Welcome to the JavaScript practice repository. Here, you'll find a variety of exercises and projects to enhance your programming skills with JavaScript. From simple games to practical utilities, this repository has something for everyone.
Organize your daily tasks with this simple to-do list application. Add, remove, and mark your completed tasks.
Have fun playing the Memory Game! Test your memory skills and enjoy the challenge.
Explore an interactive color palette that allows you to select and copy hexadecimal codes for your projects.
In addition to the mentioned ones, you'll find a variety of projects and exercises to practice and enhance your JavaScript skills.
Folder Structure
└── 📁site
└── 📁assets
└── bg.png
└── game-over.png
└── memoryGame.png
└── ninja-gaming.png
└── palette.png
└── taskList.png
└── index.html
└── 📁projects
└── 📁Caesar cipher
└── index.html
└── script.js
└── styles.css
└── 📁calculator
└── calculator.js
└── display.js
└── index.html
└── script.js
└── styles.css
└── 📁colorPalettes
└── index.html
└── script.js
└── styles.css
└── 📁hangman
└── index.html
└── palabras.js
└── script.js
└── styles.css
└── 📁memoryGame
└── 📁images
└── blank.jpg
└── cheeseburger.png
└── fries.png
└── hotdog.png
└── ice-cream.png
└── milkshake.png
└── pizza.png
└── white.png
└── win.png
└── index.html
└── script.js
└── styles.css
└── 📁snake project
└── index.html
└── script.js
└── style.css
└── 📁taskList
└── index.html
└── script.js
└── styles.css
└── 📁timer
└── index.html
└── script.js
└── styles.css
└── styles.css
└── wavesOpacity.svg