Simple project for practicing C# by making BlackJack!
Card with valueDeck gives cardsHand gets cardsHand has a totalPlayer has a handPlayer can get new cardsPlayer can hit or stayPlayer can bustImplement simple player run dealerOverride dealer's Deal functionality to automateDealer must draw on all 16s and stay on all 17sRefactor bad nested if logic in Game's Play function- Give dealer first card before player plays
- Update deck to handle have 52 cards.
- Add Ace card 11/1 handling. (Harder)
- Add betting (Long and kinda hard)
- You have to get to 21 to win
- If you go over 21 you bust
- Hitting gives you a card
- Staying means you are good with your total
- To start you get 2 cards
- Aces are 1 or 11
- Dealer gets 1 card
- Dealer must draw on 16 and stand on all 17s
- Betting (TODO needs more features)
- Has a Rank and Suit
- Has a Picture
- Ace's have variable value
- Has a Hand
- Has a balance
- Controls via Actions
- Has a Hand
- Draws on 16
- Stands on all 17s
- Draws 1 card first
- Hit for new card
- Stand for stopping
- Split for two hands
- Double Down
- Has variable number of cards
- Hands start with 2 cards
- Hands bust when over 21
- Gets new cards
- Has 52 cards
- Orchastates stuff
- Contains current bets
- Current amount of money bet
- number between 1-10
- Has a hand
- Controls
- Has to have a Hand
- Draw on 16
- Stays on 17
- All good
- Get a new Card