Hi there! This is my personal repo for the #100DaysOfCode Challenge. I started it in 21 of March 2018.
The main reason I started this challenge is that I the coding world really affascinates me. I'm even studying computer science at university! But I found myself lacking of coding skills. I get stuck really easily when I'm coding something, and I don't really know how to handle situations when sometimes breaks itself. How can I study computer science if I don't even know how to handle coding?!
So, this is it. This is my repo. It will be focused on Swift mainly, because:
- I find that it's simple but powerful enough to get things done;
- I'm attending the Apple Developer Academy (at least when I wrote this!), so it would be a shame to learn some other languages, don't you think? :P
- Working with macOS, it's a natural consequence to learn Swift;
I don't know if you will be interested in my daily works, but if you are, you can find my daily log by clicking here!
Have fun and keep coding! :)