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ML LLVM Project



This GitHub repository encompasses the complete Compiler Infrastructure for ML-Driven Optimizations developed by the Compilers group at IITH. The repository integrates ML-driven optimization techniques into the LLVM project through the ML Compiler Bridge infrastructure and IR2Vec embeddings.

We strongly encourage you to delve into this repository, explore its contents, and consider building additional tools leveraging the existing infrastructure. We presume you are fimiliar with LLVM and build upon that, but if you are not fimiliar with llvm them, here are a few resources that might help :


IR2Vec is a LLVM IR based framework to generate distributed representations for the source code in an unsupervised manner, which can be used to represent programs as input to solve machine learning tasks that take programs as inputs. It can capture intrinsic characteristics of the program. This is achieved by using the flow analyses information like Use-Def, Reaching Definitions and Live Variable information of the program.

IR2Vec: LLVM IR based Scalable Program Embeddings : S. VenkataKeerthy, Rohit Aggarwal, Shalini Jain, Maunendra Sankar Desarkar, Ramakrishna Upadrasta, Y. N. Srikant.

ML Compiler Bridge

As a part of the ML-Compiler-Bridge, it is possible to have multiple ways of integrating compiler and the Machine learning model. These methods primarily use server client communication techniques like gRPC, and pipes. The ONNX flow which is capable of representation of ML models into DAG-based IRs with callable APIs in multiple langugages (C/C++/Python),does not require a server-client model or inter process communication. Additionally, TensorFlow's AOT compiled models are also supported for inference.

The Next 700 ML-Enabled Compiler Optimizations: S.VenkataKeerthy, Siddharth Jain, Umesh Kalvakuntla, Pranav Sai Gorantla, Rajiv Sailesh Chitale, Eugene Brevdo, Albert Cohen, Mircea Troffin, Ramakrishna Upadrasta



  • cmake (>= 3.10)
  • GNU Make (4.2.1)
  • Python (3.10), C++17
  • gRPC v1.34 and protobuf v3.13 - for gRPC Model Runner
    • Building GRPC from Source: Please follow Build GRPC with cmake v1.34 (protobuf v3.13) to build GRPC from source.
    • In the above tutorial setting DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is necessary as it would give you an easy way to uninstall GRPC later.


The version of gRPC that you clone should be 1.34.0 not 1.34.x

  • Eigen library (3.3.7)
    • If your system already have Eigen (3.3.7) setup, you can skip this step.
    • Download and extract the released version.
	 tar -xvzf eigen-3.3.7.tar.gz
	 mkdir eigen-build && cd eigen-build
	 cmake ../eigen-3.3.7 && make
	 cd ../ 
  • ONNXRuntime v1.16.3

    • The following commands will download ONNX Runtime v1.16.3 in your present working directory and then untar the contents. The path for this will be used in this section
	 tar -xvf onnxruntime-linux-x64-1.16.3.tgz
  • TensorFlow - for TF Model Runner (AOT flow)
    • Tested with TensorFlow 2.13.0
  • Other python requirements are available in mlopt.yml
    • Conda/Anaconda based virtual environment is assumed

(Experiments are done on an Ubuntu 20.04 machine)

Building the Project

The following section outlines the build process for our repository.

Clone the Repository

You need to clone the repository and initilize all the sub modules. The following commands would clone the Repository from github in your local and will initialize all submodules i.e clone the all the submodules within it.

git clone [email protected]:IITH-Compilers/ml-llvm-project.git
cd ml-llvm-project
git checkout mlbridge-lib
git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive

Setting up the build environment.

Exporting ONNX Path Variables

As the name suggests this is the Path to the ONNX Runtime that we downloaded in Requirements . The path of ONNX Runtime is required not only for building the project but also it is required when running inference using the ONNX Model Runner. Hence it is a better idea to export these paths and also add them to the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH

 export ONNX_DIR= #path to your onnx runtime
 export PATH=${ONNX_DIR}/include:$PATH 


It is adviced to add these commands to your ~/.bashrc as they'll be needed when you switch shells.

Conda environment set-up

The following commands will help you install the and set up the nessesary conda environments.

# install the env using the following commands
conda env create -f ./mlopt.yml

# switch to mlgo-new env which would be required for the build process
conda activate mlopt

Cmake Command

Now we need to create a build directory for our build. Use the following commands to make a build dir inside the cloned reposiotry

# create a build dir and move to it
mkdir build
cd build

After moving to the build directory, we'll use CMake to generate our build files and directories. Here we are using Makefiles, you may choose any generator of your choice.

cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -S ../llvm -B . \                                         
	-DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;IR2Vec;ml-llvm-tools;mlir;MLCompilerBridge" \
	-DONNXRUNTIME_ROOTDIR= # path to your onnx runtime, use $ONNX_DIR if you already exported this environment variable \
	-DLLVM_TF_AOT_RUNTIME= # <insert your path here>\ 
	-DTENSORFLOW_AOT_PATH= # <insert your path here> \

Build command

After following the above steps, you have successfully exproted all the required environment variables and have also created the generator files which will be used to build the project. Use the following command to start your build. Example:

make clang opt -j $(nproc)


For now building all targets is broken. Only build clang and opt

List of optimizations supported

This section will contain information about all the ML driven optimizations. Here is a brief about each optimization, and a simple onnx command which we can use to get one output (i.e give it an input .c/.cpp/.ll and get the optimized binary) .


if you'd like to see the LLVM IR that is resulted from these optimization , you can pass the appropriate flags to generate the .ll files

Reinforcement Learning assisted Loop Distribution for Locality and Vectorization

We propose a Reinforcement Learning (RL) approach for loop distribution, optimizing for both vectorization and locality. Using SCC Dependence Graphs (SDGs), our RL model learns loop distribution order through topological walks. The reward is based on instruction cost and cache misses. We introduce a strategy to expand the training set by generating new loops. This method aims to enhance loop parallelization and improve overall code performance.

This is described in the paper here . Website link

Reinforcement Learning assisted Loop Distribution for Locality and Vectorization, Shalini Jain, S. VenkataKeerthy, Rohit Aggarwal, Tharun Kumar Dangeti, Dibyendu Das, Ramakrishna Upadrasta LLVM-HPC, 2022.

Implementaion here : Model Training , Inference

Try it out !!!

We assume you have already done the setup and built the project.

# ONNX command for inference:
# this script will generate the optimized llfile
./build/bin/opt -S \
	-custom_loop_distribution \
	-cld-use-onnx \
	-ml-config-path= # path to your ml config  \
	<file name> 


RL4ReAl is a retargetable Reinforcement Learning (RL) approach for solving the REgister ALlocation (REAL) problem on diverse architectures.

This is described in the paper here. Website link

RL4ReAl: Reinforcement Learning for Register Allocation : S. VenkataKeerthy, Siddharth Jain, Anilava Kundu, Rohit Aggarwal, Albert Cohen, Ramakrishna Upadrasta CC, 2023.

Implementaion here : Model Training , Inference

Try it out !!!

./build/bin/clang  -O3 -mllvm \ #use clang or clang++ depending on your file type
  -regalloc=greedy -mllvm -mlra-inference -mllvm \
  -ml-config-path= #path to your ml config  \ 
  -mllvm -rl-inference-engine \


POSET-RL uses a reinforcement learning approach as the search space of optimization sequences is too big to enumerate. For a compiler with m optimization passes, if the sequence length is fixed as n, then there can be potentially mn combinations, allowing repetitions. The reinforcement learning model is trained and evaluated on programs that are represented using IR2Vec embeddings.

This is described in the arxiv link (here). Please see slides for more details. Website link.

POSET-RL: Phase ordering for Optimizing Size and Execution Time using Reinforcement Learning: Shalini Jain, Yashas Andaluri, S. VenkataKeerthy and Ramakrishna Upadrasta, ISSPASS, 2022.

Implementaion here : Model Training , Inference

Try it out !!!

./build/bin/opt \
  -poset-rl \
  -use-onnx \
  -ml-config-path=<config_path> # path to your ml config \
  <input .ll file> \