Releases: GleamTech/DocumentUltimate
DocumentUltimate v4.0.8
Version 4.0.8 - June 25, 2018
Fixed: "Error encoding a Flate stream" error when converting or viewing DWG with HighQualityEnabled enabled.
DWG to PDF was fine but PDF to XPZ failed with this error. -
Improved: Improved stability, accuracy for Spreadsheet formats.
Improved: Documentation.
Included example projects:
- ASP.NET WebForms (C#)
- ASP.NET WebForms (VB)
- ASP.NET Core (C#)
DocumentUltimate v4.0.5
Example projects for WebForms (C#), WebForms (VB), MVC (C#) and MVC (VB) are included.
Version 4.0.5 - June 14, 2018
Fixed: When converting some JPEG files to PDF via DocumentConverter, you would see "There was an error while
reading a stream." error when opening the generated PDF with Acrobat Reader. However, the issue did not happen
when using DocumentViewer to view the JPEG file (conversion to XPZ was sucessful) or when viewing the generated
PDF with Chrome's internal PDF viewer.
The problem was that JPEG file was embedded as it is (no re-encoding) into the PDF file and if that JPEG file's
original encoding was not PDF spec compatible, you would get that error. Now ensured re-encoding all image formats
even if they are allowed in PDF spec like JPEG so that they are guaranteed to open in all PDF viewers. -
Improved: Improved stability, accuracy for Portable, Presentation, Spreadsheet and ProjectManagement formats.
DocumentUltimate v4.0.0
Example projects for WebForms (C#), WebForms (VB), MVC (C#) and MVC (VB) are included.
Version 4.0.0 - May 22, 2018
Added: "ASP.NET Core on .NET Framework" support. ASP.NET Core uses a completely new web engine different than
System.Web but now you can use GleamTech products on both classic ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core with the same net40 DLL
as we abstracted classes like HttpContext, HttpRequest and HttpResponse etc. and we implemented a Middleware for
mimicking HttpModule and HttpHandler. So our DLL auto-magically works regardless of whether you are running
under classic ASP.NET or ASP.NET Core. Note that "ASP.NET Core on .NET Core" is a different platform and it's not
supported yet because it requires porting all the code from .NET Framework runtime to .NET Core runtime so it
requires a new DLL and .NET Core runtime does not provide all of the APIs yet. Minimum supported version is
ASP.NET Core MVC 2.0.3 on .NET Framework 4.6.1 (this is because 2.0.3 fixes a bug related to referencing
external DLLs in a razor page). -
Added: New example project for "ASP.NET Core on .NET Framework", please refer to it for info on sample usage.
Also updated docs with Getting Started article for the new platform. -
Changed: License keys are changed so please go to and acquire a new license
key if you want to use this version (or higher). If your one year maintenance has not ended, you will receive a
new free license key on the same page. -
Improved: Improved stability, accuracy for Portable, Presentation and Spreadsheet formats.
DocumentUltimate v3.16.0
Example projects for WebForms (C#), WebForms (VB), MVC (C#) and MVC (VB) are included.
Version 3.16.0 - April 20, 2018
Improved: Improved stability, accuracy and restored conversion performance (was slower since v3.14.0) for
WordProcessing and Presentation formats. -
Improved: Improved stability, accuracy for Spreadsheet and ProjectManagement formats.
Added: New HtmlOutputOptions class for specifying if the images and/or css should be exported as separate files.
By default these resources were embedded to produce a single html file, now it's possible to export separate files.
Currently it works when converting to Html from WordProcessing, Spreadsheet and Presentation formats. -
Fixed: DocumentViewer or DocumentConverter could not load most of the .svg files. It failed with the
"The image is not a raster image" error. -
Changed: Removed DocumentFormat.Xml (SpreadsheetML - Excel 2003 XML Spreadsheet) as .xml extension is
widely used for text files. So now by default .xml files will be treated as plain text files and DocumentViewer
will be able to display them. -
Fixed: When passing the same OutputOptions instance to DocumentConverter instance multiple times, it was using
the initial detected format (from file extension) for consecutive conversions. So encapsulated
input and output changing values especially Format property in new InputContext and OutputContext classes.
DocumentUltimate v3.15.6
Example projects for WebForms (C#), WebForms (VB), MVC (C#) and MVC (VB) are included.
Version 3.15.6 - April 11, 2018
- Fixed: Handler routing was not working (HTTP 404) in ASP.NET Development Server included in Visual Studio 2010
due to how it handled Request.PathInfo differently from IIS/IIS Express.
DocumentUltimate v3.15.5
Example projects for WebForms (C#), WebForms (VB), MVC (C#) and MVC (VB) are included.
Version 3.15.5 - April 7, 2018
Fixed: In some cases, ASP.NET's UrlRoutingModule was still taking over the handlers (HTTP 404) after
the new own routing was added in v3.15.0. This is now completely fixed.
For reference, it was avoidable with v3.15.0 via adding the below line at the start of RegisterRoutes method
in RouteConfig.cs (of MVC project):routes.IgnoreRoute("{resource}.ashx/{*pathInfo}")
Now, this is not required anymore starting with this version.
Added: New property DocumentViewer.DocumentFormat. By default, the format is determined from the file extension
but you can use this property when you don't have an extension or when you need to override the format determined
from the extension. Refer to DocumentViewer.DocumentFormat property in the updated docs for more details. -
Added: New property DocumentViewer.DocumentLocation. By default, the file is considered on disk but you can use
this property to load files from any of the supported file systems like UNC paths with password, Amazon S3
and Azure Blob. Refer to DocumentViewer.DocumentLocation property in the updated docs for more details. -
Improved: Newer versions of Cad formats (AutoCad 2018) is now supported.
DocumentUltimate v3.15.0
Example projects for WebForms (C#), WebForms (VB), MVC (C#) and MVC (VB) are included.
Version 3.15.0 - March 30, 2018
Fixed: Document Viewer and Converter was broken ("engine not found" errors) in v3.14.0 due to obfuscation.
Fixed: When file with an unspported file extension was set to DocumentViewer.Document property,
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error was shown instead of the supposed explanatory message. -
Added: Implemented own routing for better CMS compatibility (e.g. SiteFinity, DotNetNuke)
CMSs usually take over and clear System.Web.Routing.RouteTable so as a result resource and component handlers
were not accessible (HTTP 404 errors) unless you called DocumentUltimateWebConfiguration.RestoreRoutes method.
Removed DocumentUltimateWebConfiguration.RestoreRoutes method as it's no longer necessary. -
Improved: DocumentViewer always supported IE 9 or above but since v3.8 it was not showing warning message when
IE version was older (only errors were logged in browser console). Now it will notify the user with a message box,
e.g when run on IE 8 (e.g. "Minimum supported version of Internet Explorer is 9..."). -
Improved: Improved stability for Word-Processing file formats.
DocumentUltimate v3.14.0
Example projects for WebForms (C#), WebForms (VB), MVC (C#) and MVC (VB) are included.
Version 3.14.0 - March 24, 2018
Fixed: Word-Processing and Presentation file format support:
Some DOCX files were causing infinite loop and failing to convert or display.
PPT/PPTX files with asian fonts were causing an error on some machines and failing to convert or display.
Fixed: "Any word" search still did not find results when keywords had more than 1 hyphen in-between (e.g. "24-3-2018").
DocumentUltimate v3.13.0
Example projects for WebForms (C#), WebForms (VB), MVC (C#) and MVC (VB) are included.
Version 3.13.0 - March 16, 2018
Fixed: Some issues with the search features that were added in 3.12.0:
"Any words" search did not find results when keywords had hyphens in-between.
"Any words" search would hang (infinite loop) when one of the words was a single hyphen.
A subsequent search in the viewer (without reloading the document) with new criteria where
no results are returned did not clear any of the highlights (yellow and orange both) from
the previous successful search.
Improved: Updated DocumentViewer icons with better ones and hopefully fixed "gibberish font icon" issue
which was supposed to be fixed back in 3.11.0 but was still being observed though not frequently as before. -
Fixed: When using DocumentSource with a byte array or stream, if the input document was PDF,
Download action would fail with error "downloadError". This was because the original copy in DocumentCache was
being replaced with the generated one. -
Added: DocumentViewer.DocumentHandlerParameters property for a better solution to pass multiple parameters
to your IDocumentHandler implementation. Added DocumentHandlerParameters parameter to the methods of
IDocumentHandler interface so you should update GetInfo and OpenRead signatures in your implementation.
Refer to DocumentViewer.DocumentHandlerParameters property in the updated docs for more details.
DocumentUltimate v3.12.0
Example projects for WebForms (C#), WebForms (VB), MVC (C#) and MVC (VB) are included.
Version 3.12.0 - March 12, 2018
Added: Better auto full text search and highlight feature. New SearchOptions property replaces
HighlightedKeywords and HighlightedColor properties and offers more advanced options like MatchOptions.
SearchOptions settings are also reflected as default values in the UI.
If you specify SearchOptions.Term, an automatic search will be done when the document is displayed, i.e.
the specified term will be searched and results with clickable positions will be listed
on the left pane and the term will be highlighted in the pages.
For example, if you launch the document viewer from a search results page, you can pass the same
search term to the viewer.Usage example which demonstrates auto searching term "bicycle bells" with MatchAnyWord option:
documentViewer.SearchOptions.Term = "bicycle bells"; documentViewer.SearchOptions.MatchOptions = MatchOptions.MatchAnyWord;
or in WebForms:
<GleamTech:DocumentViewerControl ID="DocumentViewerControl" runat="server" SearchOptions-Term="bicycle bells" SearchOptions-MatchOptions="MatchAnyWord" />
In this example "bicycle bells" or "bicycle" or "bells" keywords will be highlighted and displayed in search results.
API changes:
HighlightedKeywords="keyword" -> SearchOptions-Term="keyword"
documentViewer.SearchOptions.Term = "keyword" -
HighlightedColor="red" -> SearchOptions-HighlightColor="red"
documentViewer.SearchOptions.HighlightColor = Color.Red