To set-up a system running the KORUZA software package one may choose vuilding from the latest source or using a pre-compiled binary.
To install a pre-compiled binary a Raspberry Pi device is required, by default Raspberry Pi Compute Module (V1 or V3), but versions should work if correct GPIO pins are configured for different features. Install Raspbian Lite operating system, configure it correctly and then install the pre-compiled package:
sudo dpkg -i koruza.deb
Once package is installed, it can be simply upgraded running:
sudo koruza-upgrade
which will fetch the latest stable release and install it.
To build the software package for the ARM-based KORUZA compute module, you need a working Docker installation. Then run the following:
After the build process completes, you get everything packaged in a Debian
package called koruza_1.0-1.deb
. To install or upgrade the package, run
the following on the KORUZA compute module:
sudo dpkg -i koruza_1.0-1.deb
If you get some missing dependencies, be sure to also run:
sudo apt-get -f install
In order to run continuous motor homing test every time the compute module is rebooted, run the following and reboot the device:
sudo uci set koruza.@motors[0].test=1
sudo uci commit koruza
To disable the tests later:
sudo uci set koruza.@motors[0].test=0
sudo uci commit koruza
In order to configure a serial number for the unit (e.g., 0001
) run:
sudo uci set koruza.@unit[0].serial_number=0001
If this command gives you an invalid argument error, run the following:
sudo uci add koruza unit
sudo uci set koruza.@unit[0].serial_number=0001
Commit the changes by running:
sudo uci commit koruza
In order to configure the URL where the unit should push data (e.g., for
), run:
sudo uci set nodewatcher.@agent[0].push_url_template={uuid}
sudo uci commit nodewatcher
To enable image flipping, run:
sudo uci set koruza.@webcam[0].flip=1 # 0 to disable.
The webcam image is automatically centered on the calibrated position (requires restart). To change the zoom in X and/or Y direction, run:
sudo uci set koruza.@webcam[0].zoom_w=0.4 # X direction.
sudo uci set koruza.@webcam[0].zoom_h=0.4 # Y direction.
Commit the changes by running:
sudo uci commit koruza
After making the modifications either reboot the device or restart the mjpg-streamer
sudo systemctl restart mjpg-streamer
You can capture video and images manuall from koruza unit using the following method, see this link for more information on using the raspivid command.
sudo systemctl stop mjpg-streamer
sudo raspivid -o vid.h264
sudo systemctl start mjpg-streamer
The static IP address can be configured by establishing an ssh connection to the unit pi@<ip address>
with default password raspberry
Then use the following command to edit config:
sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf
and copy paste this, editting the settings:
interface eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
then reboot by issuing sudo reboot
The internal camera stream can be in experimetnal mode accessed via: <ip>:8080/?action=stream
Firmware and software originating from KORUZA Pro project, including KORUZA Software Package (koruza-rpi-package), is licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3.
What this means is that you can use this firmware and software without paying a royalty and knowing that you'll be able to use your version forever. You are also free to make changes but if you share these changes then you have to do so on the same conditions that you enjoy.
KORUZA, KORUZA Pro and IRNAS are all names and marks of Institute IRNAS Rače. You may use these names and terms only to attribute the appropriate entity as required by the Open Licence referred to above. You may not use them in any other way and in particular you may not use them to imply endorsement or authorization of any hardware that you design, make or sell.