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Phoenix DD4Hep

Plugin for DD4Hep that allows to dump trajectories then convert to Phoenix json format.



  1. First one has to build DD4Hep plugin and ensure it is discoverable (e.g. LD_LIBRARY_PATH is pointing on it or it is installed in system libraries)

    git clone
    cd phoenix-dd4hep
    mkdir build && cd build
    # This will create prefix/lib folder after the install
    cmake ..
    make && make install
    # Make sure the library and .components file are discoverable:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(pwd)/prefix/lib${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
  2. Now you need to configure DD4Hep. The plugin comes with a stepping action TextDumpingSteppingAction The configuration is done like:

    # Instantiate the stepping action
    stepping = DDG4.SteppingAction(kernel, 'TextDumpingSteppingAction/MyStepper')
    stepping.OutputFileName = "my_output.txtevt"
    stepping.OnlyPrimary = False   # configure what to save (see below)
    # ... 

    For the convenience an example steering file is enclosed in this project. You can copy it, change the settings and use in simulations by --steeringFile flag:

    cp phoenix-dd4hep/
    ddsim --compactFile=geometry -N=100 --outputFile=sim_output.edm4hep.root --inputFiles sim_input.hepmc   

    This will produce sim_output.txtevt file with simple text file containing steps info

    for large events or e.g. if optical photons are saved, such file could easily be gigabytes in size

  3. Convert resulting text file to phoenix.json format. One can use a script for that

    python3 phoenix-dd4hep/ -o result.phoenix.json sim_output.txtevt

    This will produce tracks file in phoenix json format


So far the next parameters can be configured through python

Run simulation for 10 events

(!) Using *.edm4hep.root in the output is mandatory

ddsim --compactFile=$DETECTOR_PATH/epic.xml -N=100 --outputFile=sim_output.edm4hep.root --inputFiles sim_input.hepmc

Example 10 events

python3 --compactFile=$DETECTOR_PATH/epic.xml -N=10 --outputFile=sim_output.edm4hep.root --inputFiles /mnt/d/data/firebird/pythia8CCDIS_18x275_minQ2-100_beamEffects_xAngle-0.025_hiDiv_1.hepmc

EIC specific example

EIC openly provides docker images as well as sample data. Docker/singularity images aka eic_shell ships all standard HENP stack, such as ROOT, Geant4, DD4Hep, Acts etc.

One can start this example simply by eic_shell or eicweb/eic_xl docker image:

docker pull eicweb/eic_xl:nightly
docker run --rm -it -v /host/where/phoenix-dd4hep:/mnt/phoenix-dd4hep -v /host/place/with/data:/mnt/data eicweb/eic_xl:nightly
# Build dd4hep plugin and install to system root
cd /mnt/phoenix-dd4hep
mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
make && make install 
cd ..

# Make sure the library and .components file are discoverable:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/mnt/phoenix-dd4hep/prefix/lib${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
# Use the default ePIC detector for DD4HEP
source /opt/detector/epic-main/bin/

# Copy example steering file
cp /mnt/phoenix-dd4hep/ /mnt/data/
# edit parameters of /mnt/data/

# Copy example hepmc3 input file
xrdcp root:// /mnt/data/test.hepmc3.tree.root

# Run DDSIM 10 events
ddsim --steeringFile=/mnt/data/ --compactFile=$DETECTOR_PATH/epic.xml -N=10 --outputFile=/mnt/data/sim_output.edm4hep.root --inputFiles /mnt/data/test.hepmc3.tree.root

# Convert to phoenix
python3 -o /mnt/data/result.phoenix.json /mnt/data/sim_output.evt.txt


Display DD4HEP geometries in Phoenix






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