IliaKani Public
🛠️ Welcome to my GitHub Workspace: where code, creativity, and caffeine collide ☕ Here, adaptive layouts take flight 🚀 and JavaScript becomes my magic wand 🪄 Debugging? More like leveling up! 🎮
14 UpdatedJan 14, 2025 -
portfolio Public
🌟 Welcome to my Portfolio: a vibrant showcase of my web development journey! 💻 Dive into my skills, explore my projects, and enjoy seamless interactivity. ✨ Your feedback is just a click away—copy …
EURO-2024 Public
⚽ A web project to elevate my animation skills! ✨ Featuring a responsive layout, BEM structure, and iframe video insertion. Watch as keyframe animations bring life to a JavaScript countdown timer, …
no-focus Public
🌓 Can't focus? "No Focus" has your back! 🌱 Uncover why it’s so hard to concentrate, tackle distractions, and explore focus tips—all in a mobile-first, responsive design with light and dark themes. 💡📱
Russian-travel Public
🌍 Multilingual travel guide showcasing adaptive layout mastery. Built with JavaScript, designed with Figma. 🌐 Seamless on any device, in Russian or English!
ThePlace Public
📸 Interactive photo gallery with profile editing. Add, delete, and like photos, all bundled with Webpack. ⚙️ Adaptive layout for a smooth experience across devices!
web-larek Public
🛒 An online kiosk for web dev tools! Built with TypeScript, Webpack and SCSS. 🛠️ Browse the catalog, place orders, and enjoy its detailed architecture! 📐Where code meets convenience!🛍️
what-to-watch Public
🎬 Your go-to movie app for exploration and reviews! 🌟 Dive into movie details, share your thoughts, and enjoy personalized ratings—all wrapped up in a sleek React experience! 🍿
miniext-challenge Public
🔐 A user authentication system challenge that lets users sign up and log in via email, Google OAuth2, or phone number! 📱 Enhance the existing codebase with seamless phone number integration while e…
blog-customizer Public
🎨 A React and TypeScript-powered tool for customizing blog styles! 🖋️ Use the interactive sidebar to apply custom CSS variables, with an option to reset back to default. 🛠️ Built with Storybook for…
currency-exchange Public
💱 A simple currency converter built with React! Convert between currencies using the latest exchange rates from the Frankfurter API. 💸 Seamless and efficient, just enter an amount and select your c…
todo-list Public
📝 A task management app built with JS! Easily add, complete, and delete tasks, with two themes to choose from. 🌗 Your tasks are saved across sessions using Local Storage for seamless productivity!
quiz-app Public
🎮 A fun trivia game built with React! Challenge yourself with questions from the Open Trivia Database API, track your score, and enjoy interactive gameplay! 🏆
kekstagram-30 Public
Forked from htmlacademy-javascript/2426461-kekstagram-30Илья Канищев