Below are some examples of how the library is suppose the be used.
use vhultman_chess::*;
fn main() {
let fen = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR";
let mut pos = match Position::from_fen(fen) {
Ok(p) => p,
Err(e) => panic!("{}", e),
let a2 = 48;
let a3 = 40;
// Checks if the move is valid, and if it is returns a structure representing this move.
// The struct also contains a bunch of flags for the internal logic of the library so don't mess with those :)
let maybe_move = pos.get_move(a2, a3);
if let Some(mut m) = maybe_move {
// If the move is a promotion we should set the promotion piece (if we don't do this it defaults to a queen)
if m.is_promotion() {
let flags = pos.make_move(m);
if flags.capture() {
println!("We captured something!");
if flags.check() {
println!("We gave check!");
if flags.promotion() {
println!("We promoted a piece!");
if flags.castle() {
println!("We castled our king!");
if flags.quiet() {
println!("We just moved our piece (and nothing else)!");
let game_state = pos.check_game_state();
match game_state {
GameState::Checkmate => println!("Checkmate"),
GameState::Stalemate => println!("Checkmate"),
GameState::DrawByInsufficientMaterial => println!("Insufficient material"),
GameState::DrawByRepetition => println!("Repetition"),
GameState::Playing => println!("Keep on playing :)"),
let piece = pos.piece_on(a3).unwrap();
println!("A {:?} {:?} is currently on A3", piece.color, piece.t);
A example of a GUI written using Raylib can be found in the example directory.