Next gen dependency injection library for Kotlin.
@Provide fun jsonParser() = JsonParser()
interface Http
@Provide class HttpImpl : Http
@Provide class Api(private val http: Http, private val jsonParser: JsonParser)
@Provide class Repository(private val api: Api)
@Provide data class AppDependencies(val repository: Repository)
fun main() {
val dependencies = create<AppDependencies>() // translates to AppDependencies(Repository(Api(HttpImpl(), jsonParser()))
plugins {
id("io.github.ivianuu.injekt") version latest_version
dependencies {
// core runtime
// optional - common utilities
You can provide dependencies by annotating them with @Provide:
// classes and objects
@Provide class MyApi(baseUrl: BaseUrl)
// constructors
class MyService @Provide constructor(logger: Logger) {
@Provide constructor()
// functions
@Provide fun okHttp(authenticator: Authenticator): OkHttpClient = ...
// properties and local variables
@Provide val apiKey: ApiKey = ...
// value parameters
fun run(@Provide config: Config) {
The core of Injekt doesn't know anything about scoping, but there is a api in the common module.
You have to annotate your class or the return type of a function or a property with @Scoped
@Provide @Scoped<UiScope> class MyViewModel
Then you have to provide a Scope
// use a object as name for the scope
object UiScope
Then you can inject your class.
@Provide val uiScope = Scope<UiScope>()
fun onCreate() {
// use ui scoped dependency
val db = create<MyViewModel>()
Later it should be disposed like so.
fun onDestroy() {
You can inject all dependencies of a given type by injecting a List<T>
@Provide fun singleElement(): String = "a"
@Provide fun multipleElements(): Collection<String> = listOf("b", "c")
fun main() {
create<List<String>>() == listOf("a", "b", "c") // true
Sometimes you want to delay the creation, need multiple instances, want to provide additional parameters, or to break circular dependencies. You can do this by injecting a function.
// inject a function to create multiple Tokens
@Provide class HttpClient(tokenFactory: () -> Token) {
val tokenA = tokenFactory()
val tokenB = tokenFactory()
// inject a function to create a MyViewModel with the additional String parameter
@Provide class MyActivity(viewModelFactory: (String) -> MyViewModel) {
val viewModel by lazy { viewModelFactory("user_id") }
// break cycles
@Provide class Foo(val bar: Bar)
@Provide class Bar(foo: (Bar) -> Foo) {
val foo = foo(this)
Sometimes you have multiple dependencies of the same type Injekt will need help to keep them apart here are two strategies:
Value classes:
@JvmInline value class PlaylistId(val value: String)
@JvmInline value class UserId(val value: String)
@Provide class PlaylistTracksPresenter(playlistId: PlaylistId, userId: UserId)
@Tag annotation class PlaylistId
@Tag annotation class UserId
@Provide class PlaylistTracksPresenter(playlistId: @PlaylistId String, userId: @UserId String)
Optionally you can add a typealias for your tag to make it easier to use
@Tag annotation class PlaylistIdTag
typealias PlaylistId = @PlaylistIdTag String
@Tag annotation class UserIdTag
typealias UserId = @UserIdTag String
@Provide class PlaylistTracksPresenter(playlistId: PlaylistId, userId: UserId)
Injekt will show an error if there are missing dependencies. Additionally it will dump generated code in a kotlin like syntax in the /build/injekt/dump folder for each file where injections happen