Website where you can add tracks from Youtube, Spotify and from your computer
Install guide
- Install latest dotnet core
- Install latest node
- run "dotnet restore"
- check sqlite addresses from config.json
- dotnet ef migrations add firstMigration
- dotnet ef database update
- run "npm install"
- run "npm start"
- navigate to localhost:8080
- Spotify
- Search
- Play track on active spotify device which support Spotify Connect a. This doesn't support yet device selection
- Browse spotify artists and albums
- Load current spotify users Spotify playlists a. User can add whole playlist to local playlist at once
- Seek to position
- Change spotify user
- User must have Spotify premium to use spotify with this application
- Youtube
- Search
- Play (video is hidden only video sound is heard)
- Custom playlists
- Create playlist which contains tracks from spotify and youtube (later mp3 also)
- Shuffle playlist
- Rename playlist
- Order playlist by drag and drop
- Remove track from playlist
- MusixMatch
- Find lyrics. (find also lyrics for youtube videos if youtube video name is "artisname - trackname" )
- Authentication
- Login
- Register
- Remember me