Malaysia SEACO-CH20 Smartwatch Feasibility Study
First thing to do is to get access to the SEACO RDSF - ask the PI for this.
Then you'll need to mount it somewhere - the mount location that I used is in userconf.yml
Run conda create -f environment.yml
to create an environment that contains all the required packages,
including R, python and the required libraries.
If you have trouble with this, try installing R and python separately.
Approximately correspond to the order of things in the paper:
- demographic_summary.ipynb: stats on the participant demographics
- survey.ipynb: quantitative results from the survey
- meal_stats.ipynb: statistics on the numbers of meals, snacks, etc. per day
- three_level_model.ipynb: linear models for response rate as the study progesses
If you're just interested in the linear model: three_level_models.R.
The notebook three_level_model.ipynb
creates a .csv file for boolean response/not for each hour/day/participant.
Then runs the models in an R subprocess, then calculates odds ratios based on the log odds
in the files output from the R scripts (which ive copied over manually).
There are also additional notebooks and R scripts in old_stuff/
, but these are either outdated or irrelevant for the paper.
I've kept them here just in case...
There are two config files:
- containing configuration (filepaths etc.) that you won't need to changeuserconf.yml
- containing configuration that you might need to change, depending on e.g. where you have mounted the SEACO CH-20 RDSF