Releases: JuliaReach/Flowstar.jl
Releases · JuliaReach/Flowstar.jl
Flowstar v0.2.4
Closed issues:
- 0 Flowpipe Handling (#9)
- Wrong number of dimensions being parsed (#10)
assumes fixed time stepping. (#14)- Per variable TM order (#16)
- Error parsing flowpipes independent of
(#20) - Add ProgressLogging Support (#24)
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for TaylorModels at version 0.6, (keep existing compat) (#1) (@github-actions[bot])
- Flowstar_jll & CI (#2) (@agerlach)
- Parser to TaylorN (#3) (@agerlach)
- (Draft) Parse to TaylorModel1{TaylorN} (#4) (@agerlach)
- Model creation (#5) (@agerlach)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for TypedPolynomials at version 0.3, (keep existing compat) (#6) (@github-actions[bot])
- add flowstar compat bound (#7) (@agerlach)
- Add GitHub Codespace support (#8) (@agerlach)
- Incomplete Flowpipe Parsing (#11) (@agerlach)
- Update Project.toml (#12) (@agerlach)
- Adaptive time stepping domain support (#13) (@agerlach)
- Assert existence of flowpipes and test (#15) (@agerlach)
- State dependent adaptive TM order (#17) (@agerlach)
- reorganize functions (#19) (@agerlach)
- fix parsing with no polynomial terms (#21) (@agerlach)
- add examples to readme (#22) (@agerlach)
- Progress logging support (#25) (@agerlach)
- Add vim to devcontainer (#26) (@agerlach)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for ProgressLogging at version 0.1, (keep existing compat) (#27) (@github-actions[bot])