This package is used for hand-eye calibration. Intel Realsense D455 camera and JAKA MiniCobo manipulator are required.
This package supports a variety of calibration targets, including checkerboard, single ArUco marker, ArUco bundles, single AprilTag marker, AprilTag bundles and ChArUco marker. You can find different types of markers through the links below. You can also use our provided Python scripts to generate custom markers.
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
- Checkerboard
roslaunch hand_eye_calibration checkerboard_start.launch
- Single ArUco marker
roslaunch hand_eye_calibration aruco_single_start.launch
- ArUco bundles
roslaunch hand_eye_calibration aruco_bundle_start.launch
- Single AprilTag marker
roslaunch hand_eye_calibration apriltag_single_start.launch
- AprilTag bundles
roslaunch hand_eye_calibration apriltag_bundle_start.launch
- ChArUco
roslaunch hand_eye_calibration charuco_start.launch
roslaunch hand_eye_calibration robot_start.launch
There are two options for hand-eye calibration: manual and automatic (without human assistance). If you choose the former one, please move the manipulator with your hands during calibration. If you choose the latter one, please predefine the trajectories of the manipulator before calibration.
- Manual
rosrun hand_eye_calibration
- Automatic
rosrun hand_eye_calibration