Next.js Social Network for Developers. GitConnect allows developers to create a developer profile/portfolio, share posts and get help from others developers
For the initial phase, the simple GitHub Project Management tool was used. gitConnect GitHub Project
Architecture diagrams, onboarding instructions, research and brainstorming docs are done using Notion. gitConnect Notion Docs
- Install Appwrite locally on Docker.
For easier setup.
cd appwrite-docker
then run docker compose up -d
See more info at
- Go to http://localhost and signup.
- Create a new organization and project both with id gitconnect
In case you face issues with SMTP, you may need to enable it manually. Go to http://localhost/console/project-gitconnect/settings/smtp and enable the Custom STMP server.
You should be able to access your emails at http://localhost:8025
host - host.docker.internal
port - 1025
username and password blank
protocol - none
- Install Appwrite cli
npm i -g appwrite-cli
appwrite login --endpoint "http://localhost/v1"
- While inside the appwrite directory, run
appwrite push all --all --force
to sync your local setup with this project's resources.
When you push for the first time, your functions may not have scopes attached to them. Current hack is:
Proceed to on of the functions UI page e.g. http://localhost/console/project-gitconnect/functions/function-user-profile-trigger/settings
Select any scope and update.
Go back to your terminal and run appwrite push all --all --force
This should detect all the scopes and update them accordingly.
- Go to client directory
npm i
- Create a
based on the provided.env.example
- Use the env variables for Appwrite from your local Appwrite account.
npm run dev