(.venv) ➜ MusicInsights git:(main) ✗ python main.py -h
usage: main.py [-h] [-s {api,file}] [-d DIR] [-j] [-c]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s {api,file}, --src {api,file}
Set the source from which to load the library.
-d DIR, --dir DIR Change the origin (when using the file as a source)and destination directory of the library.
-j, --json Specifies if the program should save a json file in the output directory.
-c, --create_playlists
Specifies if the program should create playlists by decades.
- Downloads all your liked songs from Spotify and related data and stores it in three files:
- All the data is stored in human-readable JSON files, this serves as a backup and for loading the data later on.
- Data stored for songs (songs.json): Time when it was liked, artists, duration, if it is explicit, ID, name, popularity, track number, if it is local, corresponding album ID and disk number.
- Data stored for albums (albums.json): Artists, ID, name, release date, release date precision, songs, total tracks, genres, label and popularity.
- Data stored for artists (artists.json): Artist name, ID, followers, genres and popularity.
- Creates a playlist that group your liked songs by decades: This has the caveat that remastered albums will appear in recent years instead of the original release date.
- You need a
. Go to https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard and create one app. Copy the client id. - Modify music_insights/spotify/credentials.py and at the following line:
client_id = ...
paste theclient_id
. - Add the following redirect URL to the APP settings: http://localhost/.
- Authorize the email from the Spotify user you want to read/write data to.
$ cd $PROJECT_ROOT/music_insights
$ python3.11 -m venv ./.venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python music_insights/main.py --create_playlists_by_decades
If you want to debug and run the tests also do:
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
If you are using Docker all the requirements are always installed by default.
To run all the tests and checks (mypy, pytest, flake8, isort, etc):
docker compose -f docker/compose.yml up --build test
To run the application with your custom flags:
docker compose -f docker/compose.yml run --entrypoint "python main.py -h" main