From The Odin Project curriculum, This project uses a graph data structure and the Breadth First Search algorithm to find the shortest path from a starting square to a destination square for a knight on a chessboard.
- The concept of a graph data structure as well as its implementation using adjacency list and adjacency matrix.
- The conditions under which a specific graph implementation should be selected. In this project, a adjacency list was chosen for its space efficiency and speed when traversing the edges connected to a given vertex.
- Using Breadth First Search(BFS) algorithm to find the shortest path between two points by searching vertices one layer at a time. it uses a queue to manage the unvisited neighboring vertices of the vertex that is currently being visited. a Set data structure keeps track of visited vertices to prevent infinite traversal. Additionally, a Map data structure tracks the parent vertex of each neighboring vertices, aiding in path reconstruction upon reaching the target vertex.
- Map and Set data structure, a Map functions like an object but supports keys of any type, a Set resembles an array but only allows unique values to be stored within it.
Create a fully playable chess game with the ability to play against an ai as well as another human player