces_self_service_access_arn = data.aws_iam_policy.workspaces_self_service_access.arn
  user_names                         = var.user_names
  customer_dns_ips                   = var.customer_dns_ips
  customer_username                  = var.customer_username
  workspace_properties               = var.workspace_properties
  volume_encryption_key              = var.volume_encryption_key
  ip_rules                           = var.ip_rules // change it according to your requirement
  tags                               = module.tags.tags

Both Examples look similar but the difference between them is customer_dns_ips and customer_username which is required for ADConnector but not required for AWS Managed Microsoft-AD


For user_names attribute which is shown in example. There are two approaches you can follow

  1. If you want to create custom user_names so you have to first run terraform apply and then create custom user names in workspace manually and specify here that username and re-run tf apply so that workspace with custom-username gets created with appropriate configuration.

  2. By default you can specify Administrators , Admins here which are default in directory and that will create workspace

  3. if you specify custom user_names which can be any number make sure if you specify, lets say 5 custom user_names then terraform will create 5 workspaces for each user.

  4. custom user_names need to be created manually as mentioned in 1st point as there is no functionality in terraform to achieve this as of now.

  5. if you leave user_names attribute empty then no workspace will get created , only directory will get created and iam-roles etc.

  6. example to specify custom user_names

variable "user_names" {
  description = "List of usernames to create workspaces for"
  type        = map(string)
  default     = {
     "mayank.sharma" = null
     "james.crowley" = null
     "travis.saucier" = null

As we specified three custom user_names that means three workspaces for each user will get created

  1. Last thing but not the least and this is very important that if you are trying to deploy in us-east-1 then below AZs are supported. When you are creating a virtual private cloud (VPC) for use with Amazon WorkSpaces, your VPC's subnets must reside in different Availability Zones in the Region where you're launching WorkSpaces. Availability Zones are distinct locations that are engineered to be isolated from failures in other Availability Zones. By launching instances in separate Availability Zones, you can protect your applications from the failure of a single location. Each subnet must reside entirely within one Availability Zone and cannot span zones. Here is the picture of supported Availability Zones For Workspaces.

availability zones


Name Version
terraform >= 1.5, < 2.0.0
aws >= 4.0, < 6.0
random ~> 3.0


Name Version
aws 5.17.0
random 3.5.1


No modules.


Name Type
aws_directory_service_directory.ADConnector resource
aws_directory_service_directory.microsoftAD resource
aws_iam_role.workspaces_default resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.workspaces_default_self_service_access resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.workspaces_default_service_access resource
aws_security_group.workspace resource
aws_ssm_parameter.ad_connector_password resource
aws_ssm_parameter.ad_password resource
aws_workspaces_directory.directory_ADConnector resource
aws_workspaces_directory.directory_microsoftAD resource
aws_workspaces_ip_group.nat resource
aws_workspaces_workspace.workspace resource
random_password.ad_connector_password resource
random_password.ad_password resource
aws_iam_policy_document.workspaces data source
aws_workspaces_bundle.bundle data source


Name Description Type Default Required
bundle_id The ID of the bundle to use for the workspaces. string null no
customer_dns_ips Connect settings for ADConnector. list(string) [] no
customer_username Connect settings for ADConnector. string "" no
directory_name must be a fully qualified domain name and cannot end with a trailing period string "" no
directory_size The size of the directory (Small or Large are accepted values). Large by default. string "Small" no
directory_type Type of the directory service (MicrosoftAD or ADConnector). string "MicrosoftAD" no
egress_rules List of egress rules
from_port = number
to_port = number
protocol = any
cidr_blocks = optional(list(string), [])
"cidr_blocks": [
"from_port": 0,
"protocol": -1,
"to_port": 0
iam_role_name workspace iam-role-name string "workspaces_DefaultRole" no
ingress_rules List of ingress rules
from_port = number
to_port = number
protocol = string
cidr_blocks = optional(list(string), [])
"cidr_blocks": [
"from_port": 443,
"protocol": "tcp",
"to_port": 443
ip_group_description Description of the IP access control group string "nat-gateway-ip-list control group" no
ip_group_name Name of the IP access control group string "nat-gateway-ip-list" no
ip_rules List of IP rules
source = string
description = string
[] no
region AWS region string "us-west-2" no
security_group_description Description of the security group string "My security group description" no
security_group_name Name of the security group string "workspace-SG" no
self_service_permissions Self-service permissions configuration.
change_compute_type = bool
increase_volume_size = bool
rebuild_workspace = bool
restart_workspace = bool
switch_running_mode = bool
"change_compute_type": false,
"increase_volume_size": false,
"rebuild_workspace": false,
"restart_workspace": true,
"switch_running_mode": false
ssm_ad_connector_parameter_name ssm parameter name for microsoft AD string "/workspace/Connector/password" no
ssm_parameter_name ssm parameter name for microsoft AD string "/workspace/microsoft-ad/password" no
subnet_ids private subnet_ids list(string) n/a yes
tags tags to add to your resources map(string) n/a yes
user_names List of usernames to create workspaces for map(string) {} no
volume_encryption_key encryption key string "" no
vpc_id default vpc string n/a yes
workspace_access_properties Workspace access properties configuration.
device_type_android = string
device_type_chromeos = string
device_type_ios = string
device_type_linux = string
device_type_osx = string
device_type_web = string
device_type_windows = string
device_type_zeroclient = string
"device_type_android": "ALLOW",
"device_type_chromeos": "ALLOW",
"device_type_ios": "ALLOW",
"device_type_linux": "ALLOW",
"device_type_osx": "ALLOW",
"device_type_web": "DENY",
"device_type_windows": "ALLOW",
"device_type_zeroclient": "ALLOW"
workspace_creation_properties Workspace creation properties configuration.
custom_security_group_id = string
default_ou = string
enable_internet_access = bool
enable_maintenance_mode = bool
user_enabled_as_local_administrator = bool
"custom_security_group_id": "",
"default_ou": "",
"enable_internet_access": false,
"enable_maintenance_mode": true,
"user_enabled_as_local_administrator": true
workspace_properties Workspace properties configuration.
compute_type_name = string
user_volume_size_gib = number
root_volume_size_gib = number
running_mode = string
running_mode_auto_stop_timeout_in_minutes = number
"compute_type_name": "VALUE",
"root_volume_size_gib": 80,
"running_mode": "ALWAYS_ON",
"running_mode_auto_stop_timeout_in_minutes": 60,
"user_volume_size_gib": 10
workspaces_self_service_access_arn workspaces self service access from aws string n/a yes
workspaces_service_access_arn workspaces service access from aws string n/a yes


Name Description
workspace_bundle_id The ID of the AWS Workspaces bundle.
workspace_directory_id The ID of the AWS Workspaces directory.
workspace_properties The properties of the AWS Workspaces.
workspace_root_volume_encryption_enabled Whether root volume encryption is enabled for the AWS Workspaces.
workspace_user_name The username of the AWS Workspaces user.
workspace_user_volume_encryption_enabled Whether user volume encryption is enabled for the AWS Workspaces.
workspace_volume_encryption_key The encryption key used for AWS Workspaces volumes.

Git commits

while Contributing or doing git commit please specify the breaking change in your commit message whether its major,minor or patch

For Example

git commit -m "your commit message #major"

By specifying this , it will bump the version and if you don't specify this in your commit message then by default it will consider patch and will bump that accordingly




  • Configure pre-commit hooks
    pre-commit install


  • Tests are available in test directory
  • Configure the dependencies
    cd test/
    go mod init
    go get
  • Now execute the test
    cd test
    go test


This project is authored by:

  • SourceFuse ARC Team


Repo for managing the Workspace Terraform Module.







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