"A goal without a plan is just a wish" - Larry Elder
Glenn's DukePro only has 3 prerequisites:
- Knows English
- Have things to do
- Not be LAZY
Prerequisites: JDK 11.
All you need to do to set it up:
- Download it from here
- Choose where you want to save your progress on your desktop
- Add todos, events, deadlines
- You can also mark task, unmark tasks, delete task or even find all the task with a particular name
- Enjoy using 😄
Things you can do in the list:
- todo
- event
- deadlines
- mark
- unmark
- delete
- list
- find
- help
- examples
- set reminder
- set recurring events
Examples to type in: (where "work" can be replaced with anything you want as well as the dates and timings)
- todo: todo work
- deadline: deadline work /by 2023-02-17
- event: event work /from Tuesday 5pm /to 8pm
- mark: mark 1
- unmark: unmark 1
- delete: delete 1
- find: find work
- list: list
- help: /help
- examples: /examples