Welcome to BowlMania, an application for you to keep score as you bowl!
BowlMania is a single-page React application which allows the user to keep track of their score while bowling
- React.js
- Node.js
- Express.js
- follow installation instructions below
- enter user name on form
- submit scores as you go!
a strike earns 10 points plus the sum of your next two shots
a spare earns 10 points plus the sum of your next one shot
if a strike or spare is not thrown, user score is calculated for number of pins knocked down for given frame
user is granted an extra throw if a spare or strike is thrown in the 10th round
- clone repository onto local machine
- open your terminal
- go to project's root directory and run the following commands in sequential order:
1. npm install
2. npm start
- navigate to http://localhost:5000/