A simple to setup workspace to use mcp with Gradle.
Linux: Yes, tested.
MacOS: Yes, tested.
Windows: Yes, tested.
Supported versions:
This may seem like a lot but trust me it isn't it takes like a minute to setup (Besides decompile time and such)
Step 1: Make a new folder on your desktop call it anything you want, preferably your client name.
Step 2: Download or git clone this repository in that folder
Step 3: Remove everything except the contents inside of the '1.8.8' folder. So you should end up with your client folder, with 3 files. (build.gradle, BuildProject.sh/bat, CompileClient.sh/bat)
Step 4: Run BuildProject.bat
Step 4: Open the folder in terminal and type "chmod +x BuildProject.sh" and hit enter
Step 5: Type in the terminal "./BuildProject.sh" and hit enter.
Step 6: You will be prompted with the question "Would you like to install optifine aswell? [y/n] type in 'y' for yes or 'n' for no.
Step 7: Open up IntelliJ IDEA and create new project.
Step 8: For the project type select "Gradle" and click next.
Step 9: Enter in a group id (ex: me.hippo), a Artifact id (ex: Client), and a version (ex: 0.6.9) and click next.
Step 10: Click "Use auto-import" and click next
Step 11: Give the project a name, preferably your artifact id, set the project location to your client folder that you made.
Go to build.gradle:
At the top you will see: "plugins { id 'java' }" This is repeated twice, just remove one of them.
Now remove everything below: "jar { from{ configurations.addLib.collect { if(!it.isDirectory()){ zipTree(it) } } } }"
Now we need to add a run configuration: Expand "src" -> "main" -> "java" and click on "Start.java" To the left you should see a small green arrow, just click that.
You will get an error this is how to fix:
Click on the drop down box right by the green hammer (top right corner) and click on "Edit Configurations".
You will "VM options: " and then a text box, in that textbox put "-Djava.library.path=versions/1.8.8/1.8.8-natives/" This is linking the native libraries.
Then you will see "Working directory: " then a textbox with a file path in it, just add a /.minecraft at the end of it. "/home/hippo/Desktop/GradleMCP" will become "/home/hippo/Desktop/GradleMCP/.minecraft"
Now just click apply then ok.
Now you are done! Just click the green arrow right by the dropdown box then start coding away.
Step 1: Open your client folder with terminal and type "chmod +x CompileClient.sh"
Step 2: Type in the terminal "./CompileClient.sh"
Step 1 : Run CompileClient.bat
Step 3: Sit back and wait for the message "Please enter a client name and version (example: Client v1):" then you will enter your client name and (optional) version.
Step 4: You will see a new folder which would be named your client name you just entered, and that is your client compiled! Just put it in your .minecraft and you are done. (And obfuscate the jar if you want)