Toolkit of crossing chain from MOAC chain to SWTC chain.
Transfer token automatically from MOAC chain to SWTC chain. Support moac and erc20 tokens.
e.g. you transfer 1 moac
to Moac Fingate from your moac address, If success the contract will automatically transfer 1 jmoac
to your swtc address from Jingtum Fingate in a few minutes.
If you wanna we support other erc20 token, please contact us.
npm i jcc-moac-utils
as a global variable.
<script src=""></script>
Breaking changes since 0.1.8, if you used 0.1.7 see this demo.
// demo
import { Fingate, Moac, ERC20 } from "jcc-moac-utils";
// Moac node
const node = "";
// Production network or not
const production = true;
// Your moac secret
const moacSecret = "";
// Your moac address
const moacAddress = "";
// Your swtc address
const swtcAddress = "";
// Deposit amount
const amount = 1;
// Moac fingate contract address, don't change it.
const scAddress = "0x66c9b619215db959ec137ede6b96f3fa6fd35a8a";
try {
// deposit 1 MOAC
const moac = new Moac(node, production);
const fingateInstance = new Fingate();
fingateInstance.init(scAddress, moac);
// Check if has pending order, if has don't call the next deposit api
const state = await fingateInstance.depositState(moacAddress);
if (fingateInstance.isPending(state)) {
// start to transfer 1 MOAC to fingate address
const hash = await fingateInstance.deposit(swtcAddress, amount, moacSecret);
} catch (error) {
// deposit erc20 token
try {
// deposit 1 CKM
// CKM contract address
const ckmContractAddress = "0x4d206d18fd036423aa74815511904a2a40e25fb1";
const moac = new Moac(node, production);
const fingateInstance = new Fingate();
fingateInstance.init(scAddress, moac);
const erc20Instance = new ERC20();
erc20Instance.init(ckmContractAddress, moac);
// Check if has pending order, if has don't call transfer api
const state = await fingateInstance.depositState(moacAddress, ckmContractAddress);
if (inst.isPending(state)) {
// The first step to transfer 1 CKM to fingate address.
const transferHash = await erc20Instance.transfer(moacSecret, scAddress, amount);
// The next step to submit previous transfer hash.
const depositHash = await fingateInstance.depositToken(swtcAddress, ckmContractAddress, erc20Instance.decimals(), amount, transferHash, moacSecret);
// Warning:
// This is not an atomic operating to deposit erc20 tokens for now,
// If the first step is successful but next step is failed, please contact us.
// The next version will make it an atomic operating after the next version of solidity contract upgrade.
} catch (error) {
declare interface IMoacTransaction {
from: string;
nonce: string;
gasPrice: string;
gasLimit: string;
to?: string;
value: string;
data: string;
chainId: string;
// 0x0 主链调用 0x1 执行子链合约 0x2 子链原生币转账 0x3 在子链部署合约
shardingFlag: string;
// 在Chain3的sigUtils中强行赋值,作用未知
systemContract: string;
// vnode代理地址
via: string;
// 交易的燃料和价格,在子链中一般都规定是0,当然看子链的设计如何规定了
declare interface ITransactionOption {
gasLimit?: number | string;
gasPrice?: number | string;
nonce?: number;
- 获取交易信息和区块信息: getNonce, getTransaction, getReceipt, getBlock, 这些在 chain3.scs 接口中都有对应方法
- 单纯的读取合约信息,不修改账本, call,对应在 chain3.scs 是 direct_call 方法,合约参数组装同下个条目
- 调用合约修改账本,这是按照交易方式处理,如果是合约,那么还有参数组装
子链的合约调用,和传统方式相比,多了一个参数就是子链的地址,放在传统合约 data 的一开始位置。
- 构造链,就得有节点做共识,首先要搭建节点池并进行注册批准,因此会得到一个(多个)vnode 地址,其实就是合约地址,一般称为 vnode address
- 链本身也是一个合约,部署一个子链,其实就是主链上发个交易,但是 shardingFlag 是 0x1,成功后会得到一个 subchain 的合约地址
好,到这一步,会有个子链依赖于母链运行了,我们在子链部署一个合约,实质情况是我们要知道 sub chain 地址,也就是说将构建一个合约的交易发送到 sub chain address 去,母链上部署合约,目的地地址是不需要填写的,墨客子链利用了这个结构上的技巧,当然 shardingFlag 规定是 0x3,不然也分不清这是啥交易。
调用子链的合约,shardingFlag 规定是 0x1,我们知道这个合约地址在主链上是不存在的,所以 to 这个地址只能是 sub chain address,在调用合约时正常组装参数后,在前面加上这个合约地址。这种情况下,ERC20、721 以及各种其他合约各种操作都能走通了
shardingFlag=0x2 用来处理子链原生币的转账,对应的是主链的的 address.transfer 方法。