Find My House is an apartment finder, which features the service of calculating commuting time by public transport, and helps commuters find the ideal apartment.
Website URL:
Demo Account
- Account: [email protected]
- Password: demo
Drag the pin to set the office location. Modify the options to fit the user's need.
- Time Period:
- The time period user commutes
- Commute Time:
- The commute time expected to spend every day
- Transit Mode
- Supported transits:
- Taipei Metro system
- Bus network of Greater Taipei Area
- Supported transits:
- Maximum Walking Distance
- The maximum distance commuters willing to walk, including the following:
- from the apartment to the first transit station
- walking distance during transfer
- from the last transit station to office
- The maximum distance commuters willing to walk, including the following:
- House Type
- Budget
- Other Preference
- Basic House Info
- Life Function Nearby
- link to specific house on 591 offical website
- Runtime: Node.js
- Framework: Express
- OS: Linux
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Crawler with Python
- Crontab
- MongoDB
- Directional Graph
- Priority Queue with Binary Heap
- Dijkstra Algorithm
- Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
- Relational Database Service (RDS)
- Elasticache for Redis
- Google Maps APIs (DrawingManager)
- Public Transport Data Exchange (PTX)
- Domain Name System (DNS)
- Nginx
- Mocha
- RESTful APIs
- Design Pattern: MVC
- Version Control: Git & GitHub
- Scrum: Trello
- Linter: Prettier
Gideon Pan @ [email protected]