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KT-58834 Analysis API: Add source shadowing feature to resolve extensions
Performance Improvements
KT-57515 LL FIR: Performance bottleneck in CompositeModificationTracker.getModificationCount
KT-59266 K2: optimize FirElementBuilder.getOrBuildFir for elements outside body
KT-59454 K2: drop resolve from org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.fir.components.KtFirVisibilityChecker#collectContainingDeclarations
KT-59453 K2: completion regression from org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.fir.components.KtFirVisibilityChecker#collectContainingDeclarations
KT-59189 Analysis API: KtFirKDocReference.resolveToSymbols is slow
KT-58125 K2: LL FIR: KtToFirMapping.getElement is slow for KtUserTypes due to on-air resolution of types
KT-59240 K2: FirLazyResolveContractViolationException: lazyResolveToPhase(IMPORTS) cannot be called from a transformer with a phase IMPORTS from superTypes
KT-58499 K2: FirLazyBlock should be calculated before accessing
KT-57966 K2: Analysis API: Reference Shortener does not work correctly when called on entire file
KT-60954 K2: Analysis API: Reference shortener does not work correctly with variable assignments
KT-57743 K2 IDE: StackOverflowError from LLFirSessionCache for simple JPS project with cyclic dependencies
KT-61026 K2 Scripts: FirLazyExpression should be calculated before accessing from on-air resolve
KT-61009 K2 Scripts: KtFirExpressionTypeProvider: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSource
KT-60357 K2 IDE. Reified types parameters are not resolved in a function body
KT-60317 K2 IDE. IAE "This method will only work on compiled declarations, but this declaration is not compiled" on invoking Find Usages for enum method in library
KT-60706 K2 IDE: FirJvmTypeMapper is not found for kotlin.kotlin-stdlib-common
KT-60552 K2: merge StateKeeper and lazy body calculator for ANNOTATIONS_ARGUMENTS_MAPPING transformer
KT-60641 Analysis API: Scope for class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.impl.ConeClassLikeTypeImpl not found exception when stdlib is missing
KT-60638 K2: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSource
KT-54846 Analysis API: add isExpect/isActual to KtSymbol
KT-60448 FirLazyResolveContractViolationException: lazyResolveToPhase(COMPILER_REQUIRED_ANNOTATIONS) cannot be called from a transformer with a phase COMPILER_REQUIRED_ANNOTATIONS from AllOpen plugin
KT-59342 K2 IDE. FirLazyResolveContractViolationException: lazyResolveToPhase(TYPES) cannot be called from a transformer with a phase TYPES
KT-59687 K2: Implement proper body update for in-block modifications
KT-60132 K2: properties and functions without a name should be re-analyzable as well
KT-59199 K2 IDE: PSI changes which do not cause OOB modifications can be unseen from the FIR elements
KT-59667 Analysis API: PsiInvalidElementAccessException from JavaClassifierTypeImpl.substitutor
KT-59705 KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: No fir element was found for getter
KT-59697 AA standalone: JRT module paths are not properly populated in Windows
KT-59505 K2: implicit type lazy resolution doesn't work for delegated declaration from other module
KT-56426 K2 IDE: Typealised functional types cannot be rendered
KT-59598 AA: stackoverflow while simplifying a type with a recursive type parameter
KT-58497 K2: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef for initializer type of FirPropertyImpl(Source) but FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSource found
KT-59511 AA standalone mode creates Application Environment for tests
KT-58161 Analysis API: Make methods in KtCallResolverMixIn more distinctive based on their receiver/return type
KT-59093 Do not throw exception on KtCall resolution, KtCallElement.resolveCall should return null on unknown cases
KT-59243 K2: FirLazyResolveContractViolationException: lazyResolveToPhase(IMPORTS) cannot be called from a transformer with a phase IMPORTS from permits types
KT-58194 K2: Low Level API: use smart pointers to store references to PSI from FIR declarations for JavaElement
KT-59133 K2: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fir is not initialized for FirRegularClassSymbol
KT-58174 K2: LL FIR: Invalid type reference for T & Any type
KT-58500 K2: null cannot be cast to non-null type org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.FirPureAbstractElement
KT-58493 K2: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef for default value type of FirValueParameterImpl(Source) but FirUserTypeRefImpl found
KT-58496 K2: Expected FirNamedReference, FirErrorNamedReference or FirFromMissingDependenciesNamedReference, but FirExplicitSuperReference found
KT-58491 K2: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef or FirImplicitTypeRef for return type of FirDefaultPropertyBackingField(Synthetic) but FirUserTypeRefImpl found
KT-56550 LL FIR: implement parallel resolve for non-jumping phases
KT-58503 Analysis API: KtFirNamedClassOrObjectSymbol.visibility/modality do not trigger STATUS resolve
KT-57623 K2 IDE: ConcurrentModificationException from getSuperConeTypes
KT-58652 Native: Implement frontend checkers for HiddenFromObjC on classes
Performance Improvements
KT-59600 K2: CFG: do not add edges to nested classes and functions
KT-57860 K/N: Functions with default arguments of value/inline class types have poor performance due to value class boxing
KT-60387 K2: IDE K2: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.impl.FirArgumentListImpl cannot be cast to class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.impl.FirResolvedArgumentList"
KT-61228 False positive MUST_BE_INITIALIZED_OR_FINAL_OR_ABSTRACT_WARNING for effectively final properties
KT-61643 "Argument type mismatch" for mixed Java/Kotlin Project with Java 21
KT-62389 JDK 21: Cannot access class 'TimeUnit'. Check your module classpath for missing or conflicting dependencies
KT-56768 K2. No error description on incomplete try catch declaration
KT-52220 FIR + LightTree - Consider building a single tree on parsing into LightTree
KT-62027 "java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Empty list doesn't contain element at index 0" caused by ClassicExpectActualMatchingContext.kt when annotation @AllowDifferentMembersInActual used
KT-62747 Wrong warning message when overriding vararg with Array during actualization
KT-62655 Don't report a warning when new members and new supertypes are added to open expect actualization
KT-62313 Kotlin/Native Compiler crash: ClassCastException in IntrinsicGenerator
KT-60902 visibility vs upper bound expect actual matching conflict
KT-61095 K2: "IAE: source must not be null" from FirMultipleDefaultsInheritedFromSupertypesChecker
KT-47567 'Val cannot be reassigned' error not reported in unreachable code
KT-62127 "NoSuchFieldError: TRUE$delegate" on referencing companion's variable in submodule
KT-62335 Improve debuggability of code generator crashes
KT-61165 More than one overridden descriptor declares a default value for 'cause: Throwable?'. As the compiler can not make sure these values agree, this is not allowed
KT-62263 Turn "different expect/actual members" error into a warning
KT-61645 K2/KMP: Set stdlib-native before stdlib-commonMain in dependencies for shared native metadata compilation
KT-61924 Native: problem with abstract fake override from Any
KT-61933 K2: "Argument type mismatch: actual type is 'Foo<kotlin/Function0<kotlin/Unit>>' but 'Foo<kotlin/coroutines/SuspendFunction0<kotlin/Unit>>' was expected"
KT-60531 K2/JS: Report diagnostics before running FIR2IR
KT-32275 Embedding kotlin-compiler-embeddable into a Java EE App leads to CDI related deployment error
KT-57845 K2. Unresolved reference error on calling Java references with fully qualified name
KT-58757 K2: False-positive NON_PUBLIC_CALL_FROM_PUBLIC_INLINE error in case an inline fun is protected and is a part of an internal abstract class declaration
KT-59736 kotlinx.serialization + K2 + JS: e: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Symbol for kotlinx.serialization.json.internal/FormatLanguage.|-547215418288530576[1] is unbound
KT-59071 K2/MPP: internal declarations from common module are invisible in dependent source sets if there is more that one intermediate source set between
KT-61167 Runtime failure: ReferenceError: MyPromise is not defined
KT-61409 Kotlin/Native: crash in kmm-production-sample (compose-app) with escape analysis enabled
KT-57329 K/N IR linkage issues due to the combination of static caches w/ Lazy IR & Compose compiler plugin
KT-59247 Kapt+JVM_IR: AssertionError on anonymous object in enum super constructor call
KT-58576 K2: IR actualization problems in MPP scenario
KT-61442 K2: Consider stricter filtering on implicit integer coercion
KT-61441 K2: Wrong overload is chosen with ImplicitIntegerCoercion enabled
KT-59328 K2: property with compound getter and without explicit type: compilation failure, IAE "List has more than one element" at FirDeclarationsResolveTransformer.transformFunctionWithGivenSignature()
KT-61159 K2: OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION_AMBIGUITY between private top-level property in same file and top-level property in different module
KT-59233 K2: false-negative diagnostic on creating a callable reference to a function with free type variables
KT-61418 k2: ImplicitIntegerCoercion to List leads to "IllegalStateException: Cannot find cached type parameter by FIR symbol"
KT-61373 False positive: "The opt-in annotation is redundant: no matching experimental API is used" with multiplatform code.
KT-58884 K2: NotAMockException for mock testing with lambda expression with Maven
KT-58893 K2: MockitoException for mock testing with lambda expression with Gradle
KT-54786 MPP: "LazyTypeAliasDescriptor cannot be cast to class org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassDescriptor" caused by expected non-constant function argument on iOS if class is type aliased
KT-59753 K2: NotImplementedError when using annotation with vararg with default value from other module
KT-60883 K2: Fix testRequireKotlinCompilerVersion in LV 2.0 branch
KT-59747 K2: cannot actualize expect class to Unit via typealias
KT-61054 K2: "IAE: source must not be null" with -no-reflect on calling property getter with implicit invoke
KT-57126 [KLIB Reproducibility] Manifest is written using os-dependent line separators
KT-60850 K2: FIR2IR generates incorrect signature for fake overrides for common declaration if it called from a platform module
KT-59218 K2: return types of calls to @PolymorphicSignature methods inside try-expressions don't resolve to void when required
KT-56173 FIR: IrGenerationExtensions cannot see default values from expect declarations
KT-59611 FIR2IR: Unsupported callable reference for enum entry with clashing name
KT-59858 Kotlin Native: Compilation failed: Sequence contains more than one matching element, org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.lower.FunctionReferenceLowering$FunctionReferenceBuilder.buildClass(FunctionReferenceLowering.kt:644)
KT-58539 [K2] Ir actualization fails to match expect/actual declarations that use custom function types
KT-59775 'toString()' on Object returns different result with concatenation
KT-59737 K2: Actual class 'actual class FastArrayList : AbstractMutableList, MutableListEx, RandomAccess' has no corresponding members for expected class members because of different parameter names in Java
KT-59613 K2: Unhandled intrinsic in ExpressionCodegen exception in for expect function with default value in parameter
KT-59216 K2. Unhelpful unresolved reference when inheriting from interface with constructor call (K1 reports NO_CONSTRUCTOR instead)
KT-58908 K2. Internal error "kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property firType has not been initialized" on incomplete is
KT-56755 K2: Investigate failures related to line numbers with LT compilation enabled
KT-56139 K2: consider adding source element for implicit receivers
KT-57489 K2: Incorrectly generated line numbers in companion object access inside class
KT-58947 Run all existing codegen box tests with kapt stub generation
KT-58827 K2 reports ACTUAL_WITHOUT_EXPECT on the whole class
KT-54917 K2: ILT leak from a completed generic call
KT-56187 K2: type parameter's upper bound is ignored in callable references
KT-56186 K2: lack of type arguments in type constructor is ignored in callable references
KT-59356 K2: Restrict rules for matching of expect supertypes for actual class
KT-57217 K2: NoSuchMethodError on toChar call on java inheritor of java.lang.Number
KT-58356 K2: StackOverflowError with OptIn and Deprecated, while compiling Kotlin project
KT-57954 K2. Auto-generated "entries" member of enum class has higher priority than user-declared companion object with same name when language version is set to 2.0
KT-59508 K2: Make sure that warnings-severity nullability annotations are not perceived as reasons for nullability errors
KT-53820 FIR: mismatching error message for invisible reference/member
KT-58641 K2: PublishedApi has no effect when internal fun used in the test source set
KT-59461 K2: Erroneous null check when returning not-null typealias to nullable type
KT-58980 K2: Import of java field from companion's base breaks the compiler
KT-59140 K2: "Symbol public final static field is invisible" caused by java static field called in kotlin code
KT-59501 Escape analysis constructs arrays of negative size
KT-59452 apiVersionIsAtLeast calls in body of stdlib inline function may be evaluated on compile-time
KT-53967 [PL] Classifiers: Turning interface from fun to non-fun + adding member function causes Kotlin/JS fail: IAE: "Sequence contains more than one matching element"
KT-59346 Not working breakpoints on not initialized variables
KT-55993 Wrong current pointer: strange behaviour of debugger or compiler when two IFs and an uninitialized variable between them
KT-58335 K2: Exposed typealias from implementation dependency produces type mismatch in dependent module
KT-58719 K2: false-positive INVISIBLE_REFERENCE error in case of importing an internal abstract class
KT-57694 K2: False positive [NOTHING_TO_OVERRIDE] for a class overriding 'sort' method from the List collection
KT-58460 K2. return without argument became allowed for functions with return type Any
KT-49249 Incorrect nullability inferred for Throwable
KT-57429 K2: Fix computing a mangled name for members of a generic class that reference the class's type parameters in their signature
KT-57566 K2: Fix name mangling for functions that have dynamic type in their signature
KT-57818 K2: Fix FirMangleComputer to not include the "special" package name into mangled names of property accessors on non-JVM platforms
KT-57777 K2: Fix computing a mangled name for the synthesized entries property getter of an enum class
KT-57433 K2: Fix computing a mangled name for top-level functions and properties
KT-58553 k2: Annotation type arguments are lost in FIR2IR
KT-58184 K2: False negative INVISIBLE_MEMBER on destructuring declaration
KT-58637 K2: False negative ABSTRACT_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED on Entry of Enum with abstract member declaration
KT-54952 JvmSerializationBindings does not work with K2
KT-54844 FIR/Analysis API: create stubs for equals/hashCode/toString for data classes in FIR
KT-58555 K2: Generic property reference inside delegation misses type argument
KT-57648 FIR: move deprecation calculation on COMPILER_REQUIRED_ANNOTATIONS phase
KT-57049 K2 generates duplicates of symbols/declarations
KT-55723 K2: deprecations for enum entries are not resolved on the TYPES phase
KT-59033 Doesnβt support vararg parameter in annotation instantiation with empty arguments
KT-58780 JVM IR inline: local property delegation is not working for K2
KT-58779 JVM IR inline: correctly process special inlined block in value class lowering
KT-58720 Generate full InnerClass attributes for the standard library
KT-58215 K2: JVM IR produces line numbers for delegation bridges that are not marked with ACC_BRIDGE
KT-42696 JVM IR generates line numbers for all bridges leading to extra steps in the debugger
KT-57228 K2: annotations for interface member properties implemented by delegation are copied
KT-57216 K2: non-trivial enum declaration does not have ACC_FINAL in the bytecode
KT-55866 K2: Constant as parameter of @JvmName: BE: "Unsupported compile-time value CALL private final fun "
KT-58717 Object on the left-hand side of callable reference is not initialized if optimization is used
KT-59211 Kapt+JVM_IR: AssertionError on delegating to anonymous object
KT-57251 K2: weird error message when trying to instantiate an expect class without explicit constructor
KT-58623 Language version 2.0: compiling into common, Native does not report "Protected function call from public-API inline function is prohibited", while JVM, JS do
KT-55945 NoSuchMethodError when calling method with value class parameter on java class inherited from kotlin class
KT-58840 K1/K2: false positive EXPOSED_FUNCTION_RETURN_TYPE related to protected lower bound
KT-57243 K2: no warning or error reported on expect class in CLI, and JVM backend tries to generate it to a .class file
KT-57833 K2 reports NO_ACTUAL_FOR_EXPECT for inherited properties with the same name
KT-58153 K2/MPP/JVM&Native: cannot override Any::toString when an expect-supertype has Any::toString override in actual-class
KT-58124 K2: FIR2IR compiler crash with MPP (Fir2IrSimpleFunctionSymbol is already bound)
KT-58346 k2: false negative MUST_BE_INITIALIZED for deferred initialization
KT-57803 K2. "Kotlin: Only the Kotlin standard library is allowed to use the 'kotlin' package" error missing in 2.0
KT-57504 [K2/N] Wrong coercion of ILT: 7 to kotlinx.cinterop.COpaquePointer causes Cannot adapt kotlin.Int to kotlinx.cinterop.CPointer during autoboxing
KT-57484 K2: false positive OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION_AMBIGUITY with ImplicitIntegerCoercion
KT-57971 K1/K2: False positive "Redundant 'suspend' modifier" warning on declaration site when suspend function is also argument
KT-56779 Checkers false negative: AbstractMethodError when accessing setter via an interface where the member is defined as var, but it's val in implementation
KT-57003 FIR: missing annotation on parameter of data class' synthetic copy
KT-57269 K2: collection stub for sort is not generated for custom List subclasses
KT-54748 K2: incomprehensible errors when type parameter has the same name as a class
KT-50703 FIR: Improve reporting UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED for type arguments of typealias constructor calls
KT-57622 Fix incorrect metadata for data class generated methods
KT-54887 K2: fix behavior of references to value classes equals/hashCode/toString
KT-58937 K2: Annotation vararg arguments are incorrectly serialized
KT-58621 K2: Private class shadows public function defined in the same package
KT-59041 K2. "IllegalStateException: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSource " on incorrect collection declaration
KT-59022 Make is and as behaviour consistent in Native
KT-58902 K2: Calls to overridden method with default parameter are not compiled
KT-58549 K2: variable type is infered to non-existing interface
KT-58613 K2: ConcurrentModificationException from FirSignatureEnhancement.performFirstRoundOfBoundsResolution
KT-55552 K2. False negative TYPE_MISMATCH in implementation via delegation
KT-57436 Fix computing mangled names of generic properties from IR-based declaration descriptors
KT-58543 [K2/N] Rewrite native MPP tests to avoid expect actual in same module
KT-57701 Unify selection of inherited callable with default implementation among multiple candidates in JVM, Native & JS backends
KT-58444 K2/MPP/metadata: compiler FIR2IR crash on constant with intrinsic initializer from common source set in Native-shared source set
KT-57756 K2: Missing syntax errors when light tree parsing is used
KT-57435 Fix computing mangled names for functions with context receivers
KT-57219 K2: incorrect relative order of normal and use-site-targeted annotations on property getter in the resulting bytecode
KT-57955 K2: "ClassCastException: class cannot be cast to class" with property delegate
KT-58583 K2: false-positive invisible reference error on nested anonymous object literal extending a protected nested class
KT-57425 K2: False-positive smartcast on property accessed through a property from another module
KT-57844 K2. Not relevant errors when accessing Java member which have private overloads with argument type mismatch
KT-58584 K2: "UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property packageFqName has not been initialized"
KT-58529 K2: "Extension function type is not allowed as supertypes" compile error
KT-58379 K2: NEW_INFERENCE_ERROR in sortedBy call with exception in branch
KTIJ-26867 K2 IDE: rename refactoring doesn't rename subclasses if they are used in import directives
KTIJ-26848 K2 IDE: index inconsistency in case of "" name
KTIJ-26666 K2 IDE: changed FirFile is treated as fully resolved after in-block modification
KT-59836 Symbol Light Classes: Type parameters from the parent interface aren't copied to DefaultImpls methods
KT-28611 MPP: Gradle -> IDE: settings provided via compilations DSL are not imported into common modules facets
KTIJ-25448 When project JDK is less than one defines in jvmToolchain block, run with Idea fails with has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime
KT-60603 K2: Investigate intellij tests failures in branch 2.0
KTIJ-24390 Kotlin assignment plugin: Imports are not recognized in build logic .kt files for Gradle build
KT-60590 Fix light classes related tests in branch 2.0
KT-60530 K2 scripting: exception on .gradle.kts opening
KT-60539 K2: "KtInaccessibleLifetimeOwnerAccessException: org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.lifetime.KtReadActionConfinementLifetimeToken@3ce52fd9 is inaccessible: Using KtLifetimeOwner from previous analysis" at highlighting
KTIJ-26276 K2 IDE: Optimize import drops used import alias
KT-60518 K2 IDE. False positive [NON_MEMBER_FUNCTION_NO_BODY] when completing function with Complete current statement
KT-60323 K2 IDE. "KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: Unexpected returnTypeRef. Expected is FirResolvedTypeRef, but was FirImplicitTypeRefImpl" exception on contract return type
KT-56503 K2 IDE: FIR tree is incorrect in a case of ProcessCancelledException was thrown during phase execution
KTIJ-25653 K2 IDE. "KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: Containing function should be not null for KtParameter" exception on incorrect derived class declaration
KT-59843 SLC: KotlinAsJavaSupport.packageExists (via KotlinStaticPackageProvider) said ROOT package doesn't exist if no KtFiles are given
KTIJ-26206 Support retrieving KtType from annotation constructor calls on getters and setters
KT-59445 Recursion detected on input: JavaAnnotationImpl
KTIJ-26066 K2 IDE. "KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: Unexpected returnTypeRef. Expected is FirResolvedTypeRef, but was FirImplicitTypeRefImpl" on attempt to set contract
KTIJ-26085 K2 IDE: treat psi modification of a contact inside a body as OOBM
KTIJ-25869 K2 IDE. Expected FirResolvedTypeRef for return type of FirValueParameterImpl(Source) but FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSource was found
KTIJ-24730 K2 IDE. IllegalStateException on absence of opening bracket in main() function
KT-59533 AA/SLC: anonymous object appears during PsiType conversion, resulting in IllegalArgumentException:KtFirPsiTypeProviderKt.asPsiTypeElement
KT-59563 Symbol Light Classes: Incorrect type erasure in $annotations methods for extension properties with generic parameters
KT-57567 SLC: missing final modifier on enum (non-synthetic) members
KT-59537 SLC: SymbolLightClassForAnonymousObject with null parent
KTIJ-24121 K2 IDE. "failed to convert element KtLightField" when trying to declare property after function that has return with type mismatch
KTIJ-25335 K2 IDE. "failed to convert element KtLightField:" on attempt to set property in class with constructor
KT-59293 Symbol Light Classes: DefaultImpls methods must be static and have an additional $this parameter
KTIJ-25976 K2 IDE: Fix "Unsupported compiled declaration of type" for type parameters
KT-59325 Symbol Light Classes: Non-existing fields for properties from companion objects
KT-57579 SLC: unboxed type argument as method return type
KT-54804 Generate synthetic functions for annotations on properties in light classes
KT-56200 Kotlin FIR reference resolve exception leaks user code
KT-58448 K2 / IDE / SLC: findAttributeValue for attribute w/ default value raises ClassCastException
IDE. Completion
KTIJ-26518 K2 IDE: Code completion does not insert import when completing a type in the vararg position
KTIJ-26713 K2 IDE: Code completion does not insert import when completing a type inside a functional type
KTIJ-26597 K2 IDE: "Change return type" quick fix adds full qualified name to anonymous function
KTIJ-26384 K2 IDE: Extension functions completion should recognize context receivers
KTIJ-26419 K2 IDE: Completion in anonymous function inside when branch expression does not account for smart cast
KTIJ-26629 K2 IDE: Completion of types in anonymous function return is not shortened
KTIJ-26599 K2 IDE: Typing do ... while statement: InvalidFirElementTypeException: "For DO_WHILE with text... FirExpression expected, but FirDoWhileLoopImpl found"
KTIJ-26113 K2 IDE: Completion in when branch does not account for smart casts if else branch is present
KT-60451 K2 IDE: FirDeclaration was not found for class org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtProperty, fir is class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.impl.FirBlockImpl
KTIJ-24096 K2 IDE: Completion should insert the fully-qualified class name when the short class name clashes with a name from scope
KTIJ-25116 K2 IDE: Name shortening in constructor's parameters affects constructor
KTIJ-19863 Bad completion variants inside annotations
IDE. Decompiler, Indexing, Stubs
KTIJ-26706 Bytecode viewer: "IllegalStateException: Couldn't find declaration file" for a file with a delegated property with inline accessor in another module
KTIJ-25979 K2 IDE: 'java.lang.IllegalStateException: Attempt to load decompiled text, please use stubs instead' exception if navigate to the decompiled KGP sources
KTIJ-25985 Stub mismatch for names with special characters
IDE. Gradle Integration
KTIJ-25334 Gradle 8.1: Unresolved references in IDE for build.gradle.kts
KT-61777 Explicit API mode isn't reflected in IDE settings unless every task is configured with Gradle
KTIJ-26306 apiLevel (API version) for Kotlin/Native modules is set to 1.8 with KGP 1.9 and IDE Plugin 1.9.0-XXX, if the compiler bundled to IDE Plugin is still 1.8
KT-61172 MPP: Stacktraces of diagnostics are always printed during IDEA sync
KT-48554 [Multiplatform Import] Ensure consistency between GradleImportProperties and PropertiesProvider
KTIJ-26778 Gradle 8.3: some parts of build.gradle.kts look unresolved
KTIJ-26308 IAE βUnable to find script compilation configuration for the script KtFile: build.gradle.ktsβ on reopening project with build.gradle.kts
KT-60171 K2 IDE: scripting freeze on kotlin project build.gradle.kts file
KT-60236 K2 scripting: completion fails with exception
KT-59801 K2 IDE: Adding of an import with a task name to a build script leads to unresolved references
KT-60749 Scripting: default definition as a fallback
KT-60199 K2 scripting: exception on script opening
KT-60193 K2 scripts: configuration discovery fails silently from time to time
IDE. Hints. Parameter Info
KTIJ-26824 K2 IDE: "Parameter Info" shows incorrect overload as selected
IDE. Inspections and Intentions
New Features
KTIJ-26302 K2 IDE: Support adding a @OptIn annotation and suggesting to propagate opt-in requirement in quickFixes
KTIJ-25002 Provide a quick fix to migrate use-site 'get' annotations on getters
KTIJ-24832 K2 IDE: 'Redundant qualifier name' false positive for nested classes from supertypes on the outside of a class
KTIJ-26103 K2 IDE: False positive in redundant qualifier inspection
KTIJ-26024 K2 IDE: False positive "Redundant qualifier" inspection on a nested class which extends its outer class
KTIJ-26576 K2 IDE: "Redundant qualifier" false positive with referring parent's subclass in type constraint
KTIJ-26785 K2 IDE: False positive "Redundant qualifier" inspection in extension function for Java interface with nested interface
KTIJ-26695 K2 IDE. False negative "Redundant qualifier" directive for invoke function from object
KTIJ-26627 K2 IDE: False positive "Redundant qualifier" inspection on extension property called on object when other 'this' is present in scope
KTIJ-23407 K2 IDE. False positive unused import directive for invoke function from object
KTIJ-26808 K2 IDE. "Redundant qualifier" inspection on the receiver of static method from Java may change semantic when receiver is not direct parent
KTIJ-26840 K2 IDE. False positive "Redundant qualifier" inspection when accessing companion object member inside anonymous object and there is a name clash
KTIJ-26498 KMP: Create expect-actual dialog selects incorrect path on Windows
KTIJ-24877 K2 IDE. False negative unused import directive when declaration is available in file indirectly
KTIJ-25368 K2 IDE. Specify type explicitly intention does not work with Java records
KTIJ-25023 K/JS: Remove balloon warning about migration to IR backend
IDE. Libraries
KTIJ-13660 MPP library: No gutters for expect and actual symbols
IDE. Misc
KT-60053 IdeaKotlinBinaryCoordinates doesn't respect capabilities and classifier attributes
IDE. Multiplatform
KTIJ-26700 KMP: false positive report of non matching expect and actual annotations if annotation is actual typealias
KTIJ-25997 KotlinMPPGradleTestTasksProvider: Support jvm targets with other names (such as android)
KT-61686 Check and update places in compiler and IDE where we are saying that MPP is experimental/Beta/Alpha
KTIJ-27058 Wizard's KMM application failed to build in 232 AS
KT-59760 [BUG] Use bundled version of Kotlin IDE Plugin in KMM Tests instead of custom
KT-61520 Sources.jar is not imported for common and intermediate source-sets from the MPP library
KTIJ-25842 MPP: New create expect/actual dialog uses deprecated location for android instrumented actual counterpart
KTIJ-25746 MPP: Unable to distinguish android unit and instrumented tests in new create expect/actual dialog if instrumented tests are depends on common
KT-60410 Add minimum supported KGP version in intellij.git infrastructure
KT-59794 Bump used KGP in multiplatform intellij.git tests after release 1.9.0
KT-59518 Cherry-pick old-import tests into 231-1.9.0/master
KT-56736 Investigate how-to run multiplatform tests on real devices
KT-59519 Bump AGP versions in intellij.git tests in master
KTIJ-25591 MPP: Create expect/actual dialog doesn't allow selecting all targets
KT-50952 MPP: Commonized cinterops doesn't attach/detach to source set on configuration changes
IDE. Navigation
KT-61894 Navigation from java sources leads to Kotlin decompiled code in case of suspend function
KTIJ-27053 Value parameters documentation of expect isn't shown in actuals
KTIJ-26292 Documentation for expect/actual comes from a random actual
KTIJ-26441 K2 IDE: navigation doesn't work when type parameters are missed in annotation call
KTIJ-26566 K2 IDE: don't show no-name parameters in presentations
KTIJ-25366 K2 IDE. Go to declaration of Java record shows record and constructor
IDE. Refactorings. Rename
KTIJ-25762 K2 IDE. label rename doesn't change it's name in usages after rename refactoring
IDE. Script
KTIJ-25989 java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile.getPath()" because the return value of "java.lang.ThreadLocal.get()" is null
KT-60519 Analysis API: scripts are not invalidated on PCE
KTIJ-26670 K2 Scripts: We should be able to find a symbol for
KTIJ-25731 KtAssignResolutionPresenceService is not available as a service in 231-1.9.20
KT-60307 K2 IDE. KotlinExceptionWithAttachments in script file
IDE. Wizards
KTIJ-27005 Wizards 232: Fix generated kotlin version for 1.9.20-Beta
KTIJ-26846 Adjust compatibility data for 1.9.20 release
KT-59365 Get rid of two-stage parsing in KotlinClassMetadata
KT-35116 Enum.valueOf throws inconsistent exception across multiple platforms
KT-59223 Native Enum.hashCode should return identity hash code, similar to JVM
KT-56637 Native: 'String.indexOf' matches byte sequences not on the char boundary, which also makes the result of 'split' and 'replace' operation incorrect
KT-59192 Align behavior of collection constructors across platforms
New Features
KT-50463 Native: Provide a way to control the KONAN_DATA_DIR by the Gradle mechanisms
KT-59448 K2: IR and FIR signatures are not same for composable functions
KT-58065 K2: Enable light tree instead of PSI for CLI compilation of JS and Native by default
Tools. CLI. Native
KT-59245 [K1/N] Compile sources to native binary in two stages
KT-56855 [K2/N] Command-line compiler doesn't support compiling sources directly to a native binary (without intermediate klib) with -language-version 2.0
KT-58979 [K2/N] FIR frontend cannot resolve symbols from resolved klib having non-normalized path
Tools. Commonizer
KT-59302 Commonizer: make sure that opt-in annotation generated by cinterop made it into commonized artifact
KT-62028 False positive "Unnecessary '@OptIn' Annotation" for ExperimentalForeignApi
KT-59859 Change the OptIn Level to Error for kotlinx.cinterop.UnsafeNumber
KT-59132 K2/Native/CInterop: [UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED] Type argument is not within its bounds: should be subtype of 'kotlinx/cinterop/CPointed'
KT-58822 Kotlin Gradle Plugin: migrate tests off native deprecated targets
KT-47641 Enabled cInterop commonization triggers native compilation during Gradle sync in IDE
Tools. Compiler Plugin API
KT-58638 K2: Annotations generated by IR plugins are not included into metadata
KT-61872 K2: Adding annotations to metadata from backend plugin doesn't work in the presence of comments on annotated declaration
KT-61833 K2: annotations added via addMetadataVisibleAnnotationsToElement to declarations from common sourceset in MPP project are invisible
KT-60051 K2: Support metadata serialization of primitive const annotation arguments generated by IR plugins
Tools. Compiler Plugins
KT-61550 [atomicfu-compiler-plugin]: check that atomic properties are declared as private or internal val
KT-58079 K2/atomicfu: JVM IR transformer crash on atomic extension functions
KT-61293 Usage of atomicfu compiler plugin leads to UnsupportedClassVersionError if Gradle runs on JVM <11
KT-55876 K2. "[Internal Error] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jetbrains/kotlin/com/intellij/openapi/util/UserDataHolderBase" when project with languageVersion 2.0 is Built and Run using Intelij IDEA
KT-58049 K2: Smartcast of nullable property fails when Spring compiler plugin is present
KT-57468 Kotlin assignment plugin: operation name cannot be found for reference
Tools. Compiler plugins. Serialization
KT-58501 K2/MPP/serialization: several classifier kinds seem to miss generated serializer functions when compiled to K/JS and K/Native targets
KT-59768 kotlinx.serialization + K2 + JS/Native: Support meta-annotations on sealed interfaces with user-defined companions
Tools. Gradle
New Features
KT-59000 Default standard library dependency should use the single artifact for all targets
KT-57398 Add ability to run compilation via build-tools-api
KT-34901 Gradle testFixtures don't have friendPaths set
KT-44833 Gradle DSL: Add languageSettings accessor to kotlin extension that applies to all source sets
KT-62318 Android Studio sync memory leak in 1.9.20-Beta
KT-62496 Configuration time regression with KGP 1.9.20-Beta caused by loading of properties
KT-61426 Enabling compilation via the build tools API may cause high metaspace usage
KT-61359 "Unresolved reference: platform" when enabling Gradle configuration cache
KT-59826 Update SimpleKotlinGradleIT#testProjectIsolation to run on Gradle 8
KT-57565 Add ability to capture classpath snapshots via the build-tools-api
KT-51964 Optimize kotlin.incremental.useClasspathSnapshot feature to improve incremental Kotlin compilation
KT-61368 Native compiler option 'module-name' isn't available within the compilerOptions extension for native target while configuring it inside compilations
KT-61355 freeCompilerArgs arguments and its values are passed to the compiler 5 times if added through target-level compilerOptions{} extension inside compilations
KT-61273 KGP: TaskOutputsBackup.createSnapshot was failed by IOException sometimes
KT-58987 Use some available JVM target if there's no JvmTarget for the inferred toolchain version
KT-58234 Kotlin Gradle Plugin: Deprecate and remove KotlinCompilation.source API
KT-61401 The reported language version value for KotlinNativeLink tasks in build reports and build scans is inaccurate
KT-61950 K/Wasm: Add warning about changed sourceSets
KT-61895 KotlinTopLevelExtension.useCompilerVersion is not marked as experimental
KT-61303 The module-name value stays unchanged when configuring it through compiler options extension specific to the android target
KT-61194 MPP compiler options: part of JsCompilerOptions set up using js { compilerOptions {} } extension is lost
KT-61253 CompileExecutableKotlinJs task is skipped while configuring LV either using sourceSets.all {} or both js compiler options extension and base multiplatform compiler options extension
KT-59588 Upgrade max gradle version to max supported in kapt connected tests
KT-61292 Gradle: compilation tasks may capture wrong build directory when build directory is changed after task configuration
KT-61193 Flag kotlin.experimental.tryK2 doesn't set LV 2.0 for tasks of kotlin-js gradle plugin
KT-60541 Possibility to create a custom usable KotlinCompile task without using internals
KT-59451 [K2][1.9.0-Beta] "Errors were stored into ..." log files never actually exist
KT-48898 Can't suppress warnings by Optin() in KMM build.gradle.kts or IDEA settings
KT-60660 property not provided for K/N Gradle project build (on Linux or Mac) with a dependency from a Maven
KT-56959 K2: Set up Ktor repo performance benchmarks with K2 enabled
KT-61457 Kotlin Gradle Plugin should not use internal deprecated StartParameterInternal.isConfigurationCache
KT-60718 Kotlin Gradle Plugin's incremental compilation violates Project Isolation by accessing the tasks in the task graph that were produced by other projects
KT-60717 Kotlin Gradle Plugin violates Project Isolation restrictions by dynamically looking up properties in the project
KT-54232 Don't check if file exists in task file inputs configuration
KT-58569 Bump language version for Gradle plugins dependencies to 1.5
Tools. Gradle. Cocoapods
KT-59263 Add diagnostic that a dummy framework is not present when build is triggered from Xcode
KT-57741 KMP importing an iOS project with Xcode 14.3 fails when importing a pod that depends on libarclite_iphoneos
KT-60050 Log reason why podInstall task is skipped
KT-49430 Stop invalidating iOS framework generated by KMM module on each Gradle Sync
KT-59522 Set the required environment for cocoapods invocations
KT-59313 Elevate to error deprecation of useLibraries
KT-58775 If the pod has a declared dependency on itself, then it will cause StackOverFlow exception while importing of a project
Tools. Gradle. JS
New Features
KT-49789 KJS / Gradle: Add npm style repository option for YarnRootExtension - and/or don't register github repository when download=false
KT-60469 KJS: "Could not serialize value of type Build_gradle" caused by changed name in packageJson task
KT-61623 K/Wasm: Error with project dependency between modules with both wasmJs and wasmWasi targets
KT-56933 Add Kotlin/JS incremental tests with K2 enabled
KT-58970 browserTest gradle task fails if karma is used and gradle configuration cache is enabled
KT-42520 Add a way to setup generating separate js files for each module inside gradle
KT-32086 Gradle, JS: runTask.enabled = false has no effect on npm dependencies
KT-48358 KJS: Circular dependency when multiple second-level Gradle modules have the same name
KT-50530 Kotlin/JS: enabling does not remove superfluous .js output files
KT-50442 KJS / Gradle: webpack plugin errors not logged
KT-46003 KJS / IR: Should provide single distributions folder for production and development similarly to Legacy
KT-47319 KJS: Error when project contains two modules with same name
KT-46010 KJS / Gradle: Can't find a file on building on Windows
KT-48923 KJS / Gradle: No Webpack error messages when Node.js process exits unexpected
KT-51942 KJS / Gradle: fails with two projects with the same name, but different paths
KT-51372 Kotlin/JS: Gradle compileKotlinJs processes directory just excluded from source set
KT-52134 KJS: the default generated JS module name in a Gradle project with multiple subprojects is incomplete, which might cause duplicate names and build conflicts
KT-54182 MPP / JS: StackOverflowError when in a Gradle multi-project and Kotlin Multiplatform build with the JS IR target which depends on another with the same subproject name via a renamed published Maven artifact
KT-58250 The NodeJsExec tasks are not compatible with Gradle configuration cache
KT-58256 The D8Exec tasks are not compatible with Gradle configuration cache
Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
New Features
KT-60441 KGP based dependency resolution: Support '' flag