A package to faciltate sending alerts to the GlobalNOC AlertMon system.
To run the examples.
- Create a virtualenv and activate it
virtualenv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
- Install this Module
pip install globalnoc-alertmon-agent
- Copy the Example Config File to the config.yaml
cp examples/conf/config.yaml.example examples/conf/config.yaml
- Add the Values for your AlertMon Agent in config.yaml
In this example all active alerts are gathered from an external source and sent to AlertMon.
In this example an http server is started to listen for events POST'd to it. On a regular interval those POST'd events are combined with the current set of active alerts.
- If an OK alerts is POST'd the corresponding active alert is cleared.
- To handle cases where a clear event may have been missed, alerts exceeding some time threshold are also cleared.
Then the full set of alerts are sent to the system.