This is a self-hosted micro-service that allows you to send emails using your own GMail account. It is hosted in your Google Cloud Project and requires almost no configuration. It is perfect for quick prototyping where you need to send out e-mail via a POST request without the hassle of setting up new accounts etc.
This setup assumes you don't have a Google Cloud Project or Google App Password yet. If you do just skip ahead to the Deploy section.
- Create a new Google Cloud Project at
- Enable the Google Cloud Run API at
- Configure your Google Cloud Project locally:
- Install Google Cloud SDK:
- Login to your Google Cloud Account:
gcloud auth login
- Create a Project Config:
gcloud config configurations create {{ ANY_NAME }}
- Activate the new Project Config:
gcloud config configurations activate {{ ANY_NAME }}
- Set the Account:
gcloud config set account {{ GOOGLE_CLOUD_EMAIL }}}
- Set the Project ID:
gcloud config set project {{ PROJECT_ID }}
The service works with Google Gmail so in order to use it you need to get an App Password from Google. You can do that here: (note that this requires 2FA to be enabled on your account).
- Select "Other (Custom name)" from the dropdown
- Give it a name (e.g. "micro-service-email")
- Copy the generated password for later
The service requires the following environment variables to be set:
- Your Gmail address (e.g.[email protected]
- The App Password you generated above (e.g.abc123def456
- A random string that will be used to secure the service (e.g.abc123def456
)- You can generate one here for example:
These variables will be attached directly to the deployment in the next section.
There is two options to deploy to cloud run:
- The Google Cloud Registry (GCR) image
- Build your own image from the Dockerfile in this repo.
- Deploy the service to Cloud Run:
gcloud run deploy micro-service-email \
--image \
--platform managed \
--region us-central1 \
--allow-unauthenticated \
First we'll build the image locally and test it, then we'll push it to GCR and deploy it to Cloud Run.
- Build the image:
docker build -t micro-service-email .
- Test the image:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e GMAIL_USER={{ GMAIL_USER }} -e GMAIL_APP_PASSWORD={{ GMAIL_APP_PASSWORD }} -e API_KEY={{ API_KEY }} micro-service-email
- Send a test request:
curl --location '' \
--header 'x-api-key: {{ API_KEY }}' \
--form 'subject="{{ TEST_SUBJECT }}"' \
--form 'body="{{ TEST_CONTENT (HTML) }}"' \
--form 'to="{{ TO_EMAIL }}"'
- Activate Google Container Registry API
- Configure Docker:
gcloud auth configure-docker
- Rebuild the image for the Google Platform:
docker build -t micro-service-email . --platform=linux/amd64
- Tag the image:
docker tag micro-service-email{{ PROJECT_ID }}/micro-service-email
- Push the docker image to the path defined by your tag above (need to be identical):
docker push{{ PROJECT_ID }}/micro-service-email
- You can check whether the artifact was uploaded successfully by navigating to and selecting your project
- Deploy the service to Cloud Run
gcloud run deploy micro-service-email \
--image{{ PROJECT_ID }}/micro-service-email \
--platform managed \
--region us-central1 \
--allow-unauthenticated \
Once the service is deployed you can send emails by sending a POST request to the /send-email
endpoint. The request must contain the following headers:
- The API key you defined in the environment variables
curl --location 'https://{{ CLOUD_RUN_ADDRESS }}' \
--header 'x-api-key: {{ API_KEY }}' \
--form 'subject="{{ TEST_SUBJECT }}"' \
--form 'body="{{ TEST_CONTENT (HTML) }}"' \
--form 'to="{{ TO_EMAIL }}"'