This repository contains various examples on how to setup io.Manager
- db-mongo - An example that demonstrates how to setup a io.Manager instance to use MongoDB
- db-postgresql - An example that demonstrates how to setup a io.Manager instance to use PostgreSQL
- db-mssql - An example that demonstrates how to setup a io.Manager instance to use MSSQL (SQL Server)
- auth-none - An example that demonstrates how to setup a io.Manager instance to use None authentication
- auth-basic - An example that demonstrates how to setup a io.Manager instance to use Basic authentication
- auth-auth0 - An example that demonstrates how to setup a io.Manager instance to use Auth0 authentication
- auth-okta - An example that demonstrates how to setup a io.Manager instance to use Okta authentication
- auth-custom - A custom io.Manager authentication example
- auth-custom-advanced - An advanced custom io.Manager authentication example
- otel-basic - Basic example that shows how to use OpenTelemetry with io.Manager
- otel-custom-logs-exporter - An example showing how to configure io.Manager to use a custom OpenTelemetry logs exporter
- otel-custom-logs-processor - An example showing how to configure io.Manager to use a custom OpenTelemetry logs processor
- otel-custom-metrics-exporter - An example showing how to configure io.Manager to use a custom OpenTelemetry metrics exporter
- otel-custom-metrics-reader - An example showing how to configure io.Manager to use a custom OpenTelemetry metrics reader
- otel-custom-trace-exporter - An example showing how to configure io.Manager to use a custom OpenTelemetry trace exporter
- otel-custom-trace-processor - An example showing how to configure io.Manager to use a custom OpenTelemetry trace processor
- otel-custom-trace-sampler - An example showing how to configure io.Manager to use a custom OpenTelemetry trace sampler
- custom-endpoints - An example that demonstrates how add custom endpoints to io.Manager.
- manager-template - A template for building and deploying io.Manager to your own infrastructure.