This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 6, 2023. It is now read-only.
v0.4 (for BRAT) - search result dragging, code blocks, header section children, bug fixes
Latestv0.4 - search result dragging, code blocks, header section children, bug fixes
- drag search result items.
- Regular copy if no modifier key.
- Create Block ref if Alt + Drag.
- code block drag and drop.
- Move, copy and block ref are all options for code blocks.
- Select any line within the code block to drag and it will grab the entire code block
- dragging header will bring with it all its children blocks including children header sections.
- shift + drag will copy it
- drag without modifier key will move it
- alt + drag will create header embed reference link
- Optimized block refs for multi line blocks where no matter which line you drag, it will create the block ref at end of last line
- added a “ghost element” that follows the drag cursor of Search results being dragged, showing the text/content being dragged.
- Also icon indicating whether move, copy or block ref so you no what action you are performing
- Will implement to regular dragging between markdown files next release