This module implements observations from the sun as an Object3D model which can be used in a three.js project.
npm i @helioviewer/sun
npx hvsun-install "<install directory>"
will copy the required 3D model to the given location. This
model is required to render the sun.
By default, when you create a new instance of a sun, it will search for the model at resources/models/zit.glb
If you install the models to a different directory, then you can specify the new location in your app via:
import { SunConfig } from "@helioviewer/sun";
SunConfig.model_path = "path/to/model.gltf";
Basic Usage:
// Get start of desired time range
let yesterday = new Date();
yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1);
// Get end of desired time range
let today = new Date();
// Construct the sun object
// 13 => AIA 304
// 86400 => Query images that are 1 day apart (86400 seconds = 1 day)
// renderer.initTexture is optional, if provided, it will preload all textures to the GPU.
let sun = new Sun(
// Add the sun to the scene
sun.position.set(0, 0, 0);
The above code will add a model of the sun to the scene. It queries Helioviewer for the image data to use as textures.
By default, the radius of the sun is 1 three.js unit.
One thing to be aware of while using this module is that only the native javascript date type is used, but all data indexed via UTC time.
When you create a date object with new Date()
, it returns an object
with the current local time. When this date is used to create a sun instance,
this module will call .toISOString()
to get the UTC time for that date.
This will convert the local time to a UTC time based on your current timezone.
This may lead to unexpected behavior if your users are in different time zones
or if your application doesn't provide the expected date.