👋 Hi, I’m @Hamzah023, I am an honours Co-op Computer Science student at the University of Guelph, minoring in Project Management.
👀 I build software for startups in Toronto. I am trying to connect with venture capitalists, angel investors, and anyone interested in our projects. So if that sounds like you, feel free to connect with me and send me a message!
🌱 My stack is ASP.NET Core, Flask, Spring Boot, Express.js, Selenium, React, Beautiful Soup, Pandas, Numpy, Node.js, Express.js and SQL.
💞️ I have two years of work experience in startups in Health Tech, FinTech, Steel, AI etc.
📫 Reach out to me on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/hamzahimrann/
⚡ Fun fact: The Social Network is my favourite movie. I'm actually listening to the soundtrack while writing this sentence.