The HCL AppScan command line utility (CLI) is designed to streamline security testing with AppScan on Cloud or AppScan 360°. This tool can be integrated into any CI/CD platform or used independently.
- HCL AppScan on Cloud account or HCL AppScan 360° account.
- API Key and secret for AppScan on Cloud or AppScan 360° authentication. To generate an API key and secret for AppScan on Cloud, see to Generating API Keys. To generate an API key and secret for AppScan 360°, see to Generating API Keys
- An AppScan on Cloud application or an AppScan 360° application.
- A target URL for dynamic scanning.
- Access to appscan-cloud-cli hosted on Maven Central.
- Java 11 or later.
Returns a list of application IDs from AppScan on Cloud.
Usage: getapplications [-hV] --key=<key> --secret=<secret> [COMMAND]
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
--key=<key> [Required] Appscan on Cloud or AppScan 360° API Key
--secret=<secret> [Required] Appscan on Cloud or AppScan 360° API Secret
--serviceUrl=<serviceUrl> [Optional] AppScan Service URL
--acceptssl=BOOLEAN [Optional] Ignore untrusted certificates when connecting to AppScan 360°. Only intended for testing purposes. Not applicable to AppScan on Cloud.
Default: false
help : Display help information about the specified command
For AppScan on Cloud:
java -jar appscan-cloud-cli-1.2.0.jar getapplications --key=<your_api_key> --secret=<your_api_secret>
For AppScan 360°:
java -jar appscan-cloud-cli-1.2.0.jar getapplications --key=<your_api_key> --secret=<your_api_secret> --serviceUrl=<AppScan 360° URL> --acceptssl=false
Configures and initiates a dynamic analysis (DAST) scan on AppScan on Cloud or AppScan 360°, and returns scan results. The CLI lets you know if a scan succeeds or fails based on failure criteria as specified with command options. When the scan is complete, the scan report and scan log zip file are downloaded to the AppScanReports folder. Scan results include a list of pinpointed vulnerabilities, comprehensive analytical documents, and associated URLs.
Usage: invokedynamicscan [-hV] [--allowIntervention]
[--failBuildNonCompliance] [--waitForResults]
--appId=<appId> --key=<key>
[--scanFile=<scanFile>] --scanName=<scanName>
[--scanType=<scanType>] --secret=<secret>
[--trafficFile / --loginSequenceFile=<loginSequenceFile>] [COMMAND]
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
--key=<key> [Required] Appscan on Cloud API Key
--secret=<secret> [Required] Appscan on Cloud API Secret
--appId=<appId> [Required] The HCL AppScan on Cloud application
that this scan will be associated with
--scanName=<scanName> [Required] Specify a name to use for the scan. This
value is used to distinguish this scan and its
results from others.
--target=<target> [Required] Enter the URL from where you want the
scan to start exploring the site.
--scanType=<scanType> [Optional] Mention whether your site is a Staging
site (under development) or a Production site
(live and in use). Valid values : Production,
Default: Production
[Optional] You can reduce scan time by choosing a
balance between speed and issue coverage. Valid
values : Fast, Faster, Fastest, NoOptimization
Default: fast
--emailNotification [Optional] Send the user an email when analysis is
complete. Valid values : true , false
Default: false
[Optional] Specify format for the scan result
report. Valid values : html, pdf, csv, xml.
Default: html
--allowIntervention [Optional] When set to true, our scan enablement
team will step in if the scan fails, or if no
issues are found, and try to fix the
configuration. This may delay the scan result.
This option is valid only for AppScan on Cloud
Default: false
[Optional] For sites not available on the internet,
provide the ID of the AppScan Presence that can
be used for the scan.
--waitForResults [Optional] Suspend the job until the security
analysis results are available.
Default: true
[Optional] Fail the job if one or more issues are
found which are non compliant with respect to the
selected application's policies.
Default: false
--scanFile=<scanFile> [Optional] The path to a scan template file (.scan
or .scant).
Default: null
[Optional] Which Login method do you want to use?
Type None if login not required. Type Automatic
if you want to provide loginUser and password.
Type Manual if you want to specify Login Sequence
File. Valid values : None, Automatic, Manual
Default: None
[Optional] If your app requires login, enter valid
user credentials so that Application Security on
Cloud can log in to the site.
[Optional] If your app requires login, enter valid
user credentials so that Application Security on
Cloud can log in to the site.
--trafficFile, --loginSequenceFile=<loginSequenceFile>
[Optional] Provide a path to the login sequence
file data. Supported file type: CONFIG: AppScan
Activity Recorder file.
Default: null
[Optional] AppScan Service URL
--acceptssl=BOOLEAN [Optional] Ignore untrusted certificates when
connecting to AppScan 360°. Only intended for
testing purposes. Not applicable to AppScan on
Default: false
For AppScan on Cloud:
java -jar appscan-cloud-cli-1.2.0.jar invokedynamicscan --key=<your_api_key> --secret=<your_api_secret>
--appId=<your_asoc_app_id> --scanName=test_scan --target==
For AppScan 360°:
java -jar appscan-cloud-cli-1.2.0.jar invokedynamicscan --key=<your_api_key> --secret=<your_api_secret>
--appId=<your_appscan360_app_id> --scanName=test_scan --target== --serviceUrl=<AppScan 360° URL> --acceptssl=false
help Display help information about the specified command.
failbuildif [Optional] A list of conditions that will fail the build. These
conditions are logically "OR"'d together, so if one of the
conditions is met, the build will fail.
Usage: invokedynamicscan failbuildif [-ci=<arg4>] [-hi=<arg1>] [-li=<arg3>] [-mi=<arg2>] [-ti=<arg0>]
-ci, --criticalissuesgt=<arg4>
Fail build if critical sev issues greater than
-hi, --highissuesgt=<arg1>
Fail build if high sev issues greater than
-li, --lowissuesgt=<arg3>
Fail build if low sev issues greater than
-mi, --medissuesgt=<arg2>
Fail build if medium sev issues greater than
-ti, --totalissuesgt=<arg0>
Fail build if total issues are greater than
For AppScan on Cloud:
java -jar appscan-cloud-cli-1.2.0.jar invokedynamicscan --key=<your_api_key> --secret=<your_api_secret>
--appId=<your_asoc_app_id> --scanName=test_scan --target== failbuildif --highissuesgt 5 --criticalissuesgt 0 --medissuesgt 10 --lowissuesgt 10
For AppScan 360°:
java -jar appscan-cloud-cli-1.2.0.jar invokedynamicscan --key=<your_api_key> --secret=<your_api_secret>
--appId=<your_appscan360_app_id> --scanName=test_scan --target== --serviceUrl=<AppScan 360° URL> --acceptssl=false failbuildif --highissuesgt 5 --criticalissuesgt 0 --medissuesgt 10 --lowissuesgt 10
Returns a list of presence IDs from AppScan on Cloud.
Usage: getpresenceids [-hV] --key=<key> --secret=<secret> [COMMAND]
Get list of presence id's from Appscan on Cloud
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
--key=<key> [Required] Appscan on Cloud API Key
--secret=<secret> [Required] Appscan on Cloud API Secret
java -jar appscan-cloud-cli-1.2.0.jar getpresenceids --key=<your_api_key> --secret=<your_api_secret>
Display help information about the specified command.
If a scanName contains special characters, enclose scanName in double quotes. For exampl : --scanName="Test Rel" or --scanName="Test>Rel".
All files in this project are licensed under Apache License 2.0.