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Yet another minecraft tech mod that ends with -craft. If you're a fancy developer, you know what you do, you join the chat! Gitter chat IRC: #QuantumCraft :)


Visit the minecraftforum post

GitHub repo


Block ID List Use this when adding new blocks. You too @sammko.

QuantumCraft will add some fun machines and a nice research system into Minecraft.

We would love feedback so just send it on over!

If you find an issue you can either submit it on GitHub which would be the best, fork it fix it and send us a PR, or lastly send us a PM/post on

If you do find a bug we may need you to tell us some more info. The info we will need is here:

  • QC Version
  • Minecraft version
  • Other mods
  • Debug log

The debug log is the most complicated. Go to the DebugHandler.cfg. There will be a debug value, change it to true. Then start up mc and do whatever you did that broke it. When you leave the world there will be a popup with a URL. Give us that URL. Then disable the debug option in the config to keep it from being annoying. We'll then go from there.

If you find a bug and do not report it, it will most likely not get fixed


You MUST have DebugHandler to use this mod! Go here to do the downloads:


If you would like to contact us directly for some reason (I dunno why), you can through either the IRC or minecraftforum.

  • hunterboerner
  • IRC: #QuantumCraft username: hunterb (If I don't respond within 5 minutes, I will most likely not get the message so please send it to me on mc forums so that it does not get lost in the terrible logs of doom)
  • sammko
  • im sammko on minecraftforums, too lazy to find the link
  • IRC: im sometimes on #QuantumCraft and #Minecraftforge. not too often


  • hunterboerner
  • sammko
  • LordFokas
  • wtg62 (art)

We took some of our code from MineFactory Reloaded if you are wondering why things look similar. The reason? He is a much better programmer and makes a good outline and base classes for stuff. Yeah, I have no clue what I am saying, let's hope his license allows this. We also got some code from MrTJP who makes Project: Red We looked at TEX code for examples.

Thanks @RS485 for the in game gui code. That made my life much easier.

Version explanation (no 11vB39Lq versions)

We will be using Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 except anthing before 1.0. If it is 0.x then it means we have not officially released it and will not be considered stable or in anyway complete for playing. Once we get to 1.0 we will start using the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 scheme. I actually have no clue if this makes sense. How 'bout we just say that if it is a 0.x version then we are still working a lot on leveling everything out. Okay?

Helping out with the coding

If you would like to help out with coding, you can fork the branch and do some coding and the whole git routine. We are using git flow for our branching model. Naming for branch: #-Name where # is the ticket number and name is what you are adding I may put some more stuff here eventually. Buildcraft API is required.