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WIP: tx-submission: more properties
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* prop_makeDecisions_receivedTxIds
  mix up `makeDecisions` and `receivedTxIds`
  • Loading branch information
coot committed Jun 4, 2024
1 parent d161f89 commit fa5c3bd
Showing 1 changed file with 194 additions and 0 deletions.
194 changes: 194 additions & 0 deletions ouroboros-network/sim-tests-lib/Test/Ouroboros/Network/TxSubmission.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty)
import Text.Printf
import Text.Pretty.Simple

import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)

tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Ouroboros.Network.TxSubmission"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,6 +129,7 @@ tests = testGroup "Ouroboros.Network.TxSubmission"
, testProperty "policy" prop_makeDecisions_policy
, testProperty "acknowledged" prop_makeDecisions_acknowledged
, testProperty "exhaustive" prop_makeDecisions_exhaustive
, testProperty "receivedTxIds" prop_makeDecisions_receivedTxIds
, testGroup "Registry"
[ testGroup "filterActivePeers"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1862,6 +1865,197 @@ prop_makeDecisions_exhaustive
$ null decisions''

data ArbDecisionContextWithReceivedTxIds = ArbDecisionContextWithReceivedTxIds {
adcrDecisionPolicy :: TxDecisionPolicy,
adcrSharedContext :: SharedDecisionContext PeerAddr TxId (Tx TxId),
adcrMempoolHasTx :: Fun TxId Bool,
adcrTxsToAck :: [Tx TxId],
-- txids to acknowledge
adcrPeerAddr :: PeerAddr
-- the peer which owns the acknowledged txids
deriving Show

instance Arbitrary ArbDecisionContextWithReceivedTxIds where
arbitrary = do
ArbTxDecisionPolicy policy <- arbitrary
ArbReceivedTxIds mempoolHasTx
<- arbitrary
let st' = fixupSharedTxStateForPolicy
(apply mempoolHasTx)
policy st
txIdsToAck' = take (fromIntegral (TXS.requestedTxIdsInflight $ peerTxStates st' Map.! peeraddr)) txIdsToAck
let peers = Map.keys (peerTxStates st')
gsvs <- zip peers
<$> infiniteListOf (unPeerGSVT <$> arbitrary)
return ArbDecisionContextWithReceivedTxIds {
adcrDecisionPolicy = policy,
adcrSharedContext = SharedDecisionContext {
sdcPeerGSV = Map.fromList gsvs,
sdcSharedTxState = st'
adcrMempoolHasTx = mempoolHasTx,
adcrTxsToAck = txIdsToAck',
adcrPeerAddr = peeraddr

shrink ArbDecisionContextWithReceivedTxIds {
adcrDecisionPolicy = policy,
adcrSharedContext = ctx,
adcrMempoolHasTx = mempoolHasTx,
adcrTxsToAck = txIdsToAck,
adcrPeerAddr = peeraddr
[ ArbDecisionContextWithReceivedTxIds {
adcrDecisionPolicy = policy',
adcrSharedContext = ctx',
adcrMempoolHasTx = mempoolHasTx',
adcrTxsToAck = txIdsToAck',
adcrPeerAddr = peeraddr
| ArbDecisionContexts {
arbDecisionPolicy = policy',
arbSharedContext = ctx'@SharedDecisionContext { sdcSharedTxState = st' },
arbMempoolHasTx = mempoolHasTx'
<- shrink ArbDecisionContexts {
arbDecisionPolicy = policy,
arbSharedContext = ctx,
arbMempoolHasTx = mempoolHasTx
, peeraddr `Map.member` peerTxStates st'
, let txIdsToAck' = take ( fromIntegral
. TXS.requestedTxIdsInflight
$ peerTxStates st' Map.! peeraddr

-- | `receivedTxIdsImpl` and `makeDecisions` have a non trivial commutator (e.g.
-- they don't commute in an interesting way).
:: HasCallStack
=> ArbDecisionContextWithReceivedTxIds
-> Property
ArbDecisionContextWithReceivedTxIds {
adcrDecisionPolicy = policy,
adcrSharedContext = ctx@SharedDecisionContext {
sdcSharedTxState = st
adcrMempoolHasTx = mempoolHasTx,
adcrTxsToAck = txs,
adcrPeerAddr = peeraddr
counterexample ("st' = " ++ show st') $
counterexample ("st'' = " ++ show st'') $
counterexample ("stA' = " ++ show stA') $
counterexample ("stA'' = " ++ show stA'') $
counterexample ("noToAck = " ++ show noToAck) $
counterexample ("noToAckA = " ++ show noToAckA) $
counterexample ("txDecisions = " ++ show txDecisions) $
counterexample ("txDecisionsA = " ++ show txDecisionsA) $

counterexample "state property failure" (
-- States should be comparable; although not identical:
-- 1. number of txids in-flight might be smaller if we first `makeDecision`
-- and then `receivedTxIdsImpl`.
-- 2. it could happen that we acknowledge and GC a txid which is then added
-- by `receivedTxIdsImpl`, which leads to a missing txid in `bufferedTxs`
-- compared to do the other way around
-- 3. `availableTxs` might be smaller if we first `makeDecision` because we
-- might acknowledge a txid which is removed from `availableTxs` and after
-- calling `receivedTxIdsImpl` we won't get back the `txid` entry in
-- `availableTxs`
-- 4. `unacknowledgedTxs` might be smaller if we call `makeDecision` first,
-- simply because some of `txids` might be removed from `bufferedTxs`.
-- For simplicity we ignore differences in `bufferedTxs` and
-- `referenceCounts` and thus we set them to empty maps.
st'' { bufferedTxs = Map.empty,
referenceCounts = Map.empty
stA'' { peerTxStates =
let fn :: PeerTxState TxId (Tx TxId) -> PeerTxState TxId (Tx TxId)
fn ps = snd . TXS.numTxIdsToRequest policy -- ad 2.
$ ps { unacknowledgedTxIds = unacknowledgedTxIds',
availableTxIds = (availableTxIds ps <> txidMap) -- ad 3.
Set.fromList (toList unacknowledgedTxIds')
unacknowledgedTxIds' = StrictSeq.dropWhileL
(\txid -> txid `Map.member` bufferedTxs st -- ad 4.
|| applyFun mempoolHasTx txid)
$ unacknowledgedTxIds ps
Map.adjust fn peeraddr (peerTxStates stA''),
bufferedTxs = Map.empty,
referenceCounts = Map.empty


counterexample "unacknowledgedTxIds property failure" (
noToAck + Map.findWithDefault 0 peeraddr ( txdTxIdsToAcknowledge txDecisions)
noToAckA + Map.findWithDefault 0 peeraddr ( txdTxIdsToAcknowledge txDecisionsA)
-- account for txids which could be acknowledged because they were
-- buffered in `st`
+ foldr (\txid x -> if txid `Map.member` bufferedTxs st
then x + 1
else 0) 0
(TXS.unacknowledgedTxIds (peerTxStates stA'' Map.! peeraddr))



counterexample "txdTxsToRequest proporety failure" (
Map.filter (not . Set.null) ( txdTxsToRequest txDecisions)
Map.filter (not . Set.null) ( txdTxsToRequest txDecisionsA)

txidSeq = StrictSeq.fromList (getTxId <$> txs)
txidMap = Map.fromList [ (getTxId tx, getTxSize tx) | tx <- txs ]

(noToAck, st') = TXS.receivedTxIdsImpl
(apply mempoolHasTx)
(fromIntegral $ StrictSeq.length txidSeq)
txidSeq txidMap

(st'', txDecisions) = TXS.makeDecisions
policy ctx { sdcSharedTxState = st' }
(filterActivePeers policy st')

(stA', txDecisionsA) = TXS.makeDecisions
policy ctx
(filterActivePeers policy st)

(noToAckA, stA'') = TXS.receivedTxIdsImpl
(apply mempoolHasTx)
(fromIntegral $ StrictSeq.length txidSeq)
txidSeq txidMap

-- | `filterActivePeers` should not change decisions made by `makeDecisions`
Expand Down

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