Releases: HubSpot/NioImapClient
Releases · HubSpot/NioImapClient
What's Changed
- New Release: NioImapClient-0.6.2 by @hs-jenkins-bot in #93
- Passing illegal response from server as message by @harshalvtripathi in #94: For cases where the server does not follow the convention of RFC3501, this will allow callers of the library to get the response from the server in
New Contributors
- @harshalvtripathi made their first contribution in #94
Full Changelog: NioImapClient-0.6.2...NioImapClient-0.6.3
What's Changed
- upgrade basepom to 60 by @jaredstehler in #89
- bump basepom to 61.2 by @jaredstehler in #90
- bump basepom to 61.6 by @jaredstehler in #91
- allow ssl protocols to be configurable per imap connection by @jaredstehler in #92
Full Changelog: NioImapClient-0.6.1...NioImapClient-0.6.2
What's Changed
- New Release: NioImapClient-0.6.0 by @hs-jenkins-bot in #84
- Bump basepom to 59.11 by @jaredstehler in #85
- add unit tests by @bookreaderdev in #86
- Add log to collect info about imap envelope parsing issue by @bookreaderdev in #87
New Contributors
- @bookreaderdev made their first contribution in #86
Full Changelog: NioImapClient-0.6.0...NioImapClient-0.6.1
What's Changed
No functional changes, just dependency updates
- New Release: NioImapClient-0.5 by @hs-jenkins-bot in #79
- upgrade basepom, apply prettier formatting, spotbugs exclusions by @jaredstehler in #77
- Bump basepom to 59.8 by @jaredstehler in #80
- bump basepom to 59.9 by @jaredstehler in #81
- upgrade netty to 4.1.110 by @jaredstehler in #82
- move to basepom 59.10 by @jaredstehler in #83
Full Changelog: NioImapClient-0.5...NioImapClient-0.6.0
What's Changed
- New Release: NioImapClient-0.4 by @hs-jenkins-bot in #65
- Add better tests by @b3ross in #68
- Track uid validity in ImapClientState by @takahiromollenkamp in #69
- Add socks proxy support by @b3ross in #70
- Pin build to JDK 11 by @stevie400 in #71
- Add ability to log socks proxy address by @b3ross in #73
- Properly log socks proxy IP address by @b3ross in #74
- Reformat with prettier by @jhaber in #75
- Use basepom-release by @jhaber in #76
- temporary changes to fix release by @jaredstehler in #78
New Contributors
- @hs-jenkins-bot made their first contribution in #65
- @b3ross made their first contribution in #68
- @takahiromollenkamp made their first contribution in #69
- @jaredstehler made their first contribution in #78
Full Changelog: NioImapClient-0.4...NioImapClient-0.5
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release NioImapClient-0.4