mt-multiserver-proxy is a reverse proxy designed for linking multiple Minetest servers together. It is the successor to multiserver.
This project was made possible by anon55555's mt module.
Each commit only supports a single Minetest minor version.
This is because each minor version breaks compatibility with its predecessors. Patch versions should be safe. Example: A proxy commit for 5.5.0 should also work with 5.5.1 but is highly likely to break when used with 5.6.0.
All internal servers should have strict version checking enabled. Otherwise version mismatches may remain undetected.
Compatibility breaks because upstream Minetest doesn't take the protocol version into account when sending packets and instead expects the receiver to ignore any new fields it doesn't recognize. This causes a trailing data error on the proxy that prevents the packet from being parsed and processed.
Only the currently supported Minetest version will get proxy updates, i.e. features and bug fixes won't be backported to earlier Minetest versions. If you need this you can manually merge the commits yourself.
The latest main
usually supports the latest Minetest release
unless it isn't supported yet. The following list contains the commit hashes
for all versions that were ever supported:
- Minetest 5.3: 18e7ba7977d1a94880ca6f0bc6d70dab0dc696e2, chat command plugin: unknown
- Minetest 5.4: 4c90fdd8d212a1c94a7e9ffad587ef610dcc243b, chat command plugin: bae3cf2cf232a90203677464d83bbffc50be77b1
- Minetest 5.5: dd9e80d6a9a7031c97c64a1979e1e514c092a4cd, chat command plugin: fc27ae7c87be94a39bb9ccb15f2ad0b27fcac76c
- Minetest 5.6: 04705a9129afe3e3f5414af1799667efcc57d3eb, chat command plugin: 4020944da5bce99b878fae4c2d9709f610f4cf6a
- Minetest 5.7: 629d57a651b46539af3ffed36fb0649b3ea6d346, chat command plugin: 718f8defad54adc04ac81f535b6d59c82a13298e
- Minetest 5.8: efeceb162b2fd45994bf09023eea065519b6b89b, chat command plugin: 15c56b8806030984c2cfdc04a5455a366eca44d4
- Minetest 5.9: 143f14722b6c23cebd9a625e517d5988e8330baa, chat command plugin: 86bd26badf51258be23a73bb48e5b55b28aa2c07
- Luanti 5.10: latest
The chat command plugin commit hashes are mainly specified for old proxy
versions that didn't support automatic plugin building and version management
yet. Using the mt-build-plugin
tool should be sufficient, though there may
be API changes preventing the plugin from compiling against an old proxy
version in which case the commit hashes are needed too. Conclusively it's
important to downgrade the plugin to that version if you want it to work with
an old proxy version without automatic plugin building and version management
or if it doesn't compile against old proxy versions anymore.
Development builds aren't supported at all because it would be a monumental maintenance effort. If you have to use one, try the proxy version for its release first and continue with the proxy version for the last release preceeding the development build. If this doesn't work you'll have to edit the code of the proxy yourself.
Development builds may pass the version check performed by the proxy and experience major breakage. This is because the protocol version isn't bumped when a new development phase is started after a release.
It is recommended to explicitly set the GOBIN
environment variable
to a directory that is only used for the proxy binaries, databases
and configuration files.
Go 1.21 or higher is required. Run
export GOBIN=~/.local/share/mt-multiserver-proxy
mkdir -p ${GOBIN}
go install
to download and compile the project. A mt-multiserver-proxy executable will be created in your ${GOBIN} directory. The same command is also used to upgrade to the latest version. You will need to recompile all plugins after upgrading.
In addition to the main mt-multiserver-proxy
binary the following
additional utilities are installed:
- mt-auth-convert: Helper program to convert between authentication database formats.
- mt-build-plugin: Utility for building plugins against the correct proxy version.
You can replace the ...
in the installation command
with any of the binary names to limit installation and updating
to a single executable. This is not recommended, however,
as it can cause version mismatches between them.
Build the following binaries from the proxy repository directory:
go build -race ./cmd/mt-auth-convert
go build -race ./cmd/mt-build-plugin
go build -race ./cmd/mt-multiserver-proxy
Do not move the binaries! Doing so breaks automatic plugin builds.
The proxy can be run in Docker. See doc/ for instructions and details.
Run ${GOBIN}/mt-multiserver-proxy
. The configuration file and other required
files are created automatically in the directory the executable is in,
so make sure to install the executable to the desired location.
Symlinks to the executable will be followed, only the real path matters.
mt-multiserver-proxy reacts to SIGINT, SIGTERM and SIGHUP. It stops listening for new connections, kicks all clients, disconnects from all servers and exits. If some clients aren't responding, mt-multiserver-proxy waits until they have timed out.
The configuration file name and format including a minimal example are described in doc/
All internal servers need to allow empty passwords and must not be reachable from the internet!
It is possible to import existing Minetest authentication databases. See doc/ for details.
The default chat commands can be installed as a plugin.
This proxy supports loading Go plugins. Consult doc/ for details on how to develop or install them.
The proxy can be run in Docker. See doc/ for details.