A simple URL generator in Javascript.
To install the stable version:
npm install --save url-routes-generator
This assumes you are using npm as your package manager.
First, register your routes:
import generator from "url-routes-generator";
export const Routes = {
home: params => generator.build("/")(params),
invoices: params => generator.build("/invoices")(params),
invoice: (id, params) => generator.build("/invoices/:id", {id})(params),
sendInvoice: (id, email, params) => generator.build("/invoices/:id/sendto/:email", {id, email})(params),
about: params => generator.build("/about")(params)
A more complex example using a default prefix:
import generator from "url-routes-generator";
const apiGenerator = generator.create({ baseURL: "/api/v1/" });
const Routes = {
home: params => generator.build("/")(params),
about: params => generator.build("/about")(params),
api: {
messages: params => apiGenerator.build("/messages")(params),
message: id => apiGenerator.build("/messages/:id", {id})(),
You can also use full URLs:
import generator from "url-routes-generator";
const externalGenerator = generator.create({ baseURL: "https://help.example.com" });
const Routes = {
faq: () => externalGenerator.build("/faq")()
Then, you can call the Routes object to generate a valid URL.
Following the examples above, you can get the routes by doing:
console.log(Routes.home()); // /
console.log(Routes.about()); // /about
console.log(Routes.invoice(23)); // /invoices/23
console.log(Routes.sendInvoice(23, "[email protected]")); // /invoices/23/sendto/[email protected]
console.log(Routes.invoices({orderBy:"date")); // /about?orderBy=date
console.log(Routes.invoice(23, {print:true, page: 2})); // /invoices/23?print=true&page=2
console.log(Routes.api.messages({ unread: true }); // /api/v1/messages?unread=true
console.log(Routes.api.message(15)); // /api/v1/messages/15
console.log(Routes.faq()); // https://help.example.com/faq
Example usage with react-router:
<Link to={Routes.about()}>About us</Link>
<Link to={Routes.invoice(23)}>Invoice</Link>
<Redirect to={Routes.about({source: "dashboard"})}/>
Example usage with axios:
axios.get(Routes.api.messages()).then( /* ... */ );
axios.get(Routes.api.message(15)).then( /* ... */ );
If you are using react-router, you need to place the route pattern (/invoices/:id
) in the route definition. To get the route pattern, call the route with no params.
<Route exact path={Routes.invoices()} component={Dashboard}/>
<Route path={Routes.invoice()} component={Invoice}/>
You can specify global defaults that will apply to every route.
generator.defaults.baseURL = "/api/v1/";
// Set config defaults when creating the instance
const instance = generator.create({
baseURL: "https://api.example.com"
// Alter defaults after instance has been created
instance.defaults.baseURL = "https://different.api.com";
In 2.x the generator is exported as an object:
import { uri } from "url-routes-generator";
const route = uri("/home")();
import generator from "url-routes-generator";
const route = generator.build("/home")();
Note: using uri
will still work but we encourage the use of generator
starting from version 2.x.
Type declarations are included with the package.
Open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license