- Install:![Alt text](Shelf_image2.jpg)
- Configure: aws configure
- List data: aws s3 ls s3://anyoneai-datasets/SKU-110K/SKU110K_fixed/
- mkdir data
- Download data in to data folder: aws s3 sync s3://anyoneai-datasets/SKU-110K/SKU110K_fixed/ SKU110K_fixed or now you can download from
- Delete corrupt images :
- We obtained a list of the corrupted images from the Bad Peggy application and ran it locally.
You can use Docker
to easily install all the needed packages and libraries:
- CPU:
$ docker build -t casjar_obj_detect --build-arg USER_ID=$(id -u) --build-arg GROUP_ID=$(id -g) -f docker/Dockerfile .
- GPU:
$ docker build -t casjar_obj_detect_gpu --build-arg USER_ID=$(id -u) --build-arg GROUP_ID=$(id -g) -f docker/Dockerfile_gpu .
- CPU:
$ docker run --rm --net host -it \
-v $(pwd):/home/app/src \
--workdir /home/app/src \
casjar_obj_detect \
- GPU:
$ docker run --rm --net host --gpus all -it \
-v $(pwd):/home/app/src \
--workdir /home/app/src \
casjar_obj_detect_gpu \
$ python3 scripts/ "/home/app/src/data/SKU110K_fixed/images" "/home/app/src/data/SKU110K_fixed/annotations" "/home/app/src/data/SKU110K_fixed/data_v2"
- Run the model:
- In the terminal run:
- git clone
- To download the dataset with the missing spaces run the next code:
rf = Roboflow(api_key="YOUR API KEY HERE")
project = rf.workspace("final-project-object-detection-for-instore-inventory-management").project("empty-spaces-in-a-supermarket-hanger-1upsp")
dataset = project.version(26).download("yolov5")
Open and run the notebooks located in notebooks/ folder in the following order:
- EDA Make an exploratory data analysis.
- Training_notebook Train the first model with Yolov5 and fine-tune the model with the Missing-spaces dataset
- Evaluation Evaluate your trained models in the test set.
- To run the services need to use compose:
$ docker-compose up --build -d
- The best model obtained is moved to the model/models folder for use in the API.