Buttons have 3 attributes you can use: text, outlined and raised. Read below how you can use them and what does each one.
$ npm i --save gfs-button
<script type="module">
import '@gfsdeliver/gfs-button/gfs-button.js';
<h3>Text buttons</h3>
<gfs-button text class="default">Default</gfs-button>
<gfs-button text class="primary">Primary</gfs-button>
<gfs-button text class="secondary">Secondary</gfs-button>
<gfs-button text disabled>Disabled</gfs-button>
<h3>Outlined buttons</h3>
<gfs-button outlined class="default outlined">Default</gfs-button>
<gfs-button outlined class="primary outlined">Primary</gfs-button>
<gfs-button outlined class="secondary outlined">Secondary</gfs-button>
<gfs-button outlined disabled class="disabled outlined">Disabled</gfs-button>
<h3>Contained buttons</h3>
<gfs-button raised class="default">Default</gfs-button>
<gfs-button raised class="primary">Primary</gfs-button>
<gfs-button raised class="secondary">Secondary</gfs-button>
<gfs-button raised disabled>Disabled</gfs-button>
import { PolymerElement, html } from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';
import '@gfsdeliver/gfs-button/gfs-button.js';
class CustomElement extends PolymerElement {
static get template() {
return html`
<h3>Text buttons</h3>
<gfs-button text class="default">Default</gfs-button>
<gfs-button text class="primary">Primary</gfs-button>
<gfs-button text class="secondary">Secondary</gfs-button>
<gfs-button text disabled>Disabled</gfs-button>
<h3>Outlined buttons</h3>
<gfs-button outlined class="default outlined">Default</gfs-button>
<gfs-button outlined class="primary outlined">Primary</gfs-button>
<gfs-button outlined class="secondary outlined">Secondary</gfs-button>
<gfs-button outlined disabled class="disabled outlined">Disabled</gfs-button>
<h3>Contained buttons</h3>
<gfs-button raised class="default">Default</gfs-button>
<gfs-button raised class="primary">Primary</gfs-button>
<gfs-button raised class="secondary">Secondary</gfs-button>
<gfs-button raised disabled>Disabled</gfs-button>
customElements.define('custom-element', CustomElement);
Property | Description |
text | text button only |
outlined | button with a border and no background color filled |
raised | adds a shadow to the button, not suitable for text buttons |
Custom property | Description | Default |
--gfs-button-color | button font color | --white-color ; |
--gfs-button-bg | button background color | --gfs-main-color ; |
--gfs-button-font-size | button font size | 14px |
--gfs-button-font-family | button font family | "Segoe UI", 'Helvetica Neue' |
--gfs-button-font-weight | button font weight | normal |
--gfs-button-text-transform | button text transform | normal |
--gfs-button-border-radius | border radius of the button | 3px |
--gfs-iron-icon-width | width of the icon | 18px ; |
--gfs-iron-icon-height | height of the icon | 18px ; |
--gfs-iron-icon-fill | fill color of the svg icon | currentcolor ; |
--gfs-iron-icon-stroke | stroke color of the svg icon | none; |
--gfs-button-text-transform | normal |
--gfs-text-default-hover-background | text button only default background on hover | rgba(149, 145, 145, .23) |
--gfs-text-primary-hover-background | text button only primary background on hover | rgba(214, 0, 0, .10) |
--gfs-text-secondary-hover-background | text button only secondary background on hover | rgba(51, 117, 224, .25) |
--gfs-text-disabled-hover-background | text button only disabled background on hover | rgba(168, 168, 168, .3) |
--gfs-outline-default-border | outline style border style for default button | 1px solid rgba(149, 145, 145, 1) |
--gfs-outline-primary-border | outline style border style for primary button | 1px solid rgba(214, 0, 0, 1) |
--gfs-outline-secondary-border | outline style border style for secondary button | 1px solid rgba(51, 117, 224, 1) |
--gfs-outline-disabled-border | outline style border style for disabled button | 1px solid rgba(168, 168, 168, 1) |
--gfs-outline-default-hover-background | outline background color on over for default button | rgba(149, 145, 145, .23) |
--gfs-outline-primary-hover-background | outline background color on over for primary button | rgba(214, 0, 0, .10) |
--gfs-outline-secondary-hover-background | outline background color on over for secondary button | rgba(51, 117, 224, .25) |
--gfs-outline-disabled-hover-background | outline background color on over for disabled button | rgba(168, 168, 168, .3) |
--default-button | mixin styles for default button | |
--primary-button | mixin styles for primary button | |
--secondary-button | mixin styles for secondary button |