DocumentUltimate v4.0.0
Example projects for WebForms (C#), WebForms (VB), MVC (C#) and MVC (VB) are included.
Version 4.0.0 - May 22, 2018
Added: "ASP.NET Core on .NET Framework" support. ASP.NET Core uses a completely new web engine different than
System.Web but now you can use GleamTech products on both classic ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core with the same net40 DLL
as we abstracted classes like HttpContext, HttpRequest and HttpResponse etc. and we implemented a Middleware for
mimicking HttpModule and HttpHandler. So our DLL auto-magically works regardless of whether you are running
under classic ASP.NET or ASP.NET Core. Note that "ASP.NET Core on .NET Core" is a different platform and it's not
supported yet because it requires porting all the code from .NET Framework runtime to .NET Core runtime so it
requires a new DLL and .NET Core runtime does not provide all of the APIs yet. Minimum supported version is
ASP.NET Core MVC 2.0.3 on .NET Framework 4.6.1 (this is because 2.0.3 fixes a bug related to referencing
external DLLs in a razor page). -
Added: New example project for "ASP.NET Core on .NET Framework", please refer to it for info on sample usage.
Also updated docs with Getting Started article for the new platform. -
Changed: License keys are changed so please go to and acquire a new license
key if you want to use this version (or higher). If your one year maintenance has not ended, you will receive a
new free license key on the same page. -
Improved: Improved stability, accuracy for Portable, Presentation and Spreadsheet formats.