A 2KB zero dependency plugin for multimedia tooltips which move with the cursor.
Add the content you'd like in the tippet with the "data-tippet" attribute. This content will be parsed as HTML.
<span data-tippet="Im a tippet!">Hover me</span>
Adding a tippet with an image would look like this:
<span data-tippet="<img src='image.png'>Im a tippet with an image!">Hover me</span>
When dynamically adding data-tippet attributes or elements with a tippet, make sure to use the update function:
newlyCreatedElement.setAttribute('data-tippet', 'Dynamically added!');
You might want to change the content/style of a tippet while it's visible. The inject method accepts new content and an object for CSS styles:
tippet.inject('Injected content', {
'background-color': 'red'
The init function can accept values 'background' for background-color
and 'text' for color
//white background with black text
background: '#fff',
text: '#000'