Note: I just changed OS, from EndeavourOS to Arch. The new dotfiles will be available soon.
Here you can find the dotfiles for my system.
They are not super organized, but it's what I use.
If you have any questions, feel free to message me on LinkedIn.
📸 Screenshots
🔥 Info
- OS: Endeavour
- Window Manager: hyprland
- Terminal: kitty
- Shell: zsh with ohmyzsh and powerlevel10k
- GTK Theme: catppuccin-mocha
- File Manager: thunar
- System Information: neofetch / bashtop
- Top Bar: waybar, the config is based on someone (unfortunately I don't remember who) with some modifications of my own (colors, tray, caffeine, powerbutton...)
- Launcher: rofi
- Login Manager: SDDM with a modified version of sugar candy
- Text Editor: nvim
- Wallpaper Manager: waypaper
- Lock Screen: hyprlock
- Idle Manager: hypridle
- Printscreen Manager: hyprshot
- Color picker: hyprpicker
- Notifications: dunst
🛠️ Installation Script